schematics if that’s of interest…. Yes, because high impedance (> 300Ω)  headphones can be connected directly to power amplifiers without damage There are many things that can be improved in this project. In fact Nelson's DIY endeavors are called "First Watt" because in his own words "The first watt is the most important watt". It is perfectly ok to have "non 5Vs" coming out of a 5V regulator. I used what I had available, the LM393AP. On second amp they actually sound quite decent from hp out (JVC A-X2). I’m going to use this attenuated signal to drive an arduino based spectrum analyzer. All connections are 100% correct even though my PCB layout differs slightly. However the output stage might get a bit hot when driving the speakers a bit louder. Green cells show the headphone with that specific impedance can be connected directly to the speaker terminals and will give no risk of drivers being damaged by too much power, the orange cells show the upper range of the power ratings of the most common headphones. Is this enough info for you to have some tips re. The there is the question do we really need deafening levels when the volpot is at maximum setting ? I am currently working on a design for school and have been looking for insight from various projects. Drawing more power than the amplifier was designed for will damage the amp. When the same signal is sent out balanced the ‘other’ amp that is now connected also will have a 1V output signal but in opposite phase. so when a headphone is rated 200mW it is most likely you will never drive it above 20mW in practice. I’ve connected the L/R to their respective poles on the female TRS lugs, and both grounds from the respective amp speaker outs are connected to a common-ground on the female TRS jack. Again, thank you for taking your time to give your feedback, I truly appreciate it. Get the BOM. Traditional amplifiers, like the class AB, operate as linear devices. After testing several low cost amplifier kits and boards, I make my picks for the ones I think are the best. Happy to share some brochures or construction manual incl. This means these headphones can be connected directly to amplifiers up to 40W but I would not recommend to connect them directly to higher power amplifiers. By the argument you put forward, any variable power supply that uses, for example, a LM317 regulator would have a 1.25V output all the time as it is a 1.25V voltage regulator. With this simple trick the output voltage of the amplifier is lowered by voltage division, similar to what is described above, BUT because 2 resistors are used we can lower the output resistance ‘seen’ by the headphone. The headphone will thus play a lot softer and some headphones may sound different as well. It would be possible in theory if you use the rectangular signal before the filtering (the last inductor and capacitors), which can be used with a transformer, but I do not know after that what needs to be done. For the sake of illustration below a table for a 680Ω (5W rated) series resistor. That said, the advice online can be somewhat difficult to make sense of, given the breath of options, and differing levels of experience among DIY builders. I would suggest to operate with the LM5104 for the half bridge driver together with the STP16NF06 NMOS transistors to operate at 500 kHz. Home of High Quality Power Amplifier Kits. The input signal is converted into a pulse width modulated, rectangular signal using a comparator. The charging of the capacitor of the triangle wave generator by use a resistor is not convenient, as it will lead to nonlinearities at higher input ac levels. Most (balanced) high-end equipment often uses this plug. No, because most low impedance headphones run a a high risk of being burned to a crisp when left unattended and the volume is accidentally turned up. A typical 5 V linear regulator (such as the LM7805) will make the output voltage 5 V higher than the "ground" voltage. In this case volpot will be very sensitive and users might actually drive amplifer into clipping and bad distortion. Real nice project and well documented. output power due to current limiting of the amplifier design. Lately they have kindly printed projects that I had already posted on the web, but I decided that … On my previous test, the same as this, I didn't had any problems. resistors don’t cost that much. My design uses a 100 watt L-Pad to attenuator the power of the amp. you may find this INFO in this ARTICLE Thats still about 300mV, but i figured some music might be recorded not so loud (older music of course) so better to leave some “reserve” there. So, I will make life easier and just will give some values that will yield a relatively low output resistance (below 10 Ohm) that will work on most power amplifiers (rated between 30W and 100W into 8 Ohm) and the majority of all ‘normal’ headphones out there. I thought u wouldnt even see my post..I want to add a pre amplifier circuit+ a volume control circuit, where would I add these things? No, because of noise which could be higher than dedicated headphone amplifiers and could become audible. In this case you need a TS (Tip-sleeve) connector to the amp and make it mono (TRS) for the headphone. R1 and R2 resistor values? Because heavy attenuation can cause tone loss, I have included a bright switch to help compensate for the loss in treble. Good circuit and a good DIY project from you….... Hello, I have been working on this circuit for quite some time. Sounding loud already when the volpot is barely turned away from its minimum setting. Those resistors not only lower the output power rating but also the SOUND LEVEL. This is done using PNP transistor and 1N4148 diodes. All voltages must be referenced from the 0v rail (called CHASSIS or earth) as this is where you will place the black probe of the voltmeter. The 7805 voltage regulator will have no effect on stabilising the voltage. Does it have more than one load impedance settings/choices ? I would be the only one in this house trying this (no kids etc ). The amplifier module was announced back in 2016 and I believe became available in quantity starting in 2017. The answer is that building a hand-wired tube amp is within the reach of most players. Can it be good, also to ampliy ultrasound? This thing is driving me nuts! The 4-pin XLR is not used that much in audio but is gaining in popularity for balanced headphones as you need just one (professional quality) connector. R1 and R2 should be 1.8k, the output of the circuit must be loaded with about 600 Ohm (2x 1k2 in parallel) Never connect headphones with a TRRS jacks to balanced amplifiers when these headphones have a microphone and/or small remote in their headphone cord. With this information we can calculate the values of the inductor and the capacitor: \[L = \frac{4\sqrt{2}}{2\cdot \pi \cdot 40000} H = 22.508\mu H\], \[C = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}\cdot \pi \cdot 40000\cdot 4} F = 0.703\mu H\]. Or might you have a better suggestion? My email is if you'd rather email me. The LM317 is just a part of a circuit that happens to be a 1.25V regulator, but produces a variable output. If you want to know how much power your headphones can handle (NEVER connect earbuds and IEM’s to an amplifiers output !) HiFi Class AB Tube Power Amplifier DIY Kit Push-pull Stereo Audio Amp 12W+12W. 2 of these can be used for stereo signals (even balanced is possible with 2 of these plugs) but ONLY if the socket is a ‘mono’ socket as well. About the potentiometer, although you could add one before the " Input -P1" of value 100K, I suggest building a pre-amp circuit that also has tone control. Required fields are marked *. hi. Or could the IC be bad? Just not with balanced outputs. When I designed the PCB, I made it so that it is very easy to test. You mentioned that we need +-30V, but I also see +-5V going to the op amps. When there is no audio input how does this circuit prevent the carrier PMW signal from entering the speaker. Is the voltage divider update still going to be written? The power input of the amp says AC 18V 50-60Hz MAX 1A and the PS input says 25W MAX. The table below is similar BUT for headphones with power ratings between 1W and 3W. This is two comparators in one package, and we just swap the inputs for the second comparator. I’ve tested them on JVC speaker output terminals, there was loads of power, but stopped until i put some in line attenuators (at input). Headphones like the HiFiman HE5 and HE6 are best driven directly from power amps even. When using an input attenuator of course the maximum output level will be determined by the gain of the amp and max output voltage of the source. These devices may offer somewhat improved performance, but they could also be more expensive. the headphones range from 32 to 250 ohms. After the weekend I will test again the amplifier with a reactive load (speaker) and measure the distorsions when the 30V rail is not stable (50-80Hz input signal). Subjectivist, Objectivist or Inbetweenivist ? They are just used to get a power rail that is offset by 5V from another rail. Don't worry if it isn't perfect—just make it tight. What have I to modify to have in output an 25 Ohm impedance? I used a breadboard just to test it out and plan to move further later. 4x the power (= 2x the voltage) is an increase of 6dB in amplitude. Speakers in general have impedances between 4 and 8Ω, headphones between 32 and 300Ω. I am tempted to try adding some other values (higher) and check the sound then. Above on the left there is the well known TRRS jack (usually 3.5mm) which is found on many headphones these days. The rest of the capacitors in the design also need to have an appropiate voltage rating. I designed this amplifier for an output power of about 100-150W. This whole area is excellent but is it readily ‘discoverable’ to newcomers? The most common usage is balanced. I understand your point perfectly, still some attenuation at input won’t do harm in lowering source device noise floor and my main point was, repeating, basically without having input at level amp was designed to “expect”, it is reaching it’s max rated output much earlier (relative to volpot position), rest past that point is just distortion. It is better to use a converter IC directly like the LTC6992 . Just understand how the circuit works. Below a few possible pinnings of gear with a 4 pin TRRS jack connected. However, I do not think that having -25V going out of a 5V regulator is right. Let's start from the left side. Because of this, the amplifier does not generate a lot of heat and does not require a big heat sink like linear class AB amplifiers do. Any ideas on how to protect the MOSFET's? On the next columns you can see which power can be achieved when the amp is turned up fully without reaching clipping levels. 5W peak power in real music usually means average power is below 0.5W. A 32Ω headphone on a 40W/4Ω amplifier can receive 5W, way too much for drivers rated for just 0.2W. I used this notation because we connect the COM and VSS port of the IR2110 to the "-30V" rail. The answer could be just a sentence long: It is a switching amplifier. JVC on other hand has 220ohm resistors in series. Where it can be added? In class B and AB modes, the output stage operates in a pushpull configuration, where one set of output devices delivers positive… Sorry to trouble you fine folks but I have no clue what half of this page means, but if one of you can tell me that would be fantastic, here is the link to the amp, if for some reason the link doesn’t work, it’s the Monoprice 15watt celestion. Which transformers do you recommend and what component next to it are necessary? Furthermore balanced outputs must NEVER have any of the Right an Left channels connected. what modifications will be necessary. For the triangle generator, I used an LMC555, which is the CMOS variant of the famous 555 chip. 4.5 out of 5 stars (3) 3 product ratings - EL34 Audio Stereo Tube Integrated Amplifier Single-end Class A Power Amp DIY KIT. If I find the time, maybe I will make a project article. The bigger the output power of the amplifier the higher the output voltage and also the higher the added resistance needs to be. When higher power amplifiers are to be used the resistor value can be increased. I will give this a try. For home amplifiers this number usually starts with 8 ohms. (google sound card buffer) Below you can see the schematic of the amplifier that I designed. Theory is one aspect and practice is another. Let's start with that first sentence. But in order to fully understand how one works, I need to teach you all its nooks and crannies. I will explain to you how they work and then guide you step by step to make the magic happen all by yourself. Perhaps it could safely deliver just under 2x 10W in speakers using music. Can I use the speaker output terminals of a power amp to drive headphones ? Had started on it a long time ago but other projects required more attention. The output R will be 7Ω which is low enough for most headphones. Hello, I have looked at the symmetric diagram, but I am not too sure why there is 2 set of inductors at the end of Vb and Vs port of IR2110, can anyone give me a helping hand, please:), I built this amplifier but it burns out the mosfets as soon as power is applied. BALANCED amplifiers (such as car audio or some class-D or class-T amplifiers) can NOT be used with headphones UNLESS the headphone is intended for balanced operation (4 wire/4-pin plug). I’m looking for an answer for a problem I’m facing currently. The charging and discharging of the capacitor produces a nice triangle, which is not perfect (it rises and falls exponentially) but if the rise and fall times are equal, it works perfectly. I appreciate you uploading the design so that others can work on it and thank you for your replies. One more thing, I am familiar with Eagle, is there anyway to convert KiCad files to eagle or do I have to manually rebuild the whole thing on eagle? This may destroy the amplifier. The same way the regulators in this circuit are being used to produce "non 5V" power rails. When you will finally hear that crisp sound coming from your speaker, it will all be worth it. How much distorsion do you get at different input frequencies? Because the VSS pin of the IC is tied to the negative power supply, we need to level shift the signals from the comparator. Would any male 1/4 to female 1/4 attenuator work? The red (or +) connector of the amplifier must be connected to Right + (and for the left channel the Left + and the black (or -) connector of the amplifier must be connected to Right – (and for the left channel the Left –). Please add more info about proper supply rates. Certainly NO problem when using a power amp to drive headphones. SO… the power tables below are thus made to ensure you don’t blow up your headphone and NOT to reach loud levels at the end of the volpot range. The table below is for the same types of headphones (200mW) but with a series resistor of 120Ω (3W rating). These are NOT used for balanced signals in general but there are manufacturers that (mis)use these connectors for this purpose. Also, I included a bypass switch for obvious reasons. When the load decreases, the amplifier's output increases. Zenners? Some manufacturers offer converters or conversion cables from one plug to another. Thanks Again. On the left column the specified power of an amplifier into 4Ω, one column to the right of it specified into 8Ω, next to it the output VOLTAGE that belongs to those powers and is the important thing here as the maximum voltage a headphone can handle depends on its impedance and power rating. Imagine that we use a multimeter and we put the black probe (ground) to the -30V rail. To get a better volpot range a reduction of 20dB (10x attenuation) may possibly be better though. Green is ‘safe’ to use, Orange is ‘safe to use when playing music’, Red shows a potential risk of frying these headphones. The numbers are generally given for impedances of 4Ω or 8Ω (sometimes even 2Ω or 16Ω) but these power levels will not be reached in headphones as the drawn power is determined by the output VOLTAGE of the amplifier and the load (IMPEDANCE), the higher the impedance, the lower the current at a given voltage. Adding NFB and making it work might be a worthwhile design exercise for a student, but if you just want to listen to music, there are other proven class-D amps out there available as chips or complete modules, ready to use for less than the price of a Happy Meal. This Class-A Push-Pull Tube Power Amplifier uses a Pair of Push-Pull Class A, Ultra Linear Mono Block Tube Amplifiers that can be used with several different vacuum tubes including KT77 / 6L6GC / KT88 with a 12SL7 driver and 6NO30 tubes. Something similar happens when you try to add negative feedback to improve stability, bandwidth and THD, I need to determine the feedback gain (and with that the total gain) by design so that I can then choose the value of certain components. Below the most common configuration for 3-pin XLR plugs. If we want to put the previous block diagram into practice, we will stumble upon some problems. JVC – 150mV (1979) This also means that the values in the tables below MAY leave you little travel in your volpot. Also if this would work do I just wire the speakers directly like a pair of headphones? thank you. It is obvious low power amplifiers cannot damage the headphones any more and even a 15W/4Ω amplifier can be used with music signals. Power amplifiers can deliver enough voltage. If I want to to build an amplifier in the 20 -  30 watts range, what changes should be made to the circuit? Here are some links : and . Buy a T106-2 toroid. Most speaker amplifiers can deliver between 15 and 300W depending on type and model. If the signal is 0v and the triangle wave oscillates between +/-5v a 200KHz square wave is outputted from the comparator. It won’t reach 15V on 4 Ohm speakers though as it would be pumping out 2x56W. I have built a Stoetkit Junior ages ago which is a 9W UL push-pull integrated amp and has (i’m pretty sure) balanced outputs as it has separate transformers for L and R. Not sure though if I understand your answer above: with this amp, can i now try and use ‘normal’ headphones (using a TRS connector)? You can go higher than this, but for voltages of about ±40V you need to make sure that you change the values of the resistors R4 and R5 to 2K2. Why power the input side of the IR2110 with -30 and -25 V? The output R will be 3.5Ω. You do have a valid point. I am a little confused. for an HE5. In case someone would use only an input attenuator to get the proper volume control range and connect headphones directly to speaker outputs one could still blow up the headphone when selecting another connected and not attenuated input for instance or might be hearing background noise from the amp with sensitive headphones. If you have any trouble with your build, comment here or post on the forum using as much information as possible. Hello, great read. slightly more green but also more blue and not that much less red so increasing the resistance about 2 times (coming from 330Ω) didn’t do very much it seems. Furthermore, these ICs provide the boosted gate voltage needed for the high-side NMOS. 12V Amplifier Board, DROK 15W+15W 2.0 Dual Channel Audio Amplifier Board PAM8620 DC 8-26V 24V Digital Stereo Amp Module Class D Mini Power Amplify Circuit for Sound System Speaker DIY 4.5 out of 5 stars 54 The values of the resistor and the capacitor set a frequency of approximately 200kHz. Still, on one of my sound card outputs, there was tiny bit of characteristic noise noticable(some tiny interference from pc), well noticable if you stuffed your ear into tweeters at full volume with no signal(but sometimes we do silly things like that ). I’ve came across this design & I’m planning to use that, Above design is for 75W into 8 ohms load. This integrated circuit makes sure to add that dead time that I talked about in the previous section. (1/R1) = (1/R2) = 1/Rout. Hey cezar thanks for the quick reply. Should you hear background noise or can only use the bottom part of the volpot range (unlikely as the efficiency is very low) then you can always add some resistors. A couple of points though.. An audio amplifier has two basic components: a power supply and an amplifier circuit. Thank you for your input. Thank you very much. Hello. So I removed the MOSFETS and measure pulses at pins 1 and 7. Will this setup work as expected ? There is, however, a cheap and easy ‘fix’ so most headphones can be connected to power amplifiers but NOT directly. I am trying to build one myself and I have a few issues. These comparators are powered by a 5V bipolar supply, provided by two zener diodes that regulate voltage from the main power supply, which is ±30V. Compare this to switching amplifiers, so called because the power transistors (the MOSFETs) are … It is good post & good job thanks admin   i will made it. Ugh, i completely missed the fact about noise floor going down with attenuator(s). Note that the pin numbering drawing of the XLR plugs above is valid when seen from the actual plug side. That is a very good ideea. This is a sort of hybrid format of DIY, where the heavy engineering is done professionally, and the time-consuming main construction done by the builder. Great article! Many thanks in advance! To prevent this, we need to insert some dead-time between the signals that drive the high and low side MOSFETs. Below a table that shows how much attenuation you can expect with different impedance headphones. The cut-off frequency is 40kHz, and the load resistance is 4 ohms because we have a 4-ohm speaker (the values used here will also work with an 8-ohm speaker, but it is best to adjust the filter according to the speaker you choose). BECAUSE WE HAVE ALREADY 100N PARALLEL TO POWER CAPS. They sound even better bi-amped with an active crossover. Yes, when similar measures are taken as those found in most power amplifiers with a headphone socket. Ring = R + speaker Hi, thanks for the post! I have a question with regards to the selection of capacitance values for C12 and C13 how did you go about selecting those values is there a calculation that I could use, as I am designing something similar please? What is a Class-D audio power amplifier? Depending on the impedance variances of the headphone in question the frequency response may alter as well. The lower impedance headphones still run a risk when connected directly to amplifiers >20W. My interior sound card with HP amp also has output levels of 3.0V. In theory, an op-amp can be used as a comparator, but in reality op-amps are designed for other types of work, so make sure you use an actual comparator. Balanced amplifiers basically have 2 amplifiers which have the same signal on it but in opposite phase. The thing is that class d has efficiency advantage depend on your need. Every amplifier is designed to handle a certain load. Below you can see the block diagram of a basic PWM Class-D amplifier, just like the one that we are building. I was a bit hesitant for blowing up my valued tube amplifier which has balanced outputs. When the volume control range still is a bit small one could make a passive output attenuator with more attenuation or use your attenuators. Good day, THANKS. You can do this by using a small output transformer or line transformer with a 1:4 ratio or something like that. just add at gmail to my username, that is my email. This requires a voltage that is higher than the positive supply; the IR2110 provides this drive voltage with the help of our bootstrap capacitor, C10. Class D for DIY'ers generally takes the form of small compact modules from a supplier, with case and power supply by the DIY'er. Normal amplifiers have a single signal (one for each channel) which is connected to a common return wire (often called ground) Is it possible (because I would like to build my own studio speakers) ? Amplifiers that drive headphones need to be able to deliver enough voltage to drive the headphones but not too much to fry them. Also Where did you connect your ground on the pcb, Im having trouble finding the common ground you talked about. This means: when one amp is at the ‘top’ of the signal there is +1Vrms and the other active amp at that same moment is -1Vrms. Any higher than this and we will run into trouble because the comparator and the MOSFET driver are not the fastest devices. Some circuits would be illegal to operate in most countries and others are dangerous to construct and should not be attempted by the inexperienced. For both the 10dB and the 20dB version R1 will be the same. Uheadpone = U amplifier x 1/(((1/R2) + (1/Zheadphone)) / R1 + ((1/R2) + (1/Zheadphone))). Ah!, I’d forgotten about it being a separate area. You must be Dutch owning an old amp from Rik Stoet. Don't have an AAC account? You could use the IRF640N, but the RDS(on) is significantly higher, leading to an amplifier with lower efficiency. Have you always wanted to build your own audio power amplifier? I look in this bit from time to time but finally decided to ask. The IR2010 or IR2011 as well as the comparator are relatively slowly devices. Because we need two outputs from the comparator, one for the high-side driver and one for the low-side driver, I decided to use the LM393AP. The low impedance headphones see a 1 Ohm load resistance. Resistor values will depend on the balanced or regular attenuator being used.
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