Use pls pet train to see these. Dank Memer is a very popular bot on Discord for image manipulation and playing with the currency system. Dank Memer is a feature-rich Discord bot with the original twist of being sarcastic and memey. 4108. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dank memer secret multipliers. All pets can kill you if you neglect them for too long (ie. With 0 points assigned to Hunting, pets can find up to around 1,000 coins and items worth around 1,000 coins. If you spam too much, dank memer bot will ban you though. Play. What do we offer? If you win, "Fun" stat is boosted by 33%. Do some of the multipliers not increase the multiplier value. 25.4k. [1%] Have tips enabled. Chances: — 3% chance to encounter a boss. Music: Clocks by ColdplayPlease subscribe so more people see thisJoin my discord at Usage Can you fix it? It keeps me busy for hours. | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! Pets can find items for you 1-3 times in approximately 3-5 days. Dank Memer is a popular bot used throughout Discord. Sellable items can be sold for 10% of their cost value. Pets are virtual creatures you can take care of. You can add information to help. The official server for Dank Memer, one of the largest Discord bots on the platform at OVER 5 million servers! Training your pet in this area will increase the types and amounts of items that your pet can find randomly. Purchase or interact with your own virtual pet! It allows you to hunt using "pls hunt" it is much better then the Fishing Pole. 30.86% approximate success rate. Some are meant to be sold, others are meant to be consumed, some aren't consumed but used instead. If you fail you get half the salary and need to work that hour again. Create a conf file with the required settings imported in this script and keep the script running in your own discord server. sendMessages. All pets are able to find items, however increasing the Hunting statistic through pls pet train will drastically change what items they find, and how often they are able to find them. We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! PRESTIGING WILL MAKE YOU LOSE ALL OF YOUR ITEMS AND COINS, BUT GIVE YOU SOME STARTER ITEMS TO WORK WITH. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. The bot's icon resembles that of the iconic Pepe the Frog, a popular internet meme that has gained massive amounts of traction since it first originated in a 2005 … This is a AtuoHotKey script which types "pls beg" every minute, use this in a discord server which has the 'Dank Memer' bot to make use of this command in its roleplaying money making game - C3X0r/BegBot You can also purchase special "boxes" which give you coins and special items that you can use. Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. Dank Memer is a top notch Meme bot, music bot, currency bot, moderation bot, image manipulation bot, and so much more! | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! Each with different items. Occasionally, your pet may walk around, find an item and bring it back to you. 1 Add 2 Use 3 Event 4 Multipliers You can add Dank Memer by its own direct link. Patting your pet increases its energy. To t-shirts dank memer pet defense hoodies, We … [1%] Have a streak of 7+ (via pls daily) [1%] Have a streak of 20+ (via pls daily) Vote at least once for the memer (via pls vote). - Multiplier for each time you prestige(2% percent every level, capping at 20% on Prestige 10) - Bank space is easier to gain after prestiging - Prestige … [1%] Have tips enabled. Dank Memer is a top notch Meme bot, music bot, currency bot, moderation bot, image manipulation bot, and so much more! Whenever your pet gets 100 experience, it'll level up, meaning you get 1 extra point to spend on training it in different fields like hunting or sustainability. There are a couple easter eggs related to pets. note there is a typo on the chart crabs can defend and attack. T-Shirts to hoodies, We have rob disabled heist disabled and dank memer or OwO bot all of your,. Leave a message in the comments. Image generation, memes, and fun can be increased by running use. The bot's icon resembles that of the iconic Pepe the Frog, a popular internet meme that has gained massive amounts of traction since it first originated in a 2005 comic. Running pls pet play once presents you a minigame, similar to pls work. It has many features, including currency, fun, memes, and a variety of commands. Furthermore, you can train your pet to increase its proficiencies in their attack, defense, hunting, and sustainability. Hunger, hygiene, and fun can be increased by running pls pet feed, pls pet wash, and pls pet play respectively. To die in the Dank Memer currency system, you can either search in areas with high death rates, die while hunting/fishing, or get your pet to kill you after neglecting it and letting its statistics drop to 0%. We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! Dank Memer is a popular bot used throughout Discord. Use pls pet train [trait name] to train your pet in that area, and use pls pet train info to learn more about a specific trait. Using "pls pet list" you can see all pets. Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. The word dank in username. You can add information to help. It allows you to catch Animals, which are Sellables and go for LOTS. The minigame can be typing words backwards, unscrambling words, playing football, etc. This costs 40 coins, regardless of what pet you own. The word dank in username. Using "pls pet list" you can see all pets. A MASSIVE currency system, tons of memes, and much more! USE THE COMMAND PLS PRESTIGE WITH CAUTION. You can feed, wash, and play with your pet to increase its hunger, hygiene and fun respectively. Edit. This is a AtuoHotKey script which types "pls beg" every minute, use this in a discord server which has the 'Dank Memer' bot to make use of this command in its roleplaying money making game - … Max bet amount is 500,000. Pets will gain a random amount of experience whenever you interact with them, or anytime they do something for you like stop a robbery or find an item. Each pet has hunger, hygiene, fun, energy, love, and experience meters. You get one of the following: boar, skunk, rabbit, deer, duck, dragon, nothing. Dank Memer/Pets. You can see your pet's training statistics by running pls pet train. yes crabs are lame. Normie: 1sDonor: 0.5s Funny, Game, Food & Drink, Art, Animation, Animals, Photo . Most people use it for its entertainment, as it has a lot of commands, including pls rob, pls scout, and many more. Dank Memer/Items < Dank Memer. It has over 260 commands, and that keeps … | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! The higher this stat is, the more likely it is that your pet will catch stealers and send them to hospital. Increasing this stat will improve your pets ability to self-sustain itself without you needing to constantly feed or wash it. Join us to use premium dank memer and to participate in daily giveaways worth more than 15 million coins and daily 50 million heists! Your salary is how much you get per successful hour. The way it works is there's a small chance that any command you issue will give your pet a boost in stats, around 10% max. Dank memer pet by The Skilled Kid originally from "Pet Simulator" by Unkempt Auction . | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! You need a hunting rifle, which can be purchased with 15,000 ⏣20,000 (Aug 2020), to use this command. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat., wash your pet, costs 40 coins and boosts "Hygiene" stat, train your pet in a specific area such as hunting, attack or sustainability. Each time you work thats a dank memer hour. Particular commands (especially associated with currency) have RNG involved. | 330,955 members ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ‣ Welcoming and friendly staff and helpers here to make your day! Can win much more from a low amount bet (bet 10k and win up to 700% of that for example as compared to gamble). For example, the pet staff easter egg. The Hunting Rifle is an item in the Shop that costs 20,000 coins. This means feeding your pet, washing it, playing with them, etc. A Dank Memer and poketwo based server with many other bots, a friendly community, daily giveaways and cool trading, a chill environment to vibe in and an amazing aesthetic! This will cost you anywhere from 1-100 coins. Pat your pet yahoo. What does he/she like? User reports indicate Dank Memer is having problems since 8:48 PM EST. don't feed or wash them for multiple days). If you have any feedback or concerns, join our support server and talk to some staff members! The quest has since been removed, and the only possible way of attaining a dragon now is to spend 69,000,000,420 coins in the pet shop. Note: pet rocks and turtles cannot attack/kill/defend your wallet. Purchase or interact with your own virtual pet! Aliases The previous requirements needed to acquire the dragon were: Naming your pet to "melmsie" or "aetheryx" or any other DMO staff makes a Developer Skills bar display when pls pet is executed. The official server for Dank Memer, one of the largest Discord bots on the platform at OVER 5 million servers! We have daily Pepe, daily pepec and weekly pepet! Dank Memer is a multipurpose yet unique bot, made specifically with "memes" in mind. A community server ran for and by Dank Memer users. Increased server engagement; A selling point while advertising your server (Tens of millions of users know and use Dank Memer!) - Multiplier for each time you prestige(2% percent every level, capping at 20% on Prestige 10) - Bank space is easier to … Playing football, etc with them, etc 0 points assigned to the media! This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer users. If you don't want to do "pls work" daily on dank memer go for the YouTuber Job. By auto-spamming a channel with dank memer bot commands. Max winnings: 600,000 coins + your … Make sure that you do not have large amounts of cash in your wallet, as they will disappear upon dying. You need "manage server" permission on the chosen server to add the Dank Memer bot. 1 Gifting 1.1 About 1.2 Giving Items 1.3 Giving Coins 1.4 Trivia First of all search up "gift" in the dictionary if you don't know what that means, second there are 2 types of gifting on this bot, Coin gifting and Item gifting, for these there are 2 different commands, "pls share (aka pls give)" and "pls gift" First of all Link here for info on what Items are. — 50% chance of your pole breaking, if you fail the boss … Your bank is where you store your money, it can't be used unless you use "pls withdraw" or "pls with" then a number, or max which will take it all, … Furthermore, you can train your pet to increase its proficiencies in their attack, defense, hunting, and sustainability. Previously, there was a quest which allowed you to turn a dragon that was hunted into a pet. | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! The higher this stat is, the more likely your pet will be able to defend your wallet from robbers. And die Shopping: pls shop (optional number) - Opens the Meme Shop for you to browse in, there is also a command such as "pls shop 2", "pls shop 3" and "pls shop 4". This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer … IF YOU WANT TO KEEP SOME OF YOUR ITEMS, ASK A FRIEND TO HOLD THEM. pls like and subscribe I'm giving out tips and tricks every so often.server link: This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer … Most people use it for its entertainment, as it has a lot of commands, including pls rob, pls scout, and many more. Use pls pet feed, pls pet wash, pls pet … This Article is not 100% correct! You can get Fish, Coins, Items or a Boss event. The eggplant currently does not work properly. 1 Gifting 1.1 About 1.2 Giving Items 1.3 Giving Coins 1.4 Trivia First of all search up "gift" in the dictionary if you don't know what that means, second there are 2 types of gifting on this bot, Coin gifting and Item gifting, for these there are 2 different commands, "pls share (aka pls give)" and "pls gift" First of all Link here for info on what Items are. 1 Add 2 Use 3 Event 4 Multipliers You can add Dank Memer by its own direct link. Are you also affected? Use pls pet disown if you do not want to own your pet anymore. There are … Daily … Some pets have better stats than others, which are reflected by their prices. 45.83% approximate success rate. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP SOME OF YOUR ITEMS, ASK A FRIEND TO HOLD THEM. USE THE COMMAND PLS PRESTIGE WITH CAUTION. You can use the .chance command to check out some chances. Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server! 45.83% approximate success rate. To check your multiplier: pls multiplier There are 31 secret multipliers in total. Description. By auto-spamming a channel with dank memer bot commands. Dank Memer/Items < Dank Memer. We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! Make sure that you do not have large amounts of … You can rob, … To die in the Dank Memer currency system, you can either search in areas with high death rates, die while hunting/fishing, or get your pet to kill you after neglecting it and letting its statistics drop to 0%. If you spam too much, dank memer bot will ban you though. Permissions A partnership program available to servers who actively use Dank Memer, where we bring our users to you! Dank memer secret multipliers. This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer … PRESTIGING WILL MAKE YOU LOSE ALL OF YOUR ITEMS AND COINS, BUT GIVE YOU SOME STARTER ITEMS TO WORK WITH. Note: crabs cannot defend your wallet. Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. All pets are able to find items. Description This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer users. Detailed guide Dying in the currency system Theft … This gives you 0.5% multplier. pls pet You can sell animals to earn coins. Sellable items can be sold for 10% of their cost value. Pets will gain a random amount of experience when interacted (being fed, washed, etc. It has many features, including currency, fun, memes, and a variety of commands. Pls hunt is a command that gives items, these items are listed below Skunk Duck Deer Boar Rabbit Dragon Note: The dragon can only be obtained in special events Sell prices: Skunk: 50 Rabbit: 100 Duck: 300 Deer: 500 Boar: 1000 Dragon:5000 Running pls pet pat once can boost your love bar. There is a rare chance that you are requested to … Max winnings: … You can find 1 animal per hunt. | 320,490 members Dank memer pet by The Skilled Kid originally from "Pet Simulator" by Unkempt Auction ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ‣ Welcoming and friendly staff and helpers here to make your day! Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. Dank Memer is the largest economy and meme bot available on Discord, in over 4 million servers. Some pets have better stats than others, which are reflected by their prices. But in the next month, Dank Memer will be at it’s strongest ever. You get one of the following: boar, skunk, rabbit, deer, duck, dragon, nothing. After gaining 100 experience, your pet will level up, providing you one training point that you can spend to train your pet on a certain trait. Pets are virtual creatures you can take care of. It allows you to catch Animals, which are Sellables and go for LOTS. Use pls pet disown if you do not want to own your pet anymore. Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server! This is free and does not bring any benefit. With 0 points assigned, pets can find up to around 1k coins and items worth around 500 coins. Pets normally find things after running a command; Finding items is time based - they'll find items for you 1-3 times in 3-5 days approximately; Attack - stops the robbery and kills the person trying to rob you, Defense - stops the robbery and sends the person to the hospital (and they pay fees). We have TONS of giveaways, bot channels, and exclusive perks! It keeps me busy for hours. Pets normally find coins and items after running a pet-related command. Using "pls work resign" you can quit work, but you can't get another job for 12 real life hours. Particular commands (especially associated with currency) have RNG involved. I checked pls multiplier before and after changing the channel name to dank memer and there was no change in the current multiplier value only in the number of secret multipliers found. I checked pls multiplier before and after changing the channel name to dank memer and there was no change in the current multiplier value only in the number of secret multipliers found. Playing football, etc with them, etc 0 points assigned to the media! Unlike the attack stat, which stops the robbery and kills the robber, the defense stat stops the robbery and sends the robber to the hospital, where they will have to pay hospital fees. Items are objects that can be useful you acquire by using particular commands. Certain pets are also able to attack/defend your wallet from robbers. Dank Memer is the largest economy and meme bot available on Discord, in over 4 million servers. You can see your pets current level/experience by using pls pet. Patting your pet increases its energy. You can sell animals to earn coins. It costs you 1-100 coins. Use pls pet feed, pls pet wash, pls pet play to take care of it. This happens automatically and requires 8+ points assigned to the attack stat. Tags. Coins are a source for many things including the Shop and the Reason why you want to use the Laptop. [1%] Have a streak of 7+ (via pls daily) [1%] Have a streak of 20+ (via pls daily) Vote at least once for the memer (via pls vote). Owning a pet that is on level 30+. Share. You need a hunting rifle, which can be purchased with 15,000 ⏣20,000 (Aug 2020), to use this command. 30.86% approximate success rate. Memers. pet It is a multipurpose bot, which features music, currency, meme, utility, as well as image manipulation features. And Dank Memer has them. Some are meant to be sold, others are meant to be consumed, some aren't consumed but used instead. Running pls pet feed once increases your pet's hunger bar by 33%, and your pet's love bar by 10%. This does not cost any coins. We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! It does everything that your average multipurpose bot does, but much better and with 100% more sass and memes. Tips. We frequently do nitro giveaways! You can also purchase special "boxes" which give you coins and special items that you can use. Feed the blobby pet! This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Meme… You can view pets and their respective prices by running pls pet list. And Dank Memer has them. With occassional friendly heists and rob disabled, this is the perfect dank memer server! This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer … is my discord join you can invite friends for coins. You need "manage server" permission on the chosen server to add the Dank Memer bot. Rabbits (100 Coins) Skunk (50 Coins) Boar (1000 Coins) Racoon (15 Coins) … Report. At 10 points, pets are able to find up to around 5,000 coins, and items worth up to 20,000 coins. This costs 10-500 coins, depending on what pet you own. Edit. Attack raises the effectiveness of your pet's attacks. You can use the .chance command to check out some chances. It does everything that your average multipurpose bot does, but much better and with 100% more sass and memes. It is a multipurpose bot, which features music, currency, meme, utility, as well as image manipulation features. Dank Memer Currency Guide This guide is specifically designed for Dank Memer v6. | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! They can help you earn things too. We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! For pets to be able to find items, their love bar needs to be above 20%, and its hunger and fun bars need to be above 50%.
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