Straw Hat Pirates round 2 kicked my butt after my autogenerated Free Spirit team ran out of steam. Deine #1 für deutsche One Piece Treasure Cruise News, Guides und Diskussionen. Click to disable. Further, the game … Deine #1 für deutsche One Piece Treasure Cruise News, Guides und Diskussionen. For the 9th 10+1 pull, the last Wanted Poster will be a Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest only Character with Rumble Special Lv. (ONE PIECE Treasure Cruise) Global November 2020! Multiple Stage specials HP Threshold Requirement specials Team Composition Requirement specials Team Orb Composition Requirement specials Captain Composition Requirement specials Universal ATK boosting specials ATK boosters Base ATK boosters Combo Boost Specials Universal Orb boosting specials Type-boosting Orb boosting specials Class-boosting … Reddit OPTC; OPTC Calendar; Nakama Network; Damage Calculator; Charakter-Datenbank; Drop Table; Treasure Map Planer; Support … Limit Break: Weak (2/5) BB doesn't get anything worthy of note (team wide orb matching as a sub, etc.). (ONE PIECE Treasure Cruise) What's going on my broskiis? I'm thinking the game mode just wasn't made for a late joiner so I have to sit out till the next one. 3! BUT he is still unrivalled for his team-wide barrier penetration (on regular damage). Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal. 11,000ptで . Deine #1 für deutsche One Piece Treasure Cruise News, Guides und Diskussionen. Hopefully you get legends that you can build a better team with but don’t give up man. The list is for the … (ONE PIECE Treasure Cruise) 2020-11-03T09:45:49+09:00 ワンピース Form your own pirate crew and set sail for adventure! 3 and Rumble Ability Lv. Or edit the guide directly, this is a wiki after all:) 1 New Player Basics 1.1 Beginner Guide to Team Building 1.2 Beginner Guide to Clearing Content 1.3 Beginner Guide to Farming 1.4 New Player DON'Ts 1.5 New Player DOs 1.6 New Player Roadmap 2 Tips for Intermediate Players 3 … Pirate Festival Rumble Compendium As you all know by now, the upcoming update 10.0 is introducing a brand new mode to OPTC called Pirate Rumble. However, they may become available again at a later date. CTRL+Shift to remove both the unit and its evolution materials. Captain Actions/Boosted Abilities: Friend/Guest Captain Captain Gear Levels: Friend/Guest Captain: 17,000ptで. Whitebeard Four Emperors - One of the highest health cuts on a relatively short cooldown that hits the entire enemy team with a passive that grants a massive stat boost when at low health. Nella costruzione di un team, controllate sempre quali personaggi beneficiano dalle special e ability (ad esempio special che boosta STR/DEX/PSY) e costruitene un team intorno. Azure Rumble Scroll: Glory x3. *The Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest only characters are exclusive to the Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest and will no longer be available at Rare Recruit after Mar. Cotton Candy RCV Power Up (+100) x1. Amber Rumble Scroll: Glory x3. Ich check noch fast garnichts . This is a Database for all things One Piece Treasure Cruise, including Stats, Drops, Sockets and a Damage Calculator. The BEST teams in Pirate Rumble (PVP) - Nov 2020 | One Piece Treasure Cruise | ワンピース (トレクル) Team building. BB doesn't make for a particularly noteworthy sub, and his 2.75x ATK as a captain is rather weak. Contribute to optc-db/ development by creating an account on GitHub. Wilkommen zu meinem One Piece Treasure Cruise Channel! Fan run database for One Piece Treasure Cruise. Pirate Rumble's brand new, although the 9 easy stages I cleared have some interesting rewards. FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn Also, Barto’s Boat is sometimes more useful thanks to the added tankiness, Aokiji bike isn’t always the optimal choice. 16,000ptで. The matches are done on 'auto' and you have no manual control over what will happen. But the super typing sugofest is tomorrow so if you’ve been saving your gems you should definitely get lots of legends. Units you plan to evolve. … But honestly you should definitely play pirate rumble, don’t over grind right now because it’s true you don’t have the right units unfortunately. CTRL/Middle-click to remove. This method sacrifices some gems we got in the mail immediately after finishing the tutorial (used to be over 50, now it’s usually less than 20) for a simpler in-game method of rerolling for Straw Hat legends. It is hosted on github pages, although you can just download it and run a … Works for me, fewer things to … If you think there is something missing or unclear from this guide, don't hesitate to comment. The Pirate Rumble is the most unique mode introduced in the game so far, and the closest the game gets to a real PvP. Support Database Special Rare Recruit (Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest only Character guaranteed) x1. ID: … USE ZUNESHA OR THE DONQUIXOTE PIRATES SHIP. トレクルをやっています!よろしくお願いします! His Super Evolution is a side-grade. Global November 2020! hier könnt ihr erstmals zum anstehenden Pirate Rumble diskutieren, Teams posten und so weiter und so fort! Absolute Almighty Manual x1. Captain of the Kuja Pirates and one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Consider carefully what you need more, and as is usual with sidegrades, you'll ideally want both. BLACKBEARD DESTROYS UNPREPARED TEAMS! For more information and source, see on this link : Now in the cool evening, she watches the sun set on the horizon as thoughts of the one she loves begin to stir. September 2020, 14:16. Welcome to my One Piece Treasure Cruise channel! He becomes a better Captain and a better sub for Driven teams, but is no longer a good rainbow team sub. Cotton … Anmelden oder registrieren Nur Betreff durchsuchen Ergebnisse als ... Pirate Rumble; Garps Challenges; Forests of Training; Skull Islands; Ranking Events; Special Events; OPTC Links. 3,589 talking about this. 15,000ptで. This project is written in html and js, using angular, bootstrap and jquery. It allows you to make a team of up to 8 characters that you can match against a similar team of another player, three times a day (or more if you gem). 06 (19:00) PST. Erhaltene Likes 1.124 Beiträge 683 Beli 36.453. Alcuni personaggi possono avere una Rumble ability migliore della Rumble Special e viceversa, ma ciò non vuol … 2; 24. Since One Piece Treasure Cruise now has thousands of characters, this is a quick cheat sheet as to which units, primarily Legends, are the most useful in the new PvP mode Pirate Rumble. Let me know what you think. AK-47; Krig 6; Despite … 14,000ptで. The Continuation of the highly loved and apreciated OPTC Database. Offline. Thanks MiTYH :) I appreciate the follow-up, it helped me figure our Pirate Rumble more or less. Bierkapitän. One Piece Treasure Cruise Gol D Roger Pv Youtube . Hier bekommt ihr Hilfe beim Aufbau eines Teams. tsutomu 2020年11月3日 BEST PIRATE RUMBLE TEAMS! 13,000ptで. Includes a character database with all unit captain abilities, descriptions, sailor abilities, and special abilities. E-Tier: Marduk, Lars, Noctis, Yoshimitsu, Xiaoyu, Armored King, Eddy; F-Tier: Eliza, Gigas, Lei; Which Characters In Tekken 7 Tier List Are Best To Play? Pirate Rumble Rival Matches! I beat all of the AI stages with a mix of Free Spirit teams and STR/DEX/QCK built around V1 Big Mom, but I'm still unable to play the PvP mode. For the … Detailed review and other notes. So before building my own project, I reformatted all of the pirate rumble data on the optc … It is a PvP mode but because OPTC gameplay doesn't really lend itself to such a feature, Bandai had to come up with a different game really. 12,000ptで. Overwatch Tier List; Overwatch Tier List: Ranked. Come ogni abilità da capitano, anche nel pirate rumble è importante sinergizzare il team. Viel Spaß und Erfolg! Transient mode enabled. In this sense, we are talking about PvE and PvP with which you can increase your power to a considerably high level in each mode. Front Page. Cotton Candy HP Power Up (+100) x1. The OPTC-DB we all know, love, and rely on, has been missing a lot of pirate rumble data, and the data it had was not very conducive to searching and filtering. [OPC ⚒ GC] x bader 359 009 503 P-Level: 800+ Zitieren; Inhalt melden; Zum Seitenanfang; Madness. Jade Rumble Scroll: Glory x3. Timestamps: 0:00 - Team “Oh, to frolic on the beach with him someday…”
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