[88][121], The Ramlila festivities were declared by UNESCO as one of the "Intangible Cultural Heritages of Humanity" in 2008. In the Indian traditions, particularly Rama, the story is about a divine human, a mortal god, incorporating both into the exemplar who transcends both humans and gods.[67]. Sita moves with Rama to his father Dashratha's capital. Constructa Kühl-, Gefrierkombination, 189 L, BHT 55 x 140 x 65, 100.-, Tel. [104] Additionally, the Rama story is included in the Vana Parva of the Mahabharata, which has been a part of evidence that the Ramayana is likely more ancient, and it was summarised in the Mahabharata epic in ancient times. 461) provides a version of the Rama story. But every time she gave it to him she first tasted it to ensure, it was sweet and tasty. [125] Rama was one of many ideas and cultural themes adopted, others being the Buddha, the Shiva and host of other Brahmanic and Buddhist ideas and stories. The Buddha idol of Kosala is important in the Theravada Buddhism tradition, and one that is described by the 7th-century Chinese pilgrim Xuanzhang. The followers of Madhvacharya believe that an older version of the Ramayana, the Mula-Ramayana, previously existed. [129][130] Thai kings, continuing into the contemporary era, have been called Rama, a name inspired by Rama of Ramakien – the local version of Sanskrit Ramayana, according to Constance Jones and James Ryan. [74][76][86] According to Kapoor, Rama's life story in the Ramacharitamanasa combines mythology, philosophy, and religious beliefs into a story of life, a code of ethics, a treatise on universal human values. In Brockington's view, "based on the language, style and content of the work, a date of roughly the fifth century BCE is the most reasonable estimate".[64]. 4-Star Saber Servant. Her son Bharata, and other family members become upset at her demand. [99], Another historically and chronologically important text is Raghuvamsa authored by Kalidasa. He is the seventh avatar of Vishnu, one of his most popular incarnations along with Krishna, Parshurama, and Gautama Buddha. She demands that Rama be exiled for fourteen years to Dandaka forest. Semi Reverse S, Male, Lawful Good. [91] The exact century of its completion is unknown, but has been estimated to be somewhere between the 6th century to as late as the 14th century, but it is likely that a version of the text existed in the 1st millennium. A third individual named Rama Jamadagnya is the purported author of hymn 10.110 of the Rigveda in the Hindu tradition. [45][46] It is believed by many that when Rama returned people celebrated their happiness with diyas (lamps), and the festival of Diwali is connected with Rama's return. Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. [97], Other important historic Hindu texts on Rama include Bhusundi Ramanaya, Prasanna raghava, and Ramavali by Tulsidas. He is Sports Persons (Wrestler) by profession. [43] Sita refuses him. [3] The extant manuscripts of the text describes their education and training as young princes, but this is brief. [147][148] This Rama-inspired movement has championed social reforms, accepting members without discriminating anyone by gender, class, caste or religion since the time of Ramananda who accepted Muslims wishing to leave Islam. [111] The community organises charitable events and volunteer meals. For example, like other Hindu poet-saints of the Bhakti movement before the 16th century, Tulsidas in. According to Arthur Anthony Macdonell, a professor at Oxford and Boden scholar of Sanskrit, Rama's ideas as told in the Indian texts are secular in origin, their influence on the life and thought of people having been profound over at least two and a half millennia. [88][122] The epic and its dramatic play migrated into southeast Asia in the 1st millennium CE, and Ramayana based Ramlila is a part of performance arts culture of Indonesia, particularly the Hindu society of Bali, Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand.[123]. [31][32] The Jain versions of the Ramayana, such as the Paumacariya (literally deeds of Padma) by Vimalasuri, also mention the details of the early life of Rama. His kinsman Romapada, the King of Anga, welcomed the royal party with all due honor. Surendranath Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy, Volume 2, Cambridge University Press. Jain Texts also mentioned Rama as the eighth balabhadra among the 63 salakapurusas. This text is notable because the poetry in the text is exquisite and called a Mahakavya in the Indian tradition, and has attracted many scholarly commentaries. 758 likes. Rama responds to public gossip by renouncing his wife, and asking her to undergo a test before Agni (fire). [120] After the enactment of the legendary war between Good and Evil, the Ramlila celebrations climax in the Dussehra (Dasara, Vijayadashami) night festivities where the giant grotesque effigies of Evil such as of demon Ravana are burnt, typically with fireworks. Ravana kidnapping Sita while Jatayu on the left tried to help her. Ravana is enraged. Dasharatha remembers and agrees to do so. According to Sheldon Pollock, the life of Rama as told in the Indian texts is a masterpiece that offers a framework to represent, conceptualise and comprehend the world and the nature of life. Nia Ramadhani berangkat dengan ditemani oleh sang suami Ardi Bakrie dan beberapa saudaranya. Rama ultimately reaches Lanka, fights in a war that has many ups and downs, but ultimately Rama prevails, kills Ravana and forces of evil, and rescues his wife Sita. [105], Rama's story has had a major socio-cultural and inspirational influence across South Asia and Southeast Asia.[11][106]. [20][23] He is also known as Ram Lalla ( Infant form of Rama). [92], The Yoga Vasistha text consists of six books. • Cuma 30 Menit Setiap Hari, Bisa Khatam Alquran di Bulan Ramadan, Simak Tips Berikut! [137][138] The Jataka literature of Buddhism is generally dated to be from the second half of the 1st millennium BCE, based on the carvings in caves and Buddhist monuments such as the Bharhut stupa. [15][16][17], Rama legends are also found in the texts of Jainism and Buddhism, though he is sometimes called Pauma or Padma in these texts,[18] and their details vary significantly from the Hindu versions. In most temples, the iconography of Rama is accompanied by that of his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana. the ornament of virtuous persons is their conduct. ... „Rama Dama" in Söchtenau Von einem Regenschauer am Morgen des 17. Und natürlich wurde auch ein Turnier gespielt,auch wenn es nur auf einen Flipper war, es hat trotzdem Spaß gemacht :) [66], Rama's life story is imbued with symbolism. This community has grown to become the largest Hindu monastic community in modern times. [1] Ram betyder ”gud” på ett flertal nyindiska språk.. Enligt legenden var Rama en prins i Ayodhya.När han oskyldigt landsförvisad vandrade omkring tillsammans med sin hustru Sita och sina bröder blev Sita bortförd av demonkungen Ravana till dennes borg. [19], Rāma is a Vedic Sanskrit word with two contextual meanings. Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Irene Petryszak (2002), The Himalayan Masters: A Living Tradition, pp 37. [citation needed], Rama's life story, both in the written form of Sanskrit Ramayana and the oral tradition arrived in southeast Asia in the 1st millennium CE. [112][114][115], The important celebrations on this day take place at Ayodhya, Sitamarhi,[116] Janakpurdham (Nepal), Bhadrachalam, Kodandarama Temple, Vontimitta and Rameswaram. [125][127] The story of Rama's life has been popular in Southeast Asia. His education included the Vedas, the Vedangas as well as the martial arts. Rama Maharaji khuyến khích các học giả và nghệ sĩ đến định cư ở thủ đô mới của mình (Bangkok). The Diwali holds an imperative meaning among the Hindus, since, the day is reckoned with Lord Rama’s coronation ceremony as the King of Ayodhya after his return to the kingdom from 14 years of exile along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman - Pramodkumar . "Ucapan yang biasanya disampaikan ialah Ramadan Mubarak atau Ramadan Kareem," tulis metro.co.uk.. Menurut laman tersebut, Ramadan Mubarak diartikan selamat ramadan. Rama (Ramachandra) är inom hinduismen den efter Krishna viktigaste av guden Vishnus inkarnationer (). The ancestors of Lord Ram are described below according to Vishnu Purana and Valmiki Ramayana.The famous personalities of Suryavansha as per Vishnu Purana, Valmiki Ramayana, Ramakatha Rasavahini and Raghuvansha Charitram are Ikshvaku, Vikukshi, Kakusta, etc.The city of Kosala and Ayodhya was founded by Manu (earliest Prajapathi) and by his son Ikshvaku whose descendant was Ram. [21], According to Douglas Q. Adams, the Sanskrit word Rama is also found in other Indo-European languages such as Tocharian ram, reme, *romo- where it means "support, make still", "witness, make evident". Pramodkumar in: Meri Khoj Ek Bharat Ki, Lulu.com, 2008, p. 106 From Kashmir to Cape Comorin the name of Rama is on … The epic had many versions across India's regions. E-Mail: pinpimps@live.de. One day, a demoness called Shurpanakha saw Rama, became enamored of him, and tried to seduce him. [149] Traditional scholarship holds that his disciples included later Bhakti movement poet-saints such as Kabir, Ravidas, Bhagat Pipa and others. [76] The text is notable because it influenced the popular Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas,[74][76] and inspired the most popular version of Nepali Ramayana by Bhanubhakta Acharya. [citation needed], Versions of the Ramayana exist in most major Indian languages; examples that elaborate on the life, deeds and divine philosophies of Rama include the epic poem Ramavataram, and the following vernacular versions of Rama's life story:[71], The epic is found across India, in different languages and cultural traditions. These were Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna. If Rama was born on 10th January in 5114 BCE, you may wonder as to why we usually celebrate Rama Navami around March end- April mid. [100], The Mahabharata has a summary of the Ramayana. The famous personalities of Suryavansha as per Vishnu Purana, Valmiki Ramayana, Ramakatha Rasavahini and Raghuvansha Charitram are Ikshvaku, Vikukshi, Kakusta, etc. Background [33] Rama and Sita legend is mentioned in the Jataka tales of Buddhism, as Dasaratha-Jataka (Tale no. Edi Rama (lindi më 4 korrik 1964) është ish-basketbollist, ish-pedagog, piktor, publicist dhe politikan shqiptar. ID 101. [56] Rama, after all his participation in the rescue of Sita and preparation for war, he actually does not kill, thus remains a non-violent person. Oje... habe gerade gelesen, daß bei 'Rama dama' eine Geburt gezeigt wird (hatte ich längst vergessen)...das ist dann eher nichts für den Deutschunterricht. For example, many communities celebrate one day of Diwali to celebrate the Victory of Krishna over the demon Narakasur. Untuk menyempurnakan lima Rukun Islam, Nia Ramadhani pun menjalankan ibadah haji pada 1439 Hijriah atau pada 2018 masehi. It inspires the audience to view their own lives from a spiritual plane, encouraging the virtuous to keep going, and comforting those oppressed with a healing balm. It illustrates dharma and dharmic living through model characters. [14], The root of the word Rama is ram- which means "stop, stand still, rest, rejoice, be pleased". Drachselsried im Zellertal, Drachselsried, Germany. Their struggles now reach new heights. Rama also adds, such as in section 4.38 of the Ramayana, that one must also introspect and never neglect what one's proper duties, appropriate responsibilities, true interests, and legitimate pleasures are.[38]. [87] It debates in its dialogues the human dilemmas, the ideal standards of behaviour, duties to those one loves, and mutual responsibilities. The reason for this is the concept of precision of equinox where 1 day is to adjusted for every 72 [133][134] Rama, Lakshmana and evil Ravana are the eighth triad, with Rama being the reborn Baladeva, and Lakshmana as the reborn Vasudeva. This idea is explained as cyclically reborn triads in its Puranas, called the Baladeva, Vasudeva and evil Prati-vasudeva. [148][150], Temples dedicated to Rama are found all over India and in places where Indian migrant communities have resided. [119] It is observed through thousands[15] of Rama-related performance arts and dance events, that are staged during the festival of Navratri in India. [36][note 2], Rama had three brothers, according to the Balakhanda section of the Ramayana. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Felix Zeiler doesn't return after the end of World War II. [20][21] The word is sometimes used as a suffix in different Indian languages and religions, such as Pali in Buddhist texts, where -rama adds the sense of "pleasing to the mind, lovely" to the composite word. [56] Padmapurana mentions Rama as a contemporary of Munisuvrata, 20th tirthankara of Jainism. [90] The complete text contains over 29,000 verses. sfn error: multiple targets (4×): CITEREFJames_G._Lochtefeld2002 (. The ancestors of Lord Ram are described below according to Vishnu Purana and Valmiki Ramayana. Human effort can be used for self-betterment and that there is no such thing as an external fate imposed by the gods. For other Ram, see, Rama is a Hindu deity, his iconography varies. [109][110], The day is marked by recital of Rama legends in temples, or reading of Rama stories at home. She does, and passes the test. 9th-century Prambanan bas-relief, Java, Indonesia. [107][108] Their influence has ranged from being a framework for personal introspection to cultural festivals and community entertainment. [53][54] For example, when demoness Shurpanakha disguises as a woman to seduce Rama, then stalks and harasses Rama's wife Sita after Rama refuses her, Lakshmana is faced with the question of appropriate ethical response. [96] The text, states David Gordon White, served as a reference on Yoga for medieval era Advaita Vedanta scholars. [62][63] According to John Brockington, a professor of Sanskrit at Oxford known for his publications on the Ramayana, the original text was likely composed and transmitted orally in more ancient times, and modern scholars have suggested various centuries in the 1st millennium BCE. This typically occurs in the Gregorian months of March or April every year. This place is believed in the Hindu tradition to be the same as Chitrakoot on the border of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Few works of literature produced in any place at any time have been as popular, influential, imitated and successful as the great and ancient Sanskrit epic poem, the Valmiki Ramayana. James G Lochtefeld (2002), The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism: N-Z, Rosen Publishing. [30], The ancient epic Ramayana states in the Balakhanda that Rama and his brothers were born to Kaushalya and Dasharatha in Ayodhya, a city on the banks of Sarayu River. These features suggest that this text has ancient roots. [125] The earliest evidence of these performance arts are from 243 CE according to Chinese records. Danke an Noby für Speiß und Trank,die zwei Partybrezn waren supa :) Und auch ein Danke an Michi der seine Location zur Verfügung stellte! This region had numerous demons (rakshashas). The entire life story of Rama, Sita and their companions allegorically discusses duties, rights and social responsibilities of an individual. [107], Rama Navami is a spring festival that celebrates the birthday of Rama. For example, King Chulalongkorn (1853-1910) is also known as Rama V, while King Vajiralongkorn who succeeded to the throne in 2016 is called Rama X. [126], The Ramayana was translated from Sanskrit into old Javanese around 860 CE, while the performance arts culture most likely developed from the oral tradition inspired by the Tamil and Bengali versions of Rama-based dance and plays. While the Buddhist Jataka texts co-opt Rama and make him an incarnation of Buddha in a previous life,[102] the Hindu texts co-opt the Buddha and make him an avatar of Vishnu. [11][12][13] His ancient legends have attracted bhasya (commentaries) and extensive secondary literature and inspired performance arts. The Jainism tradition has extensive literature of Rama as well, but generally refers to him as Padma, such as in the Paumacariya by Vimalasuri. He has a voice (deep) like the sound of a kettledrum and glossy skin, Third, Rama's life combines the ethics with the aesthetics of living. The Jain texts are dated variously, but generally pre-500 CE, most likely sometime within the first five centuries of the common era. [153], Important Rama temples include:[citation needed], This article is about the Hindu god Rama, Râm, Ramachandra. [24], Additional names of Rama include Ramavijaya (Javanese), Phreah Ream (Khmer), Phra Ram (Lao and Thai), Megat Seri Rama (Malay), Raja Bantugan (Maranao), Ramudu (Telugu), Ramar (Tamil). He states in his memoir that the statue stands in the capital of Kosala then called Shravasti, midst ruins of a large monastery. Ravana comes to Panchavati to take revenge on behalf of his family, sees Sita, gets attracted, and kidnaps Sita to his kingdom of Lanka (believed to be modern Sri Lanka). this is the maxim one should observe; [20] The word also appears in ancient Upanishads and Aranyakas layer of Vedic literature, as well as music and other post-Vedic literature, but in qualifying context of something or someone who is "charming, beautiful, lovely" or "darkness, night". [79][80][81] Ramacharitamanasa was composed in the 16th century by Tulsidas. [9][10], Rama is especially important to Vaishnavism. Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ancestors_of_Rama&oldid=999951800, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Prasenjit was the maternal grandfather of God, Rohitashva (contemporary of Haihaya king Kritavirya and, Vijaya (contemporary of Anu King Sauvira who founded, Sudasa (contemporary of Anu Kings, Anga, Vanga, Kalinga, Pundra, Suhma and Odra who founded the Anga, Vanga, Kalinga, Pundra, Suhma and Odra kingdoms), This page was last edited on 12 January 2021, at 19:51. Other than the celebration of Rama's life with dance and music, Hindu temples built in southeast Asia such as the Prambanan near Yogyakarta (Java), and at the Panataran near Blitar (East Java), show extensive reliefs depicting Rama's life. [53][56], The variation and inconsistencies are not limited to the texts found in the Hinduism traditions. Some highlights of this day are Kalyanam (ceremonial wedding performed by temple priests) at Bhadrachalam on the banks of the river Godavari in Bhadradri Kothagudem district of Telangana, preparing and sharing Panakam which is a sweet drink prepared with jaggery and pepper, a procession and Rama temple decorations.
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