;C: fruit, chocolate, milk, juice, cake, etc. A bad storm starts 2. 3. Hueber. (Lernmate... Ti ho sposato per allegria: Italienische Lektüre f... Una nota falsa: Spanische Lektüre für das 1. Man kann eine Reitstunde buchen. – yes, i’m fine see you ! On Wednesdays Dave always goes to the Cooking Club. you can ask your friends to bring a cake or a salad g28 you wanted to know about my 12th birthday liked, wanted, invited, gave, played, did, made, went were, was bildquellennachweis u1.1 february films (andrew kemp), london u1.2 dreamstime.com (stuart pearcey), brentwood, tn 2ff union jack shutterstock (granata1111), new york, ny 2.1–3 february films (andrew kemp), london 3.1–3 february films andrew kemp london 4.1–2 february films elke bock london 5.1– february films andrew kemp london 6.1–3 february films andrew kemp), london 7.1–3 february films (andrew kemp), london 8.1–3 february films (andrew kemp), london 9.1–3 february films (andrew kemp), london getty images photolibrary münchen 10.1–4 february films andrew kemp), london 11.1–3 february films (andrew kemp), london 11.4 thinkstock istockphoto münchen 11.5 klett-archiv cornelia donth-schäffer stuttgart 14.1 february films (andrew kemp), london 15.1–4 february films andrew kemp london 16.1 february films andrew kemp london 16.2 klett-archiv weccard stuttgart 16.3 avenue images gmbh photo alto), hamburg 16.4 klett-archiv (viktor justratow), stuttgart 16.5 thinkstock jupiterimages münchen 16.6 february films elke bock london 16.7 thinkstock (comstock), münchen 16.8 avenue images gmbh (banana stock hamburg 16.9 istockphoto rf/steve luker calgary alberta 16.10 avenue images gmbh banana stock hamburg 17.1 shutterstock erika cross new york ny 17.2 istockphoto kemter calgary alberta 17.3 february films andrew kemp london 17.4 istockphoto bobbie osborne calgary alberta 18.1 february films andrew kemp london 22.1+2 february films andrew kemp london 23.1+2 hath jessica alice freiburg 25.1 february films (andrew kemp), london 26.1–7 february films london 27.1 february films andrew kemp london 28.1–4 february films (andrew kemp), london 29.1 february films (andrew kemp), london 29.2 february films elke bock london 29.3–6 february films andrew kemp london 30.1+2 february films andrew kemp london 31.1 shutterstock (monkey business images), new york, ny 31.2 fotolia.com phattman), new york 31.3 fotolia.com (teressa), new york 31.4 shutterstock gwimages new york ny 31.5 thinkstock bananastock münchen 31.6 thinkstock brand pictures münchen 32.1+2 february films elke bock), london 32.3+4 klett-archiv, stuttgart 33.1–4 february films (andrew kemp), london 34.2 february films (elke bock), london 35.1 february films andrew kemp london 36.1 hath jessica alice freiburg 36.2 february films (elke bock), london 36.3 istockphoto (travellinglight), calgary, alberta 38.1–5 february films andrew kemp london 39.1 february films elke bock), london 40.1 fotolia.com (gerhard seybert), new york 42.1+2 hath jessica alice freiburg 43.1 hath jessica alice freiburg 46.1–5 february films london 48.1 avenue images gmbh photo alto hamburg 50.1–4 february films elke bock london 51.1–3 february films elke bock london 52.1 february films (elke bock), london 52.2 shutterstock (beboy new york ny 53.1 february films andrew kemp london 54.1 february films elke bock london 54.2 shutterstock lemony new york ny 56.1 february films andrew kemp london 57.1 panthermedia gmbh elmar tomasi münchen 58.1 february films elke bock london 59.1– hath, jessica alice, freiburg 60.1+2 hath, jessica alice, freiburg 61.1+2 hath jessica alice, freiburg 64.1–6 february films, london 67.1 february films london 68.1 february films andrew kemp london 68.2 shutterstock qq7), new york, ny 69.1 getty images (afp), münchen 69.2 shutterstock (r nagy new york ny 69.3 picture-alliance natalie teppe frankfurt 69.4 thinkstock (istcok/gennadiy poznyakov), münchen 70.1 february films andrew kemp), london 73.1 hath, jessica alice, freiburg 74.1 shutterstock solutions two hundred and sixty-eight, gorillaimages), new york, ny 75.1 alamy images (patrick ward), abingdon oxon 75.2–6 february films andrew kemp london 76.1 february films andrew kemp), london 78.1 hath, jessica alice, freiburg 79.1 february films andrew kemp), london 81.1 hath, jessica alice, freiburg 84.1–6 february films, london 90.1+2 february films (andrew kemp), london 91.1+2 february films (andrew kemp), london 91.3 getty images rf (photodisc), münchen 91.4 shutterstock (nikolay postnikov), new york, ny 91.5 fotolia.com (ilona baha), new york 91.6 avenue images gmbh (ingram publishing), hamburg 94.1 february films andrew kemp london 94.2 istockphoto linda steward calgary alberta 98.1 hath jessica alice freiburg 99.1–3 hath jessica alice, freiburg 102.1–6 february films, london 104.1 fotolia.com (a.l new york 104.2 shutterstock (msheldrake), new york, ny 104.3 thinkstock monkey business), münchen 104.4 shutterstock (joe gough), new york, ny 104.5 fotolia.com joe gough new york 104.6 thinkstock istockphoto münchen 105.1-4 february films london 107.1 picture-alliance epa/phil nijhuis/pool frankfurt 108.1 february films andrew kemp london 108.2 avenue images gmbh (digital vision, rf), hamburg 109.1 getty images stone/lars borges münchen 109.2 istockphoto liz leyden calgary alberta 109.3 getty images (flickr open), münchen 111.1+2 february films andrew kemp london 112.1 picture-alliance zentralbild/marco kohlmeyer frankfurt 112.2 fotolia.com michael ireland new york 112.3 february films andrew kemp london 113.1 istockphoto filo calgary, alberta 117.1 corbis (image source), düsseldorf 117.2 hath, jessica alice freiburg 118.1+2 february films andrew kemp london 120.1–6 february films, london 121.1 february films (andrew kemp), london 122.1–3 february films, london 122.4 dreamstime.com (trentham), brentwood, tn 122.5 corbis (stephane cardinale/people avenue), düsseldorf 122.6 fotolia com (goodluz), new york 123.1 istockphoto (daniel troutman photography calgary, alberta 123.2 istockphoto (jean-francois guignard), calgary, alberta 123.3 shutterstock (lisa f. young), new york, ny 123.4 mev verlag gmbh augsburg 125.1–3 february films andrew kemp london 126.1 alex’s lemonade stand foundation wynnewood 128.1 getty images george pimentel/wireimage münchen 130.1 hath jessica alice freiburg 135.1 february films (elke bock), london 135.3 february films (elke bock), london 135.4 february films london 136.1 february films elke bock london 137.1 istockphoto miralex calgary alberta 137.2 thinkstock hemera münchen 137.3 thinkstock istockphoto münchen 137.4 shutterstock bestweb), new york, ny 138.1 hath, jessica alice, freiburg 139.1 february films (elke bock), london 140.1 hath, jessica alice, freiburg 141.1–3 february films andrew kemp london 143.1 dreamstime.com noamfein brentwood, tn 143.2 shutterstock (pio3), new york, ny 143.3 imago, berlin 143.4 february films (andrew kemp), london 144.1 www.cartoonstock.com stahler jeff bath 146.1 thinkstock istockphoto münchen 146.2–4 thinkstock istock münchen 149.1 thinkstock stockbyte münchen 149.2 panthermedia gmbh (sabine kassal), münchen 154.1 february films andrew kemp london 155.1 february films andrew kemp london 156.1 february films (andrew kemp), london 157.1+2 february films (andrew kemp london 159.1+2 february films andrew kemp london 159.3 february films elke bock london 161.1+2 february films andrew kemp london 164.1 february films elke bock london 165.1 february films andrew kemp london 165.2 february films elke bock london 166.1+2 february films andrew kemp london 170.1+2 february films andrew kemp), london 176.1 february films (andrew kemp), london 177.1 february films (elke bock), london 177.2 february films (elke bock), london 184.1 shutterstock irur new york ny 189.1 avenue images gmbh f1 online hamburg 189.2 istockphoto don nichols calgary alberta 189.3 istockphoto 664964 calgary alberta 189.4 shutterstock pixel embargo), new york, ny 189.5 shutterstock (mircea maties), new york, ny 190.1 klett-archiv dembski stuttgart 190.2 shutterstock juriah mosin new york ny 190.3 f1 online digitale bildagentur mev frankfurt 191.1 fotolia.com michael rogner new york 191.2–7 thinkstock istock münchen 200.1–7 february films andrew kemp london 206.1 february films (andrew kemp), london 206.2 klett-archiv, stuttgart 206.3 february films (andrew kemp), london 223.7 klett-archiv, stuttgart 225.1 february films (andrew kemp), london 225.2 dreamstime.com (shariff che\’ lah brentwood, tn 225.3 february films (andrew kemp), london 225.4 mauritius images alamy mittenwald 225.5 picture-alliance empics frankfurt 225.6 ullstein bild gmbh bork berlin 225.7 shutterstock jonathan feinstein), new york, ny 225.8 fotolia.com (jesper storgaard jensen), new york 225.9 ullstein bild gmbh (oberhäuser/caro), berlin 225.10 fotolia.com erwinova new york 229.1 thinkstock digital vision münchen 229.2 istockphoto chris hepburn calgary alberta 229.3 thinkstock istockphoto münchen 229.4 thinkstock monkey business münchen 229.5 stockfood gmbh jones huw münchen 229.6 dreamstime.com ershamstar brentwood tn 229.7 fotolia.com jim orr new york 229.8 ingram publishing, tattenhall chester 229.9 thinkstock (istockphoto münchen 234.1–3 february films (andrew kemp), london 236.1 istockphoto david franklin calgary alberta 236.2 weccard thomas ludwigsburg 236.3 february films andrew kemp london 237.1 february films elke bock), london 270.1 fotolia.com (geckospake), new york 270.2 fotolia.com renáta sedmáková new york 270.3 ullstein bild gmbh prisma/tpx berlin 270.4 thinkstock istockphoto münchen 270.5 thinkstock purestock münchen 270.6 thinkstock elena elisseeva münchen 270.7 shutterstock (bikeworldtravel), new york, ny 270.8 getty images (the image bank münchen 270.9 istockphoto king_louie calgary alberta 270.10 corbis rf rf/image source düsseldorf 270.11 shutterstock new york, ny 271.1 istockphoto (naes), calgary, alberta 271.2+3 february films andrew kemp), london 271.4 february films (elke bock), london 274.1– february films (andrew kemp), london 275.1+2 february films (andrew kemp), london sollte es in einem einzelfall nicht gelungen sein den korrekten rechteinhaber ausfindig zu machen so werden berechtigte ansprüche selbstverständlich im rahmen der üblichen regelungen abgegolten textquelle song ring ring ring ha ha hey text brookhouse julian godfrey/ drummond michael john/huston paul e./jolicoeur david j./mason vincent lamont/mercer kelvin/skinner glenn francis/thorp nicholas bernard/volpeliere-pierrot ben chelsea-music publishing co ltd/curio sounds ltd/caisy age music/prinse pawl music rolf budde musikverlag gmbh berlin/universal music publishing gmbh berlin/neue welt musikverlag gmbh, hamburg two hundred and sixty-nine, london heathrow start the river thames play the london game, thomas tallis school finish welcome to the london game take this ‘tour’ of london and practise your english at the same time just ask your teacher for the game instructions playing pieces and playing cards then see who can get to finish first have fun, two the british isles cork nottingham hull york newcastle aberdeen manchester brighton cambridge oxford plymouth birmingham liverpool glasgow london dublin cardiff belfast edinburgh english channel north sea devon lake district irish sea atlantic ocean thames trent severn tyne ly km miles snowdon ben nevis loch ness big ben stonehenge hadrian’s wall england scotland “union jack” northern ireland for the united kingdom, two romney road creek road blackheath hill road shooters hill road charlton way great cross college way king george street norman road bower avenue avenue blackheath avenue bower avenue maze hill king william walk greenwich church st park row trafalgar road green wich high road old woolwi ch road greenwich sout street lewisham road greenwich park thames royal observatory deer park rose garden tennis court planetarium greenwich station old royal naval college cutty sark swimming pool arches leisure centre trinity hospital boating lake vanbrugh castle playground foot tunnel hare and billet road mudchute farm fan museum greenwich olivia fraser years old lives with her dad her stepmum and her half-sister lucy likes netball cycling and creative activities luke elliot years old has sister irina and brother jamie has dog sherlock likes football and jokes jahangir “jay” azad years old has one brother shahid his uncle and aunt have restaurant likes singing and dancing road bil bil, three shooters hill road charlton road vanbrugh park old dover road a2 a102 kidbrooke park road kidbrooke grove south row woolwich road prince char les road prince of ales road we st thomas tallis school van ug hill greenwich greenwich london madame tussauds the london eye regent’s park zoo buckingham palace hyde park houses of parliament the thames barrier the british museum st paul’s cathedral globe theatre tower bridge thames holly richardson years old has one sister amber sees her dad at the weekend has two guinea pigs honey and mr fluff likes animals and shopping dave preston years old is an only childd has cat sid likes computer games and books south row south row south row chil, green line get connected lernerfolg für alle differenziert lernen auf drei niveaustufen rundum kompetent alltägliche situationen sicher meistern authentisches großbritannien englisch erleben mit filmen fotostorys und across cultures leselust garantiert starke texte lesen und genießen, Keine Zugangsdaten für automatisches Login hinterlegt, Für automatisches Login hinterlegte Zugangsdaten löschen. I’m so excited. I like the park, but I don’t like museums. Do you speak English? The opening times help.River ferry: ‘River ferry’ is ‘Fähre’. *a:ntse spricht man das w“ nicht to answer to ask weather ! (…) Excuse me. – Yes, she does. 7. No, they don’t. Green Line 1 G9. are you doing 4. *eskeleite rolltreppe fr escalator to stand !stxnd stehen please stand on the left to walk !wc:k gehen laufen let’s walk to school today unit let’s do something fun check-in museum !mju:*zi:em museum museums can be very interesting fr musée to cost !kost kosten a day in london costs a lot ship !sip schiff ship is a big boat over ! 3. Then go straight on past the National Maritime Museum. Can you help me to find …? Die Bildquellen befinden sich auf der letzten Seite. we don’t need money for that what about a game of badminton on sunday? The monster wave 4. your turn play game about your town wb 49/8–9 where can you have fun in your town partner thinks of place partner guesses it you can only ask questions with yes/no answers example is it near our school? The Canterville Ghost: Englische Lektüre für das 2... Il misterio di Veronica: Italienische Lektüre für ... Des vacances en or: Französische Lektüren für das ... Englisch für kaufmännische Berufe, Fachkurs Indust... Organisch-chemisches Grundpraktikum. that’s great olivia good! Green Line SII Globalisation Introduction (p.12) 10 Terms anhermes TEACHER Green Line 13 Science and utopia A The privacy debate Yes, Big Brother is watching you. Versand gegen Porto möglich. 4. Bildfolien Green Line 1 (978-3-12-834201-6), Redaktion: Steffen Auer; Gaby Bauer-Negenborn M.A., Weßling, Illustrationen: Peer Kramer, Düsseldorf; jani lunablau, Barcelona, Fotos: February Films (Elke Bock), London. Die Schulaufgaben zu Englisch 7. Etc. Ben saves the first mate because he can swim. Can I ask you a question, please?Boy: I haven’t got time – sorry.Dave: OK, no problem. a very big city free !fri frei kostenlos there’s no school on saturday. Da die Kurzgeschichte sehr kurz ist, können die Textstellen leicht auf die Fassungen Sorry, I can’t always answer every question. Green Line Oberstufe Update 2019 US politics und Brexit. Klasse (Green Line. *taim9teibl stundenplan fahrplan it shows you what lessons you have, and when to be in the way !bi:-in de *wei im weg sein/stehen am in the way – no, that’s ok way !wei weg can you tell me the way to the park, please bus station ! I know the verb ‘visit’. Bundesausgabe ab 2014), vorlesen online kostenlos Green Line 1: 99 grammatische Übungen mit Lösungen Klasse 5 (Green Line. *wumen *wimin frau achtung aussprache man men pl !mxn men mann man woman to jump the queue !+dz0mp de *kju sich vordrängeln never jump the queue ! Auflage 1 5 4 3 2 1 | 2023 22 21 20 19 Alle Drucke dieser Auflage sind unverändert und können im Unterricht nebeneinander verwendet werden. What do you think of the football club/the zoo/the stadium/…? Green Line 1 G9. Thank you so much.Person: That’s OK. You’re welcome.Lösungsvorschlag: Dialogue B:Dave: Excuse me, have you got a minute, please?Girl: Yes, I do.Jay: For a class survey, can you tell us what you do in your free time?Girl: Of course. i often play football do you … play football play tennis go swimming go skating visit museums tony often sometimes sometimes often never alex often often never sometimes sometimes how to meet your friends instead of station 71/5 take turns to play the two roles start with the example then choose different words and make different dialogues you can use your own ideas too let’s visit a museum on sunday no, that’s boring well, do you want to go swimming yes, i do. Etc. Then turn left into King William Walk. i want to go there with my family. – oh no, i (not like cycling in busy streets i haven’t got money for the museum. – Yes, you can take lessons. Fachbuch zur Ausbildung zum Erzieher, Bildungsangebote Erzieherausbildung. i want to talk to ( ihm ) about sunday dave i’m here. what time no, i don’t like … / no, that’s boring let’s meet in the park / at my flat / … but here’s a different idea … let’s meet on saturday / at 2:30 / … maybe we can … / let’s … / do you like … great! Do lots of animals live on the farm? see you there in the shop olivia look, there’s a pink hat. No, they don’t. PDF Formatted 8.5 x all pages,EPub Reformatted especially for book readers, Mobi For Kindle which was converted from the EPub file, Word, The original source document. What’s your favourite activity? There is a picture next to the text.Tasty: ‘Tasty’ is ‘lecker’. but i haven’t got time now. whoosh the wave hits the wheel and the first mate falls into the sea “help!” he shouts “i can’t swim save me!” the captain throws lifebuoy but the first mate can’t get to it “lifeboat!” the captain shouts two sailors run to one of cutty sark’s lifeboats but ben knows the first mate needs help right away ben can swim he jumps into the water he swims to the lifebuoy and takes it to the first mate he stays with the first mate till the lifeboat comes well and that’s how the captain finds out he’s wrong about his cabin boy he’s sorry about his angry words and after the storm he talks to ben “brave people make good sailors,” he says “i’m very happy to have you on cutty sark briggs!” “wow that’s great story thank you very much,” jay says “i think the cabin boy is cool,” luke says “how do you know his story?” jay asks “well boys remember i’m from family of sailors,” the man answers “wait minute what’s your name?” dave asks “briggs,” says the sailor “my name is briggs.” questions about the story wb 55/22–23 where is cutty sark in 1875 why can’t the captain hold the wheel why does he think ben is scared what does ben bring for the captain why doesn’t ben get to the wheel what happens to the first mate how does ben save the first mate what does the captain find out about ben working with headings read the skills box in your exercise book write down important words for parts and then write your own headings for all five parts of the story reading writing why are headings useful a heading tells the reader what is important in a part of a story. lucy likes animals and they like ( sie lucy and olivia can you take a photo of ( uns ), please claire ok, girls. That’s wrong. Die Weimarer Republik: Quellen zur Geschichte und ... Mistero a Roma: Italienische Lektüre für das 3. un... Welkom! Lösungen zu green line 5 seite 48 step 3 ich brauch bis morgen unbedingt den step 3 auf der seite 48 im green line 5 buch, kann mir da bitte ganz schnell einer helfen oder sagen wo ich die lösungen im internet finde ? *laifbeut rettungsboot ship needs lifebuoys and lifeboats to jump !dz0mp springen let’s jump into the water together to stay !stei bleiben to come to stay to go to be wrong !bi *ron unrecht haben sich irren to be wrong to be right to be sorry !bi *sori leid tun to make !meik hier ergeben brave people make good sailors to remember !ri*membe sich erinnern an sich merken denken an do you remember the cabin boy’s name, g25 i’ve got couple of posters a few / a couple of a little a few / a couple of a few / a couple of a little a few / a couple of unit g26 we can watch film lösungsvorschlag on the phone holly can you go / come (in)to town with me? a) Not in the dialogue: Can you say that again, please? Olivia thinks they are funny. and we can take our own picnic,” olivia says the frasers like the idea of mudchute farm. Text: A look at Greenwich Text: A look at Greenwich Transkription zum Video. The church is at the end of Nelson Road. Lösungsvorschlag: 1. Man kann zu Fuß, mit dem Rad, mit dem Auto oder mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln wie Bus und DLR hinkommen. Schülerheft mit Lösungen novel get attach on this sheet with you could transported to the totally free request develop after the free registration you will be able to download the book in 4 format. “i love rabbits and rabbits love me!” she says the website gives lots of information the farm doesn’t open on mondays, but it’s open all other days of the week. *kxbin +bci schiffsjunge the cabin boy helps on a ship sea !si meer the sea die see, nicht: der see aboard !e*bc:d an bord sailor ! Unter Berücks... PONS Reise-Sprachführer Italienisch: Im richtigen ... Razem neu A1-A2: Polnisch für Anfänger.
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