What's more, the system receives regular software updates, ensuring it's always compatible with the latest smartphones. There is a company in the UK that offers to add a second Bosch battery … However, it only has the 400Wh battery and on my 18 mile commute I need to pay attention so I don't run out out of juice. Thanks to our Full Integrated Battery technology, the sky‘s the limit for our designers when developing new frame concepts. Bosch eBike Crank Arms. The company will also offer a 400 Wh battery … 888 715 3616. Occasionally clean and lightly grease the plug terminals. 30 to 60% charge statuscycles, Parking the eBike in the shade or a cool location, Storage at over 30 °C ambient temperature, Prolonged storage in a completely charged or completely discharged state. CADENCE Cadences above 50 revolutions per minute optimize the efficiency of the drive unit. 3,5 kg + 1 x approx. Charging with the Fast Charger is quicker, with only 1 hour needed to half-charge the PowerTube 500 and PowerPack 500 – the perfect solution when on the road – and only three hours to fully recharge these battery packs. Please Note: Retrofitting is not compatible with non DualBattery bikes, this has to be done in-house by our specialist eBike technicians with access to diagnostics to reformat the bike. Diskutiere Bosch Dual Battery CAN-Bus-Umschalter im Bosch Forum im Bereich Fertig-Pedelecs; Hallo, hier gibt es doch hier CAN-Bus Spezialisten für Bosch Akkus. The PB360C also features four 120-Volt power outlets for connecting tools or other devices. For frequent travel in the cold, it is advisable to use thermal protective covers. A charge cycle refers to the full recharging of a battery in a single charging session or several partial charging sessions. Das Bosch Dual Battery System verfügt über zwei Anschlussbuchsen, welche nur mit den folgenden Artikeln kombiniert werden können: Like every lithium-ion battery, a Bosch rechargeable battery also ages over time, even if you do not use it. STORAGE DURING WINTERStore the batteries in a dry location at temperatures between 0 and 20 °C. A combination of the Bosch PowerTube battery and frame battery is used on the Charger. instead of just Riese & Muller haven all the crumpet!!! Sealed battery covers protect against dirt and water ingress yet are easy to remove for charging. anbauen aber frage mich wo ich den 2. You then switch to a higher gear in accordance with the terrain and speed. Hey all, was riding my Bosch powered bike on commute today. INSPECTIONUsing a diagnostic unit, the dealer can check the health status of the eBike, especially the battery, and tell you the number of charging cycles. Note that 2 batteries will add considerably more weight to the bike, usually around 7lbs, and … The ideal charge status for lengthy periods of storage is approx. Akku befestigen kann und wo die Kabel dann in den Rahmen gehen. it is not something you can do on the trail very quickly, so if you want multiple batteries, you need 2 of the same. The frame battery sits on the down tube in which the InTube battery is located. The result? On the Homage, two Bosch PowerTube batteries are integrated in the down tube. A guide to e-bike batteries. STORAGETemperatures below -10 °C and above 60 °C should be avoided. Built around Bosch's smooth and powerful fourth-generation Cargo Line drive system, and powered by a pair of powerful 500Wh batteries for extended range, its large cargo box is capable of holding a variety of loads safely and securely. Half way, during a break, I was checking on number of hours used, and then powered off to reset and restart. Thank you for your understanding. Clogged city streets can make moving loads tricky - but that's where the Cargo Hybrid Dual can help. Dual-Bevel Glide miter saw that features a smooth cutting motion, accurate performance and a space-saving design of the Bosch-exclusive Axial-Glide system; Pre-aligned SquareLockfences help the saw maintain precision throughout its life £94.99 In Stock. £39.99 In Stock. CLEANING & CARE Cleaning with a direct water jet is impermissible, in particular to protect the electronic components. Bosch eBike Extended Length Crank Bolts. For our statistics and further development. RECHARGEABLE BATTERY & TEMPERATUREWith decreasing temperature, the efficiency of a rechargeable battery goes down, since the electrical resistance increases. The in-frame charging option also comes as standard on all e-bikes. Before I invest in a 500Wh battery pack I wanted to see if maybe paying a little extra for the Y-cable and a rack with a 500Wh battery would allow me to retrofit my bike to a dual battery setup with a total of 900Wh. Alle Rechte 2,8 kg), approx. Please select your preferred language below: Storage at a temperature between 0 and 20 °C, Storage at approx. £3.99 In Stock. The Bosch system uses smart batteries that 'talk' to the motor and control system. Before cleaning, remove the battery. Refill your energy tank in no time Charge times and service life. CHARGINGThe battery should be charged under dry conditions and at room temperature. The Bosch battery, or ‘Power Pack’ as Bosch likes to call it, has increased from 400 Watt-hours to 500 Watt-hours (same size, just 4 more ounces in weight). If you wish to be contacted by us, please use our regular contact form here , contact Customer Support at (800) 944-2904, or chat online with a Customer Support representative. We would like to invite you to take part in a short one minute survey. While car batteries have a variety of uses, this also means that there are plenty of things that can drain the power from a car battery. Bosch eBike Dual Battery Cable Kit. Cube bikes offer incredible German electric bike engineering in a variety of packages, whether you're looking for a Cube eMTB or a Cube electric cruiser, these Bosch eBikes have you covered. In contrast, very slow pedaling is very costly in terms of energy. A charge cycle refers to the full recharging of a battery in a single charging session or several partial charging sessions. 2,6 kg). No compromise on technology. On the Load 75, the second battery is located on the rear side of the loading surface. The service life of Bosch rechargeable batteries is influenced mainly by the type and duration of use. 30 to 60% or two to three LEDs on the battery indicator. The sportive, integrated and agile look is a positive side effect. £89.99 In Stock. Please use the English version in advance. 6,3 kg (1 x approx. Whatever your reason for needing a bigger range, Bosch are listening: they've just announced a dual battery setup, and also a compact travel charger. which makes their bikes unbeatable when it comes to range. CUBE Stereo Hybrid 120 HPC / Bosch Performance CX Ok vielleicht gibt es ja jemanden der ein "Fremdsystem" wie z.b. I think it about time the Bosch dual battery 1000 watt should be retro fit so that all the dealers can install them to customers ebikes. IN NORTH AMERICA 8AM - 5PM CST MON-FRI FOR BOSCH WORLD WIDE CLICK HERE CLICK TO CALL. Maybe you have a long commute, or you're doing deliveries on an electric cargo bike, or you're planning a long tour. Doubling the Bosch eBike capacity - 1000Wh is possible using 2 x 500Wh batteries. By using this website you agree to the use of cookies. Bosch T5 Dual Purpose Heavy Duty Batteries provide long life for commercial vehicles such as trucks, construction, tractor, marine, and industrial applications. Its built-in battery charger will charge the user's Lithium-Ion batteries as well. Ich habe ein KTM Macina Kapoho 272 Bj. Supercharger, Superdelite, Superdelite mountain, Nevo3, Charger3 (Rack type), Charger3 Mixte (Rack type), Multicharger, approx. Ever wished you could go further on your electric bike? Könnt ihr mir diese Frage beantworten? I looked into adding a 2nd Bosch battery to my Nutrail using a rear rack and matching Bosch battery. Bosch eBike EU Power Cable. Bosch’s Powertube batteries also received an update. 6,1 kg (1 x approx. TIRE PRESSURERolling resistance can be minimized by proper tire pressure. vorbehalten. The Bosch GCM12SD is a 12 In. Bosch eBike Battery Pin Cover. The Bosch Power Box can be powered by Bosch 18-Volt Lithium-Ion batteries or plugging into a 120-Volt outlet. The Supercharger2 has two fully integrated Bosch PowerTube batteries in the top tube and down tube. A car battery is also responsible for providing power to many electrical accessories in the vehicle, such as headlights, tail lights, interior lights, radios and infotainment systems, and much more. Like every lithium-ion battery, a PowerPack also ages over time, even if you do not use it. The best bit? The COBI.Bike system is compatible with the Bosch drive units Active Line, Active Line Plus, Performance, and Performance Line CX from 2014 onward. The previous models maxed out at 500 Wh, but now the batteries have been increased to 625 Wh. Bereits ab 5.499,00 € Große Shopvielfalt Testberichte & Meinungen | Jetzt Cube Cargo Dual Hybrid Pedelec günstig kaufen bei idealo.de For the DualBattery, we dealt intensely with the topics of range and riding dynamics.” With electric cars not yet commonplace, e-bike batteries may very well be the largest and most expensive batteries you might find around a typical UK house. The future of e-bikes is all about battery pack integration. Before cleaning, remove the battery. Vielen Dank und viele Grüße Marcel Heiko Müller, co-founder of Riese & Müller, had this to say about the technology: “In designing our bikes, it is important to us to develop the right concept for each application. You can also request this setup with a 400Wh battery. Riese & Müller is doubling the battery capacity of its E-Bikes to 1,000 Wh, thus effectively doubling their range. PowerPacks are the fuel tanks of pedelecs. The more conscientiously you treat the PowerPack, the further it will take you. Bosch E-Bike Battery Powertube 500Wh Horizontal - New with Warranty 5 out of 5 stars (1) 1 product ratings - Bosch E-Bike Battery Powertube 500Wh Horizontal - New with Warranty Bosch dual battery system on a Riese and Muller e-bike. This… In winter you can thus expect a reduction in the normal range. Mit dem Bosch Bosch Dual Battery Y-Adapter Kit-Lang ist es möglich verschiedene Akkukombinationen zu nutzen, um bis zu doppelter Reichweite zu erreichen. Being completely charged or completely discharged for storage is not advised for the batteries. STARTING & BREAKINGAs with a car, frequent starting and stopping is less economical than long distances at a nearly constant speed. two hours for half a charge, and 4.5 hours to fully charge. TRANSPORTFor transport, the battery should always be taken off the eBike and safely transported in your car, for example. After all, DualBattery technology enables the parallel use of two fully integrated 500 Wh batteries. das von Simplon (Dual-Battery) nachgerüstet hat. They work with rated switching currents of up to 350 A (and up to 3500 A in the case of battery cut-off relays). Contact Us. At Bosch, we continuously aim to improve our website and the information we provide. £4.99 In Stock. The Bosch dual battery kit can turn some Bosch e-bike models into a dual battery e-bike, doubling the range. GEAR SHIFTINGCorrect shifting also makes eBiking more efficient. COBI.Bike reflects Bosch's reliable, proven service and quality standard. WINTER USEDuring winter use (particularly below 0 °C) we recommend charging and storing the battery at room temperature before inserting the battery in the eBike immediately before riding it. 3,5 kg + 1 x approx. It is best to start off and take inclines in a low gear. It's a great way to extend your range and your adventure on your Bosch powered Haibike, Cube, or Scott electric bike....and many more. Cube USA works with only the best dealers, and Fly Rides is proud to be one of them! Eine perfekte und flexible Erweiterung für lange Radtouren oder Lastenwege. Storage at room temperature is ideal. The D122L and D122 Dual Battery Harnesses protect the installer and the battery with the connection of two batteries, in parallel, to compatible Bosch Security … Riese & Müller is one of the first E-Bike manufacturers to implement Bosch Dual Battery technology. Battery Chemistry Li-Ion (12) NiCd (19) NiMH (10) Battery Voltage 10.8 Volt (3) 12 Volt (7) 14.4 Volt (4) 18 Volt (6) 24 Volt (5) 3.6 Volt (3) 36 Volt (2) 7.2 Volt (7) 9.6 Volt (4) Battery Capacity 1.3Ah (1) 1.5Ah (16) 2.0Ah (7) 2.5Ah (7) 2.7Ah (1) 3.0Ah (9) Manufacturer !!!ACHTUNG!!! The top part can be positioned for a 500 or 625 battery by unscrewing and re-mounting it in the appropriate position. Occasionally clean and lightly grease the plug terminals. From standard batteries to the PowerTube, they virtually disappear into the frame to give our e-bikes exceptional good looks that combine sportiness with elegance. Nun würde ich auch gerne die Dual Battery von Bosch ein bzw. The new Bosch eBike Dual Battery cable kit. As an eBiker you can ride with them very conomically and thus maximize the range of a rechargeable battery charge. With this special construction method we took the battery and mounted it partially integrated it into the down tube to keep it well protected against mechanical damage from stones and other impacts. We positioned the extra weight of the battery and drive unit more centrally towards the bottom bracket for an extremely low centre of gravity. Tip: In order to maximize the range, inflate the tires to the maximum permissible tire pressure. The bike handles great on the trails and delivers a relaxed and natural ride that will make you forget the motor is even there. Personally i would really enjoy haven a dual battery system … 2018 (Fully) und dort ist der Powertube 500WH im Unterrohr verbaut. The charging time depends on the capacity of the battery and of the charger: with the Standard Charger, the PowerPack 500 and PowerTube 500 require approx. On the Packster 40, the second frame battery is mounted to the rear of the cargo surface. Like every lithium-ion battery, a Bosch rechargeable battery also ages over time, even if you do not use it. View Product . Bosch eBike Compact 2A Battery Charger. Bosch currently make 300Wh, 400Wh and 500Wh batteries to The new Chinese version is under development. The computer came back on, but in attempting to switching up to Eco or higher, it … On my Cube there is an aluminium Harniss that the battery clicks into. State-of-the-art lithium-ion technology makes them into efficient and longlasting suppliers of power. WINTER USE During winter use (particularly below 0 °C) we recommend charging and storing the battery at room temperature before inserting the battery in the eBike immediately before riding it. It is made up of the hardware required - the mount, lock and cabling, as well as a 500Wh battery. By Richard Peace. Friday, 15 February 2019. Bosch power relays are used for switching operations in engines, starters and other large products. Figure shows typical curves for energy content over usage duration and frequency. We use cookies to personalize your visit to www.cube.eu. The batteries connect via a special cable called the 'Dual Battery Y Cable' and the Bosch controller manage the charging and discharging of the batteries. The service life of a PowerPack is influenced mainly by the type and duration of use.
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