Lasst euch bitte von dem hohen sofortkaufpreis ( 75% des neupreises bei rotax franz ) nicht erschrecken , ich bin für ALLE preisvorschläge offen . Rotor: : +49 (0) 8039 9035-0 Franz Aircraft Engines Vertrieb GmbH Am Weidengrund 1a 83135 Schechen, Deutschland Tel. ROTAX 912 / 914 GETRIEBE Rotax 912 / 914 Getriebe . Turbo- pressure grants power holding at altitude,preventing any icing condition of carburetor. Get additional rating with Rotax 914 derated pawerplant, kompress powered by this sistem is allowed to take- off from 3500 mt 13.000 ft . This series offers a time between overhauls of 2,000 hrs and is available as non-certified version (Rotax 914 UL) and certified version (Rotax 914 F) … Frame: Steel -tube skeleton construzion crossed by nitrogen gas under pressure eletronic control system. WARTUNG Rotax 912, 912 S, 912 iS, 914 Turbo, 915 iS Turbo. Upgrade from Rotax 912 UL 80hp to Rotax 912 S – 100 hp (with clutch and reinforced electric starter) € 2,900 EN1T Rotax 914 turbo 115hp (with clutch and reinforced electric starter) € 13,900 EN2 120hp turbocharged kit for Rotax 912UL 80hp* , installed € 8,800 EN3 Rotax 915 turbo 135 hp To be communicated EN4 Sandelving Aviation Supply is proud to announce the availability of the FLIGHT LINE series of sophisticated instruments for ultralight aircraft, and for ROTAX 912/914 engines. Rotax 912 ULS (100 hp) or Rotax 914 UL (Turbo with 115 hp) Fuel consumption: 5 GPH (18.9 LPH) For sale for: USD 80,000 / EUR 68,000 Watch 19 Videos about the Cavalon Gyrocopter. Anlasser / Starter; … The B2B marketplace for aeronautical material and products, connecting buyers and sellers from around the world. Engine: Get additional rating with Rotax 914 derated pawerplant, kompress powered by this sistem is allowed to take- off from 3500 mt 13.000 ft . Manufacturer of the MT-03, MTOsport, Calidus and Cavalon autogyros. 85 g, these new type of instruments will reduce weight of previous instruments with up to … Shark UL A high-performance European UL with retractable gear, smaller wing and variable-pitch propeller. RELATED RESOURCES. Weighing only apprx. Turbo- pressure grants power holding at altitude,preventing any icing condition of carburetor. The turbo charged Rotax 914 series offers more performance at high altitudes while delivering lower weight engines. is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. or Best Offer. Shark UL is designed and tested for a maximum take-off weight of 600 kg. More information! 9ULS Rotax 912 ULS (100hp) - Including engine suspension frame 18.095 € 9iS Rotax 912 iS Sport (100hp) 22.180 € 9ULST KFA 912 ULST turbo Rotax (120hp) 20.090 € 914 Rotax 914 UL (115hp) 28.410 € 915 Rotax 915 iS (141hp) 34.180 € CODE Paint schemes 1.525 € Auto-Gyro GmbH. Wartung Rotax 912 (80 PS) Wartung Rotax 912 iS (100 PS) - EINSPRITZMOTOR - Wartung Rotax 912 S (100 PS) - VERGASERMOTOR - Wartung Rotax 914 TURBO (115 PS) Zubehör und Optionen für Wartungskits; FLUGZEUGTECHNIK / Flugzeugzubehör / Ersatzteile. Schaut euch bitte auch meine anderen …
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