Intersection subsequently debuted on Fox Turkey in January. Zu meinen Favoriten hinzufügen Jetzt abspielen. Dieser Serie ist Bewegend, Romantisch. Schauspieler in Intersection. RESUMEN / SINOPSIS. August 2016 im amerikanischen Pay-TV-Sender HBO ausgestrahlt wurde. The Night Of – Die Wahrheit einer Nacht (Originaltitel: The Night Of) ist eine achtteilige US-amerikanische Krimiserie, die vom 24.Juni bis zum 28. Alican Yücesoy (1) Belçim Bilgin (5) İbrahim Çelikkol (2) İbrahim Çelikkol as Ali Nejat Born: February 14, 1982 (35), Izmit, Turkey Education: Communication He made professional modeling before the serie started. Through Naz , Umut intersects with Ali Nejat . Limitless: Schauspielerin Mary Elizabeth Mastranton spielt Nasreen Pou in Limitless. Discussing the cast, Eren says: “Belçim has appeared in many feature films internationally and here in Turkey, and Intersection is the only drama series she has taken part in. Çelikkol, who was interested in basketball for a period, became a turning point in his life when he met Osman Sınav while he was studying acting after leaving the basket. His mother is of Salonica descent and his father is of Arab descent. La serie se desarrolla en Estambul, en donde se narra la historia de Naz (Belçim Bilgin), una pediatra que se enamora de Umut (Alican Yücesoy) un diseñador automotriz con grandes ambiciones.El amor entre ellos se origina apasionadamente en la adolescencia y sucumben ante el deseo, luego de lo cual, Naz queda embarazada y son obligados a contraer matrimonio. Der/die Serie Intersection erschien 2016. Naz, a quem Kaan conheceu antes, torna-se uma pessoa importante em sua vida. Geeignet ab 12 Jahren. Umut, o marido de Naz, trabalha como mecânico com Genco em uma pequena garagem local que está lutando para permanecer no negócio. Ao tentar equilibrar sua vida como um novo pai e um empresário, Ali Nejat acaba de se apoiar em Naz para obter ajuda. The series stars Ibrahim Celikkol, Belçim Bilgin, Alican Yücesoy, Saadet Isil Aksoy. #ImpactanteAdelanto #Exclusivo de AMORES CRUZADOS - CAPÍTULOS - OFICIAL (Intersection) El trágico e injusto final de Naz. Produced by Endemol Shine Turkey, Kordugum series is the 31st episode. Although Naz and Umut go through the motions of married life , there are many deep cracks in the marriage plate. Olivia: Lolita Davidovich. decided to make the final with the episode. She’s currently acting in US film Backstabbing for Beginners, in which she stars alongside Ben Kingsley. Flashbacks triggered by a highway collision cause an architect to reflect on his relationships with his wife and mistress. Richard Gere, Sharon Stone. Neal: Martin Landau. HD UHD 4K HDR DOLBY VISION DOLBY SURROUND DOLBY ATMOS. One of the problems for Naz's sadness is her inability to carry a baby to term. Name: Ibrahim Celikkol Birthdate: February 14, 1982 Birthplace: Izmit, Turkey Height: 187 cm Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Brown Education: Talent Agency: Spouse: Mihre Mutlu (m. 2017-present) Children: Ali Celikkol (2019) Biography: Ibrahim Celikkol is an actor and ex-model. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung war vom 29. Ten years before , Naz … Kördüğüm (Intersection) episode 31, which air on Thursday evenings, Tariq Karasu avenged Murat.
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