There are a lot of great weapons in Nioh 2.But of course, the best weapon is the one that fits your personal build the best. What this soul core essentially does is make your character completely disappear from your enemy's view, completely removes your hurtbox, and you can do corruption damage to enemies as you exit out of the Ongyoki Soul Core's Yokai Ability. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. "Recommended Skills and Stat Builds for each Weapon Type Now Available!" The best build and skills for Switchglaive in Nioh 2 on PS5 and PS4. What are the best weapons to combo as main and sub? While they have poor block, their break is decent, and their primary Magic scaling is unique. Or if you’re just looking for solid Corruption damage with the Kusarigama, look no further than the Rotten Rope Cutter. We’re not going to go into OP meme builds you can make at level 100, but rather the characteristics of the starting weapons you can choose and how you can use them in normal play. You will want to buff your Skill and Heart to wield the Dual Swords effectively, which means they work well with single Katanas or a Spear as your other starting weapon. The Tonfa are a funny one. The Black Bamboo Kusarigama is an interesting early game weapon, because it’s one of the first you can find which imbues an element: Paralysis. Low stance attacks and quick mid stance melee attacks are fast with the Kusarigama, which leads to good Paralysis build-up. So, with Yokai enemies, not only are they going to take a lot of damage from the initial Explosive Sacred Arrow, all following Arrows after that will have the added benefit of Confusion, which can essentially beat down most standard Yokai with a few arrows. February 16, 2021 Taku Bou Nioh 2 4. They also scale with Strength and Skill, which makes them go well with Odachi or Dual Swords to switch up your offensive style. The more you use a weapon, the more familiar you get with it. Also, as a side note, your Ranged weapons are very powerful, especially when it comes to hitting enemies with weak spots. Nioh and Nioh 2 (including all DLCs) are also bundled in the Nioh Collection on PS5. Agreed with TS.Just 1 tip from me for newcomers here, don't ever ever ever ever sleep on Items, Ninjutsu, and Magic buffs. Spears have a good block and deal high ki damage to guarding opponents, making them a good starting choice. Choose if: Big base damage is your favourite. If you’re serious about using Dual Hatchets though, you need to seek out the Urn Splitter Hatchets. It’s quite easy to stack 3-4 pieces of this set in the background so that you get life drain on your bullseye hits, along with hefty savings on ki spent dodging and melee damage. What’s more, you can throw your axes at enemies for some medium-range utility. The Ongyoki Soul Core can also be used as a way to run away and disengage your enemy; as long as there's no DoT (like Poison and Fire) on your enemy they will completely disengage and return to their post when you trigger the Ongyoki Yokai Ability. Tips & Guides - Nioh 2. This is likely the first Yokai weapon you will find. Assuming that the game is meant to be played like that. ... For some tips on how to build out your Nioh 2 character, check out our guides on Nioh 2’s best weapons … The Kusarigama has some deceptively long-range attacks in its arsenal, but in mid stance primarily hits in close with quick attacks. If you add in Explosive Arrows (from the Ninjutsu tree) to your Purified Arrows, you'll essentially trigger both Fire and Purified Debuffs in a single arrow which in turn will trigger Confusion which will increase all damage being done. If big weapons and big damage numbers are your jam, along with heavy armour, then an axe might be your best starting weapon. They often come with extra buffs to your base attack for executing melee kills, on top of other bonuses. Valheim Guide | Tips for surviving Viking purgatory, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Guides – PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC, Release dates: every game confirmed for 2021 and beyond, Pokemon Go Field Research quests: February missions and rewards list, we also have pages on which Guardian Spirit you should choose, as well as a run-down of the best skills we’ve used so far in Nioh 2, we have a combat tips page including how to pull off a perfect Ki Pulse. In later difficulties you can build for sheathed (charged) damage with a grace like futsunushi . Sort of new to Nioh, played through ng in 1 on release and planning on diving into 2 pretty deep. I really like the Odachi’s moveset. Below is a table of which weapons benefit from points in different skills, followed by a run-down of each weapon type. The Kunimoto Rifle is special because it often has the special effect of reducing an enemy’s attack power when you shoot them. This means they’re best teamed with another large weapon: the Odachi. However, the downside to running a level through pure stealth is that you're not getting rewarded with Amrita and possible item drops. The Switchglaive loot pool is quite small from my experience, but the mid stance rushing moveset is fun to dash around with, and Onmyo Magic is a very useful tool in-game. Contrary to what you’d think, the giant axes and hammers you can choose to start Nioh 2 with scale their damage with stamina rather than strength. It sounds like a wooly cliche, but the best weapon in Nioh 2 is the one you like the most and suits your chosen playstyle. Towards the end of the game you unlock missions in the dojo which reward you with great weapons of each type – I won’t list these as it’s kind of a spoiler, and it’s obvious when and where you can get them. Choose if: You like fast weapons with versatile range, or want to focus on Ninjutsu. For something more exotic though, try the Ryomen Sukna’s Axe. His iconic weapon Blades of Chaos is now replaced by Blades of Kusarigama to relinquish the bloodthirst in this era. This is why it's not a bad idea to invest a little bit of time in Stealth and Ranged tactics, because sometimes your best option is not give your opponents any chance to retaliate at all. If that’s not fancy enough for you, look out for the imposing Dragon’s Roar in the late game. This is useful because as long as you throw down a smoke ball, even if there are witnesses to hear your gunfire or witness you blowing off someone else's head with a ranged weapon, they won't be able to do much other than stand there while the smoke is active. If you’re into heavy armour, then you could look at equipping the Warrior of the West Bow in the background to get that armour set’s massive boost to melee damage. to unlock more skills. In the beginning just be worried about pumping points into what you need and equip the best gear that drops. For my spear/tonfa build, I'm running 3 Kigetsu and 2 Tatenashi for body armor, and Tonfa Gun along with Ameratasu Spear (to go with Ameratasu Rifle/Cannon) for weapons. Dual Swords make up for the punch they lose on each hit with speed, which makes them good at imbuing statuses. ... It’s an ideal weapon for learning the basics of Nioh 2, therefore is a weapon recommended weapon for beginners. Top; ... "Discover Nioh 2's Best Weapon Types through our Tier List!" However, it's entirely possible to highlight a number of weapons objectively better than the rest. Katana – The Katana sword is a rock-solid basic weapon and an exemplary choice for your starting weapon in Nioh 2 whether you’re new to the series or not. The Ravenwing Rifle is a really easy piece to equip in the background to form part of the Saika’s Yatagarasu set. Only use high-stance while you having big advantage, enemy is winded for example or slower enemies. I've obliterated entire bosses by doing nothing but waiting for them to be open and unleashing the napalm strike on them. Best Character Creation Codes In Nioh 2. Smoke balls are also useful when you're taking shots from enemy fire while there's an enemy engaging you. The Twin Dragons imbue fire element on your enemies quickly with rapid strikes. Best Armor sets for Nioh 2’s later game. and with ki damage being a thing in Nioh 2 it hands downs the best weapon. For more guidance on making your starting character, we also have pages on which Guardian Spirit you should choose, as well as a run-down of the best skills we’ve used so far in Nioh 2. As well as buffing your life and ki, the big buffs to melee damage, damage reduction make it a strong armour set. Most of the weapons in Nioh 2 drop randomly, so there might be brilliant or even better variations of the starting weapon types that I simply haven’t seen. For more on Nioh 2, here are the best skills and best weapons we’ve seen in the game so far! Without a doubt, Nioh and Nioh 2 are very difficult games. While the dodge ki reduction and melee damage buffs are also great. A lot of enemies you face in Nioh 2 are based in the fire element, which makes a reliable source of water damage very appealing. This makes it good at imbuing status elements. Whereas the Yin-Yang Tonfa deal extra water damage. Also rely on those ninjutsu feathers if you can spare some points to dex. Of course, not every weapon has a very strong charged attack, so a backup weapon like Hatchets with it's High Stance charged throw attack will come in handy. I was wondering what are the weapon types considered the best in NioH. They are amazing at applying confusion and will save your neck against some human boss, or human enemies encounter. They really really really help a lot.Don't rush anything, take your time to learn the depths of this game, take dojos test etc. When it comes to best weapons in Nioh, you need to be familiar with Weapon Familiarity. Choose if: You’re an absolute hard nut, like attacking quickly, and want a melee weapon to scale with your Ninjutsu but not as a primary focus. To use it, you have to lock on-to an enemy and aim, which makes it good for spamming in boss fights for cheap damage. The game is designed to be hard and cheesey. I have had some encounters where enemies like to call shitload of their friends to back them up and those feathers are amazing for crowd control. Keeping it equipped in the background still bags you the benefits, so it’s worth considering for any build. Nioh 2 - Best Build and Skills for Swords. But yeah I snipe a lot of guys in the first few missions. Stats affect the players combat and effectiveness; Each weapon type scales with specific stats; Stats can be reallocated by using a consumable item called Book of Reincarnation At the end of this early mission waits the horse-headed demon, Mezuki, ready to … Avoid if: You struggle with timing slow attacks, or want to use light armour (although I did use an Odachi and light armour for most of my first playthrough). Of course, there are some nuances such as the Bow won't penetrate a stronger human target's helmet while things like Rifles and Handcannons generate a lot of noise which can draw in other enemies. It just depends on how you like to play the game. 2B. Avoid if: You want a more conventional playstyle, wear heavy armour, or keep distance. With the above setup, I have 26.6%CCD and 0 skill damage. It usually imbues Corruption, with a high familiarity threshold that boosts its damage ceiling. If you want a close and personal weapon, as well as a long-range one, you might want to try the Tonfas and Spear. Being able to identify what the Nioh 2 best weapons are is important, as you have a long and difficult adventure ahead which you want to be well prepared for. They have good break and block and often come with elements ready imbued onto the weapons themselves. They’re all good options. Here’s our list of Nioh 2 boss guides! The damage on the Katana scales best with Heart, followed by skill, which means they synergise well with Dual Swords, Hatchets, and Bows and Rifles on ranged – with Light Armour equipped to your body. Just 2 pieces gives all of your bullseye hits a large life drain effect. Engaging more than 3 enemies is suicidal. Their blocking ability is mediocre, but they deal good stamina damage to a guarding enemy, called “Break”. This is useful for both Human and Yokai enemies. The Creator and Reddit user ... “sebapin8” has yet reincarnated the “Ghost Of Sparta” in Nioh 2. One example of this is using a powerful charged attack on enemy's back while in stealth. There is no boss or enemy that it is disadvantaged against, and it has a gentle learning curve that nonetheless reaches VERY high heights at its best. This means you will most likely be focused on the Seething Dragon Yokai Weapon which drops throughout Nioh 2. For heavy armour users, the Sohaya Tsurugi is part of the Tranquil Foundations set with the Greater Good Armour. There aren’t that many special weapons when it comes to bows, but if you want an archery focused build then there’s only one place to look: the Master Archer’s Bow. In this same boss arena, there’s another tough fight in … By James Billcliffe, Thanks. Very few weapons can boast that they can do the same amount of damage as using the right Ranged Weapon for the right enemy, it will take a severe amount of buffs and debuffs for a melee weapon to even come close to a ranged weapon's damage against weak spots. The Katana sword is a rock-solid basic weapon and an exemplary choice for your starting weapon in Nioh 2 whether you’re new to the series or not. They tend to give you bonuses for wearing little armour and attacking quickly, which is reflected in their damage scaling best with the courage skill. Choose if: You like looking cool, want to focus on Magic, Avoid if: You want Magic to be a support rather than your main focus, you want to use heavy armour. A guide for Nioh 2 on PS5 and PS4 for players wondering which weapon type and guradian spirit to choose when starting a new game, and the stats that increase depending on choice. Team the Taro Tachi with the Ferryman’s Robes for powerful life drain along with bonus water damage. I've been having a lot of success with Odachi so far, but i have no idea what's good or bad later on. If a Yokai does not have a ranged answer to your attacks they'll essentially just stand still while you're pegging them with shots while in smoke. As you make it towards the latter stages of Nioh 2’s campaign you gain access to many more armor sets, but can also start dabbling in mixing sets together. While it’s general bonuses are mostly lacklustre, Raikiri makes up for that with powerful potential to imbue the Lightning element, which slows enemies.
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