STEIRISCHE FLUGSPORTUNION CHECKLISTE WT9 - dynamic OE-7077 Ersetzt nicht die Kenntnis des gültigen Flughandbuches! Seite: 1 Wartungshandbuch DYNAMIC - WT9 Ausgabe: 1 Wartungshandbuch DYNAMIC – WT 9 Ausgabe 2: vom 16. Dynamic WT9 gedämpftes Bugrad ... Man könnte natürlich auch ins Handbuch schreiben, daß man mit dem Ding tunlichst nicht auf Graspisten landen soll. WT9 Dynamic LSA – Club, TOW The WT9 Dynamic LSA aircraft is certified according to EASA Certification Specification for Light Sport Aeroplanes CS-LSA, Amendment 1 dated 29th July 2013. Stand - April 2017 VORFLUGKONTROLLE The WT9 is a true all-round plane, which has a wide range of aviation uses. Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Hersteller oder Musterbetreuer. As its designation WT 9 indicates it, is his ninth project. This Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic is such a craft. Wednesday, 04 February 2015 15652 times The serial production has been started. Das Flughandbuch gibt es hier als Download: Flughandbuch. Nur wäre das dann marketingtechnisch nicht gerade so optimal. There are two places in the cockpit, side by side type. N767BH was assembled from factory built major components by Dynamic … The Dynamic WT-9 is the work of Wala Tadeas. The airplane is not only a stunning and highly successful model of LSA, but this particular airplane is worthy of center stage at any airshow competition in the world. The airframe consists of a sandwich shells from advanced composite material. Aerospool's long-term production and fabrication of gliders and glider components over the years has given them the ability to produce strong lightweight aircraft with great flight qualities. D-EWER Aquila A210: D-EQBK Aquila A211GX: D-ETIK Piper PA28-161 Warrior III: N211MZ Cirrus SR20: D-MMZF B&F FK9 Mk5 After a week waiting for weather we preformed flight test of the first serial aircraft WT9 Dynamic with Rotax 912iS on Saturday, January … Mai 2006 ACHTUNG: Es ist für Pilot und Halter Pflicht, dieses Handbuch vollinhaltlich zu lesen, zu verstehen und zu beachten. Flight test: WT9 Dynamic LSA This was particularly noteworthy, as when I tested the original microlight version its yaw stability was quite ‘soft’. Search for: Recent Posts Aerospool - aircraft producer, development and production of the composite aicraft Dynamic WT9, Advantic WT10, Subproducer of gliders, Repaint - repair of gliders, Aviation coproducer Aircrafts Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic Technical Description And Operating Instructions 97 pages. Whether in the UL600 or in the CLUB version - the MTOW of 600 kg makes the DYNAMIC capable of carrying a large load. This aircraft is intended for sporting, recreation, tourist flying The field of view is excellent, as the large bubble canopy provides a 270° view above the wing, and there is … D-ECLU Diamond DA20 Katana. Empty weights of the DYNAMIC CLUB are near to 345kg while the UL600 can range between 290 – 350kg depending on the chosen set up and equipment. Dynamic WT9 - Rotax 912iS Sport inside News. WT9 Dynamic LSA / Club “FG912T configuration” is low-wing monoplane with fixed landing gear. Related Manuals for Aerospool WT9 Dynamic LSA / Club . Cockpit-Bilder (auf Bild klicken für Full-HD-Ansicht).
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