That means no revisionist history/justification of war crimes, no slurs/nazi salutes, and no brainless kancolle hating that everyone's heard before. Maybe I should make a blogspot or something to hold these instead? You are also allowed to refresh the entire set once per server day (i.e. Games Movies TV Video. ), but not everyone is and tunneling on stuka regardless of use case just because it activates Graf's skill is not necessary. Average until W12 and Very High afterwards. Like most HMS CA she has good weaponry and a good skill bolted onto a fragile frame, and the purple CA (11 Oil) price tag is nasty... especially when Leander Kai would do most of her job for much cheaper (8 Oil). Barely anyone on this subreddit tags NSFW when they should. Should I use the Algerie gun as my main ⦠Comic TL only applies to posts that are comics and have some interaction in dialogue (not just a few words or a sentence). Very high. Her Kai is more of a slight upgrade than a massive change, with her skill being middling at best, but the extra stats are appreciated nonetheless. While less offensive work is permitted, always mark as NSFW if you are unsure. ), [General Purpose] Prototype 203mm Type 3 Mounted Gun (vs Light), Twin 203mm Main Zaragun (vs Medium), Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun SKC (vs Heavy); 138.6mm; 40mm Quad Bofors; Research Hydraulic Gear; Toolbox. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Comics must have some interaction in dialogue. Me-155A does the job perfectly fine for general use, esp outside of Op Siren. [â]sentientspacepotato 3 points4 points5 points 25 days ago (0 children). If you can hang on until her retrofit though, and you should, you get one of the absolute best CAs in the game - consistent, useful and powerful (in this order), London Kai augments any fleet she's in and shreds adds like few others can while enjoying okay survivability. That's very odd... Her complement of 6 fighters and 2 dive bombers is tailor-made to make enemy plane formations' lives hell, but there are barely any (if at all) planes on the stretch leading to W12 and her surface DPS is somewhat lacking; nevertheless, she's a very cheap way to bolster your Air Control value and her lighter payloads will still do work against adds. OC art is exempt from 24h rule. In whatever browser you're using, switch to the desktop site to just load the full image, because imgur is garbage. Upon main gun fire, 30% chance to double the volley damage. Triple 410mm Prototype (10th Year Type) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. Phoenix offers exceptional healer-free staying power at a bargain and that's relevant throughout the game, although if the going gets tough (or you want to clear faster), you'll want to tag in Minneapolis instead. None, collection aside. (Kai), [General Purpose] SB2C Helldiver; Ryusei; Twin 40mm STAAG; Hydraulic Catapult; Homing Beacon, [Poverty] SB2C Helldiver or JU87 Stuka; Tenzan; 40mm Quad Bofors; Hydraulic Catapult; Hydraulic Catapult. Triple 203mm Prototype (SK C/34) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. Not everyone wants to read a wall of text just to find an art source. [â]ayayayaya_is_cute[S] 0 points1 point2 points 25 days ago* (0 children), it's cheaper to make and doesn't matter much either way, not like seaplanes contribute to damage meaningfully regardless. à¸à¹à¸à¹ Triple 203mm (SK C/34 Prototype) à¸à¸£à¸°à¸ªà¸¸à¸ AP . Azur Lane is a side-scrolling shooter created by Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi, originally released in 2017 for iOS and Android platforms. And I'd certainly rather craft them in the Gear lab than Ryuuseis, [â]ayayayaya_is_cute[S] 10 points11 points12 points 26 days ago (0 children). boorus). Objective(s): Defeat all the targets (0/1) Defeat all the bosses (0/3) St. Louis will engage your fleet alone but defeating her is not necessary since the main targets are the three MPVs behind her. All Roombas!" Upon battle start and on a 30% chance every 15s, creates a smokescreen (+40% Evasion Rate while inside) for 5s. (Kai), [General Purpose] Ryusei; SB2C Helldiver; SB2C Helldiver; Hydraulic Catapult; Homing Beacon, [Poverty] Tenzan; SB2C Helldiver or JU87 Stuka; SB2C Helldiver or JU87 Stuka; Hydraulic Catapult; Homing Beacon. Others are the same. Low. 3 Art posts: Titles must include ship names, Sources must be linked, one per 24 hours. Before dev lv30: Twin 381mm, Triple 152mm Prototype/Triple 155mm, HPFCR, SG radar. DO THIS. I would think that AA is more of a concern than ever with the new concealment mechanics. High, both as a 0LB bubblewrap for cheap early-game map farming and as a MLB Kai mini-tank for Hardmode locks and later-game map farming. None, collection aside. [â]syandathat guy from discord 3 points4 points5 points 25 days ago (4 children), [â]SeriVolk 0 points1 point2 points 25 days ago (3 children). Increases experience gained by CV/L by 15%, Increases Reload for CVL by 15%, does not stack with other command skills that have similar effect. Battleship/Battlecruiser Guns Guide. Maybe I'll replace them with s-ul uploads, [â]type_EAnd Iâll whisper âDonât you see?â 0 points1 point2 points 25 days ago (1 child). How do i make the pictures bigger on mobile? Wikis. Base ID: 33100 CN: è¯ä½åä¸èè£
310mmä¸»ç® JP: 試ä½åä¸é£è£
310mmç ² KR: ìì í 3ì°ì¥ 310mm í¬ EN: Prototype Triple 310mm Main ⦠Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Unlike the AP Proto SKC vs regular SKC (Eugen gun) comparison, this gun has significant advantage over other HE options. Algerie should use triple 203mm SK/C aka Roon gun, she doesn't have any HE ammo buff like Sanrui, while Sanrui gets the HE gun On a small note: Setting ship on fire is BB's main job as they have a 50% chance to set fire while CAs by default only have 8% chance (Sanrui is 5%). When HP falls under 20%, heals 25% of max HP once per battle, 60% chance to activate every 20 seconds, increase own Reload by 40% for 10 seconds (Kai), [General Purpose] 138.6mm; 533mm quintuple conventional torpedoes; 40mm Quad Bofors; Toolbox; Toolbox, [Poverty] 120mm twin; 533mm quadruple conventional torpedoes; 40mm Quad Bofors; Toolbox; Toolbox. ... ã»Sample Triple 203mm Main Gun T0 ã»Sample Triple 150mm Main Gun (SK C/25) T0 ã»Sample 381mm Mounted Gun T0 All five are refreshed upon finishing a project. All they do is stop fireships well and craterise hard targets; it ain't much, but it's honest work and do you really need more for now? Similarly, don't post fanfics/RP in other people's art posts, not everyone wants to read about your OC character. This page was last edited on 27 July 2018, at 22:06. This includes posts showcasing dakimuras disguised as Art posts. Do not post fanfics/RP in your art posts, make a separate thread for it. Trophy posts will net you a 1 day ban. Breaking this rule will result in a 7 day ban. 9 No Reposts or Extremely Low-Effort Content. Upon Main Gun fire, 30% chance to deal +100% damage; upon destroying an enemy unit, gain 1 stack of +1.5% Acc up to a total of 8 stacks. Triple 203mm (8"/55 Mk 15) | Azur Lane Wiki | Fandom. AA is often left out of consideration for triple CV setups for Hiryuu raids. Reposting art in particular will, in most cases, get you a temp ban. Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun The best HE CA gun as of now. Please only flair as Comic TL if you're the translator or typesetter or both (if not just flair as art). It can certainly be an important factor in your decision to do so though and the Stuka is very strong, I crafted one for the accuracy improvement and it's done very well. She does remain very cheap, though, and fits snugly in those CL hardmode locks. Triple 203mm Prototype (Mle 1934) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Hopefully the guide helps you make more informed decisions re: your hard-earned Operation Siren materials, as well as maybe teach you a little bit more about the game's mechanics in general. Pages in category "Equipment" The following 168 pages are in this category, out of 168 total. Roon gun = PR1 Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun (SK C) Cleveland gun = Twin 150mm Main Gun (TbtsK C/36) Triomphant gun = Single 138.6mm Main Gun (Mle 1929) Wales gun = Quadruple 356mm Main Gun. The quintessential Glass Cannon, Chicago is deceptively fragile (being one of the poster girls for 'CAs not necessarily being tanks') and unassumingly devastating due to the maths involved in her skill - if she procs on her first salvo, the buff affects the second one too, meaning that that all in all her actual double damage procrate is 49%! Azur Lane [EN] - 40 Wisdom Cubes for Lunar New Year! ï¼ KR: ìì í 203mm ì°ì¥í¬ (3í¸) EN: Prototype 203mm (Type 3) Mounted Gun Comic TL still has to follow art rules. 2 points3 points4 points 25 days ago (0 children). the certain purple gear just refers to the tendency that T2 purples with T3 gold counterparts tend to get outclassed by T3 purples in the same category Some projects require you to complete an objective. Upon taking damage, 8% chance to halve that damage. She won't hit as often as Wichita or as hard as Chicago, but she's cheap, damn hard to kill and consistent. There are a lot of BBarragers out there, either more powerful or more useful than she is and not a lot more expensive, so you'll probably phase her out; she does remain the cheapest of the bunch, however, and a solid pick regardless. (Kai), Once retrofitted, can mount DD guns instead of torpedoes. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. As it is for Phoenix, they are best used in mobbing fleets. [â]S0U1meme 9 points10 points11 points 26 days ago (6 children). [General Purpose] 406MK6 (vs Light) or Prototype Triple 410mm Mounted Gun (vs Medium/Heavy); 128SKC; Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG; Type 1 Shell; SHS Shell, [Poverty] 406MK6; 128SKC; 40mm Quad Bofors; Type 91 Shell; Autoloaders (mobs). Exceptional HP, twice the base Evasion other CAs get once you get her the appropriate retrofit nodes, good Firepower and high AA: in a similar fashion to Cleveland, her stats alone justify her rating and the skills are just window dressing, with the Indianapolis-related buff in particular being wholly irrelevant (as her sister is way too weak to be worth consideration). Efficiency stays 160%. High inherent modifier (130%) coupled with favorable firing pattern (1x3). it depends on where your priorities lie, what content you're doing, etc. Heavy Cruiser Main Gun. Is mine glitched. as the guide says it depends on whether you prefer a little bit of damage or AA/takeoff, but one (Suisei) costs gold electronics components, the other (Kyoufuu) does not. A Sandy or Cheshire would be better for VG than Sirius if they can keep the CVs undetected. Do you like what Takao does? it's better for bossing of course, as has been mentioned everywhere. Stock London isn't particularly worth writing home about. Often unfairly overlooked but there's few better Torp-CAs, especially at their cost. Triple 203mm (Mle 1934 Prototype) | Azur Lane Wiki | Fandom. Weird, does imgur not allow hotlinking any more? It might be a CN server thing, like how even this guide is like "Oops! (Kai), [Poverty] 406MK6; 128SKC; 40mm Quad Bofors; Type 91 Shell; Autoloader (mobs) or SG Radar (boss). Please use them, especially if you're a new player. Dev lv30: I prefer purple 410mm as her main gun. Be grateful to the author and thank you for translating this! (Kai), [Manual Only (ie. as you should use her)] 120mm Main Gun single; 610mm quadruple conventional torpedoes; 40mm Quad Bofors; Oxytorp; Oxytorp, [General Purpose] 120mm twin; 533mm quintuple conventional torpedoes; 40mm Quad Bofors; Toolbox; Oxytorp, [Poverty] 120mm twin; 533mm quadruple conventional torpedoes; 20mm Twin Oerlikon; Toolbox; Toolbox.
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