Please help the Pokémon Wiki by adding one. Ein spannendes Adventscomic - reinklicken und mitlesen! Choose which generation of games you're playing to see the Pokémon and capture methods. On the east part of the route is a waterbound bridge which has many strong trainers dwelling upon it. Route 28 is a Kanto route, which connects Mt. From the Pokémon League Reception Gate, Route 28 heads southwest, passing through a gap in a ledge before turning west into a strip of tall grass containing wild Pokémon. Silver there is not much interesting in the route itself. Route 28, Kanto (location) This is the Pokémon Location guide for Route 28 in Kanto . Beachte außerdem, dass du die Route 28 erst nach Erhalt aller 16 Orden betreten kannst. Route 27 is the route that connects Johto and Kanto and goes between New Bark Town and Route 26. Pokemon Crystal Gameboy For a detailed walkthrough of the game click here. Screen Starts Black when You find a Pokemon (cmrn<3 K) 01C7BBC0. The narrow strip, bordered at points by a pair of small ponds, turns north after passing a small pond to its north. Evolution Stones: 01**abd5; first slot replace ** with 08 - Moonstone 16 - Firestone 17 - Thunderstone 18 - … Route 28. Route 28is aroutein westernKanto, connecting thePokémon League Reception GatetoMt. SilverinJohto. Black to Green Screen when Pokemon is Found (cmrn<3 K) 01BEBFC0. The Pokemon found are: Common: Geodude, Graveler Rare: Aipom Very Rare: Ponyta, Ursaring, Donphan, Natu, Tangela, Doduo Extremely Rare: Sneasel Fishing: Magikarp, Poliwag Surfing: Magikarp The same pokemon are found in the next screen that is Mt.Silver Entrance. Route 28 is a route in Kanto. In Kristall befindet sich Sniebel(iirc nur nachts) im Eispfad zwischen Mahagonia City und Ebenholz City. Im n rdlichen Teil der Route schenkt dir in einem Haus ein M dchen die TM47 (Stahlfl gel) damit du ihr Versteck nicht verr tst. Auf der Route 28 zum Silberberg kannst du die Pokemon DODU, DODRI, PONITA, GALLOPA und TANGELA fangen. Screen Turns Green When Pokemon is Found (cmrn<3 K) 01BDBFC0. Creepy Music (cmrn<3 K) 010C39C1.
This is an essential listing if you're serious about wanting to catch each and every Pokemon in Pokemon Gold and Silver. Route 28/Felstunnel: 48 Feuerschlag: Dukatia City (Kaufhaus) 49 Zornklinge: Azalea City (Arena) 50 Nachtmahr: Route 31 (gebt dem Mann neben dem Beerenbaum ein Pokémon mit dem Brief vom Wächter aus dem Wachhaus im Norden von Dukatia) Glide Mode (cmrn<3 K) 012CE2D4. Pokémon Silver to the Pokémon League Reception Gate.The route will initially be blocked by Police officers, which will leave after the player has completed the Johto Elite Four.Other than leading to Mt. No more Bumping into walls or Jumping Sounds (cmrn<3 K) 010CDEC1. In the middle of this route are the Tohjo Falls which need crossing in order to proceed. A girl lives in this route. This article is missing an image. A typical route.
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