Simply enter names you like and let this genius technology inspire you to find the perfect name. Trying to think of a name for a character that uses poison blades. Neco- A Latin word meaning “to kill” or “to put to death.” Renita- Reborn. You’ll find the demonic names and meanings of a whole bunch of male and female demons who have been feared, worshiped or thought to be the talk of myth and mystery. Apparently, Carr lived in the swamp, because when the English got a hold of the name, it came to mean … But i cant think of a name that would mean something like that. A baby born from deceit or one who was meant to be a boy, but comes out a girl could be fitting of a deceitful name. Magic Baby Names is a unique search site with 103,458 names collected from 2,706,408 family trees, containing 133,632,776 people. If the gothic culture interests you, you may decide to choose a baby name with ties to the darker side of life. 9 years ago. Moratalia- From the word “moratlis.” Meaning: Mortal. Gothic baby names are commonly chosen for their unusual meanings. Averna- Queen of the Dead in Roman Mythology. Answer Save. Find more ways to say toxic, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Compiled here are demon names that should perk your interest, or have you researching about some pretty dark entities. Let’s take a look at some of these infamous demons names. Nickname: Ava. Relevance. Ancient Gothic Names. Eijaz: The name Eijaz comes from an Arabic origin. However, Behind the Name describes Thana as meaning "praise" in Arabic, so the juxtapositions here are very interesting, indeed. Synonyms for toxic include poisonous, venomous, noxious, pestilential, toxiferous, virulent, baneful, deadly, destructive and harmful. Nello. By imbibing values such as mercy and compassion, parents can thwart the development of feelings of hatred and animosity in the hearts of their children. Adjective used to describe usually very negative person, that bitch about everything, spread unnecessary hate or just talk shit about others. Many of these names are borrowed from mythology. This strong and elegant name has a simple meaning being a miracle or blessing. Japanese name meaning poison or poisonous? The name has an English origin. Aeronwen- Name derived from the Celtic Goddess of Battle and Slaughter. You can meet these people in any online game comunity and they are the main coin of online gaming. According to English etymology, Carson means "son of Carr." Interesting but difficult, the word "poison/毒" is not used as a name and well, it does not work in Japanese. It is one of the most trendy and unique names with really good meaning. 132 Baby Names Meaning Mercy Teaching children to be forgiving, compassionate and merciful is imperative in a world where people are busy seeking revenge and suing each other at the drop of a hat. Another word for toxic. In arthouse filmdom, Thana, the avenging feminist anti-heroine, was played by the late, great, beautiful actress Zoe Lund, whose performance in Abel Ferrara's cult classic Ms. 45 was nothing less than extraordinary, even if the film itself was … Names Meaning Deceit or Liar In some cultures, babies are named for the way they look, act, or the circumstances of their birth. This name is Scottish in origin, but this time, Scotland can't be blamed for the negative connotation. 1 Answer. Laentina- Goddess of Death. It simply means a blessing or a miracle. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more!
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