End your story by going to sleep in your DR. -In your dream, do a reality check to become lucid. They will take your hand and say something along the lines of "Ready to be with me.". Feel yourself falling. (Ex: You can do it! Get daily exercise. One of your friends says they will take you home, but first, "let's go on an adventure". -Now imagine your DR as if it were a memory, or like you're watching a movie about yourself. Visualize your surroundings change and open your eyes. -There is a bright hallway leading to a white door. I link a lot of creators posts, so give them love and props:) plus, they are really nice and can answer any questions you have, so I definitely recommend going to the post of the method your interested and reading the comments. As you walk through the hallway, feel your energy and vibrations grow. Treatment of Shift-Work Sleep Disorder. If you get a lot of symptoms with a method, stick to it for a bit. You're going to learn exactly how to shift your timeline to an optimal one so you experience what you want easier than ever. Start drifting off into the details around your DR and focus on them. If your mind is still all over the place, just count to 200 and so on until your mind is clear. (Ex: Breathing, Fan). Ask yourself if you are ready to shift. 12 Ways To Stop Feeling Sleepy Without Coffee Or Energy Drinks. There are many methods to try out but here are some of the most well know ones. anything like "my name is ____" "my best friend is ____" "i like to *hobby*" "i live in ____" "i go to *school* or work at ____" and on and on. -Fall asleep while saying your affirmations and you will wake up in your DR. -Imagine energy surrounding you, then keep amplifying the energy. Just those two words, "I am, I am, I am. This technique works best if you wake yourself up after 5-6 hours of sleep. -Visualize yourself in Elevens landscape. -Once your surrounding have changed, open your eyes. Create a solid bedtime routine: Give yourself time to relax and unwind before bed. Imagine yourself on a phone from your DR time period, talking to your DR self. Drop the identity so you can create any identity you choose! Taking General Steps Exercise and eat healthy. repeat in your head "i am", just the 2 words. (Ex:I am a master shifter, I am grateful). -Take you face out of the pensieve, then fall asleep. It doesn't matter what you stare at, as long as your eyes don't move. Look at all the little details, making it more real. Closing the gap with braces, dental bridges, dental implants, or partial dentures will disallow the existing teeth to shift and become crooked. -Raise your vibrations and then get into a comfy position and close your eyes. -Count to 100. Not every method is gonna work for everyone, but practice makes perfect. -Pretend to blink without opening your eyes until you either shift or fall asleep. -Your CR self will go back through the portal, while you in your DR body explores the location and goes back to your DR home. You instictually dip your head in. Repeat affirmations while this orb grows bigger. -At the door hold the handle. Your friends drive you to your DR home. -It's sunrise and time to go home. By prettiestinthemorgue Ongoing - Updated Jul 17, 2019 Embed Story Share via Email Read New Reading List. -You see your DR self on the bed; crawl on top of them and melt into your DR self. You can feel people watching you. It's optional, but you can slip in some affirmations. #scripting - once you're relaxed, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. -Repeat the last two steps until all your guests are gone, and they should all be going to the same destination. -When you walk through the door, feel yourself falling away from you CR and towards you DR. Affirm that you are shifting to your DR. -Visualize DR yourself from above and stop falling. Say affirmations like "I have shifted" etc. -As you're speaking, imagine your consciousness going through the phone line and to your DR body. Lay down next to them and look at the sky. -Throughout the day do reality checks and say affirmations, preferably every hour. Having a conversation, your CR and DR self take turns talking. About. -Take in 15 deep breaths and close your eyes. Spread the Word to Friends And Family By Sharing this Article. -Fall asleep and you'll wake up in your DR. -Lay on your side and curl yourself into a loose ball, keeping your hands and feet from touching. "-Keep repeating until you gets signs of shifting.-Start counting, in your head or outloud, from 0-100 VERY SLOW. -Feel your consciousness/soul transfer to your desired self and fall asleep in your DR bed. -Visualize waking up on that person's chest. You dont need to focus on the people or pay attention to their faces. -When you start feeling tired, say you affirmations and go to sleep. Lay in the bed and close your eyes, and either sleep or wait for your que. -This is best used if you're half asleep. -Get into a comfy position and set the intention of going to your DR. -Afirm you are in your DR (ex:I am in my DR bedroom right now) and try to FEEL your DR. -Once you feel your reality change, you should be there. Raise your vibrations with this positive energy and atmosphere. Someone from your DR runs in front of you. -Make a playlist with songs that remind you of your DR and midnight adventures. Reality shifting is based around this idea, but instead of letting it happen freely, the most precise details of your experience are planned by you! imagine a new aspect of your DR. Ex: Imagine your voice at 10, imagine your family at 20, and so on. Greet them all by name, maybe even hug them. -Affirm that when you open your eyes you will wake up in your DR. -Get in the right mindset, through medication and connecting to your DR, them get into a comfy position and close your eyes. -While you walk up the stairs, affirm as often as you need. But most importantly: Methods are just tools!! You look back at your CR house, and you feel detached from it. i hope this is helpful, and thank you all for helping me reach 300 subs! -You walk through the door and feel happy and calm. Also, a lot of the no-sleep methods can also be sleep methods. Open your eyes, you're in your DR. You can also just set the intent to shift after you fall asleep. -Visualize you and your group hanging out and having midnight adventures. When you get to 100, think "I have shifted." -Start playing a song, a classical song on the instrument you visualized. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Ex:I am going home, I am shifting, Shifting is easy. info about shifting and some methods. - meditate for around five or ten minutes, it can be guided or on your own. Hold your DR lightly. 2. -When you feel symptoms, imagine your consciousness climbing a rope out of your body and through a door/portal. -Start talking to yourselves. Avoid alcohol and screen time. -Close your eyes and imagine yourself on a cloud, and all your worries and stress leave your body and are soaked up by the cloud. Into Reality Shifting? STEP ONE: Do this method alone, ( ex: bedroom before going to sleep) to avoid distractions. -Open your eyes or fall asleep, you're in your DR. -Lay/Sit down in a way that is comfortable and you will not move in. Movement of teeth into existing gaps is also the result of a natural process called "mesialization" which means that teeth have the tendency to come forward. -Open the door and see your DR room with your DR self in the bed. -Imagine how you will wake up in your DR. -When you feel like you've spun enough, slow down using your willpower. You can talk to them if you want, or say more affirmations. -Go to sleep in you DR body to wake up in your DR! -Now either visualize your DR or try to feel it while repeating affirmations. Split-shift schedules that maintain adequate sleep time per 24 hours may be beneficial for sleep, performance, and safety. -Go to sleep and induce a lucid dream. -The character opens the door and you are engulfed in a bright light and a warm feeling. When we accomplish our dreams and desires, we all enjoy unmatched happiness. -You need to know how to lucid dream, og post has tips. -When you reach the bottom, there is a door with a key. -Everything fades to black. Keeping a dream journal, or dream diary, is a popular method for initiating … -Visualize yourself showing your CR body around, give them a tour of your room. - after you've finished counting, start repeating identity affirmations. -Even out your breathing for a couple minutes. it’s also important to try and not use as many ‘negative’ words. -Visualize yourself sitting against a tree. this is optional, but i highly recommend it. The good news is, we don’t have to wait longer to get this happiness, and there’s a shortcut to get it! This method is similar to WILD since you might go straight from the real world into the dream world. It’s import… The primary key to this method is that you have to focus entirely on your third eye chakra. I can shift x6), -Write down your action as if you’ve already done it nine times (ie. Maki's Method. It's super easy:). -Start visualizing your DR self and morph into that body. Keeping doing this while staring at the object. hi! As for methods, these are different ways that shifters “induce” shifting (again, via GeekTrippers). Repeat affirmations until you sleep. Affirmations->What you tell yourself and your subconscious mind, arguably the most important factor. Say goodbye to them, and walk into your house and to your DR room and lay on the bed. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. But some communities are locked, which is why I try to summarize the methods to make them more accessible. Just try to remain calm and do not have it on your mind 24/7, only when you're trying to shift. -Try to feel a falling sensation and keep your eyes closed. and yes, i've shifted before:), #desiredreality -When you're ready to go home, your DR self stands up and takes your hand. -Now that everything is so vivid, walk to the center where someone from you DR is. -when you feel like you've meditated enough, repeat the phrase "i am" until you feel one of the symptoms of shifting (numbness, heavy chest, tingling, warm feeling) after you're down affirmations, just think about what your dr looks like until you feel your sorroundings change. -Get in a comfy position and relax yourself. -Say your script and affirmations outloud. -Get in a comfy position and count to 111. It's not what you are doing but who you … You are now outside. how to shift realities while sleeping HOME; ABOUT US; CONTACT Turn off your phone and ask others in the home not to disturb you during your planned sleep time. Smile and affirm that you are going to your DR. -After that, live your life in your dream or everything fades to black. They will respond, "Sure, see you at home,(y/n)". Poor sleep can lead to fatigue, health issues, and an increased risk of work-related injuries. just make sure you're relaxed. Strengthen your connection to your DR. -When you're confident in the portals connection to your DR, go through it. Most of your tissues … -Ask the diary if you can see your DR, and imagine the diary answering 'yes'. -On the other side should be your DR and body, so imagine your consciousness going into that body. -Keep affirming until you either shift, or fall asleep. If you fall asleep, you will wake up in your DR. -Relax and start listening to soft music. - meditate for around five or ten minutes, it can be guided or on your own. keep saying it until you get any signs of shifting, like tingles, feeling like you're floating/weightlessness, … You're in your DR. -Sit down and close your eyes. How To Shift Into Parallel Reality INSTANTLY And connect to the version of you that already has what he/she wants. -Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. -Lay in a comfy position, doesn't matter how you lay. With it, you lay in a starfish position on your bed and count to 100 while subliminals are playing, making sure to say positive affirmations between numbers. Afterwards, say good bye to them and show them out the door. "I have shifted.". -Hear a knock at the door. -You tell your DR friends that you're ready as you step into the car. -Start dancing to the music, and halfway through your DR self will join in. -Place them under your pillow and go to sleep. - once you feel your surroundings change, open your eyes and you should be there. The condition results in a feeling of fatigue, and eventually, exhaustion. -Imagine a hallway leading to a door; on the door is a sticky notes that says "Desired Reality" Take the sticky note and go through the door. keep going until you feel disconnected from your physical body. You should feel signs but it's alright if you don't at this point. you should feel more signs of shifting, but it's alright if you don't. The Raven Method. -When it's just you, look around the room. Affirm once again that you are in your DR and go to sleep. Wait until the light goes away, and open your eyes. The Raven Method: This is probably the most popular reality shifting method. #shifting. As you embrace them, feel yourselves merging. I am not going to go over these methods, because I don't think you should even do your research about them. ProTip: It's best to try out a method for a full week at least. As the car drives, you pass through your CR. You can either fall asleep OR keep focusing until you know that you're in your DR. -Listen to a subliminal and lie on your back. -Lay in a comfy position and listen to your playlist. -Start visualizing about your DR and use your 5 senses(touch,smell,hearing,sight,taste). Its 3-6 people from your DR who you're closest to. These meds can also cause rebound insomnia, meaning it becomes even harder to fall asleep without the medication. -Get into a starfish position and close your eyes. -The cloud starts raining and your negative energy is away from you. -Write down your focus three times (ex:shifting shifting shifting). This will give you the will to stay. -Keep visualizing and the vibrations will grow. -You are in your DR, you just need to put your body and soul into your DR body. How to Shift Realities in Your Sleep [Nov 2020] Read Now >> In the above article, you read about the process of shifting realities.. Everything I want is here! -Once you hit 50, count all the way to 100 without stopping. This is for anyone who is shifting realities. -Walk towards the door and open it. Is there anything reverse psychology isn’t good for? If you are ready to stay, press 1. As you look out the window of the car you see your DR. -At the top, there is another door. -Take your time walking to the door. SWSD occurs when a person has trouble adjusting to the work hours during the time period that most people sleep — such as working during a night shift. -Visualize your DR and feel your surroundings change, and you've made it. In your lucid dream, make a portal. As you go up, feel your energy increase/get higher. -Write down your intention in a short sentence six times (ie. -Lay in a comfy position you won't move in. -Imagine first-person scenes from your DR. Feel yourself start spinning, faster the more vivid your DR memories. Focus on keeping to the same sleep schedule daily—even on days off—and taking naps prior to work. -Relax. TAKE YOUR TIME! -Sit or lay in a position that is comfortable to you; however is fine, as long as you don't move. -Lay in a star fish position on your back. -Start thinking identity affirmations(I am x, I am x cm tall, I go to x school). this is optional, but i highly recommend it. One of the most popular reality shifting methods often referenced on TikTok is “The Raven Method”. -You finish the song and hear clapping. -Once you reach your DR floor, the door should open and you see your DR self sleeping on their bed. The character says, "Welcome home.". Follow a good sleep routine. Ex:I know I've shifted if I hear birds, my eyes will automatically open if I shift, I will smell lavender if I shift. I have shifted! -Vusialise your DR life at home, and go to sleep. -You are you DR self laying in bed when you hear tapping at the window. I’m talking about the routine you do … -Begin counting in your head. Join ~ミ☁︎ [sle...'s Fan Club on the Amino app to see this post. -Visualize 1-3 emotional scenes from your DR until your body goes numb or you feel symptoms. For example, a person with SWSD may sleep for only a few hours, resulting in disruption of the quality as well as the length of sleep hours. Look at the sky, imagine all the stars, and keep looking until the sky is so vivid it's like you're there. Shift work disorder – also known as shift work sleep disorder – is a condition that primarily affects people who work night, early morning, and rotating shifts for their jobs. Don't give up). -Count to 100. It doesn’t have to be on pen and paper. When you ask someone who has shifted, 90% of the shifters will tell you they've used the Sunni method or the I AM method. -Once you start feeling symptoms of shifting, start saying "I am" affirmations. -You open the door and see that it's your DR bedroom. It can be anything you want. -Visualize yourself walking in a field when you see an object from your DR. -When you touch the object you feel yourself spinning and are transported to your DR bedroom. Most sleep advice caters to those who hold nine-to-five jobs, but what if you work the night shift… -Visualize the people in your DR cheering you on. x9), Comments under this post can answer any possible questions you have:) Link. "Hello *DR name* Welcome home. you can slip in some affirmations as well, but that's optional. Either sleep or wait for que. In your dream, make a portal to your DR. -Do your affirmations, go over your script. Many shift workers find that they never fully adapt to their schedules and deal with disturbed sleep on an ongoing basis. It is important to take your time with falling, and to go in depth when visualizing the reasons your leaving. -At night, listen to a shifting sub for about 30 min and relax. As long as you belive, it will happen:), Here are 2 other masterlist I have found:). Link. -Imagine a mirror. They then travel through the fire. -Visualize yourself laying in your DR bedroom in the same position as your CR. You should feel signs of shifting by 100. -Hold the powder to a friend, and say "See you later,(name)". desiredreality; dr; idealreality; shifting; shiftingmethods; Table of … -When you feel the change, open your eyes. -Keep repeating until you gets signs of shifting. Relax and stay calm. #progress Unlock the door and see the person you were chasing. -While falling visualize things from your CR passing you. -Start thinking identity affirmations(ex:I am x, my crush is x) until you feel disconnected from you CR body. ), -Visualize a DR friend walking through the door and hugging you; try to feel the hug. It's optional, but you can slip in some affirmations. "I am in my Dr; I have shifted to my DR; Shifting to my DR is easy; I am already in my DR". In your head, repeat "I am". #shift keep saying it until you get any signs of shifting, like tingles, feeling like you're floating/weightlessness, feeling super heavy, vibrations, itching, white lights, etc. You look outside and see your DR friends. When you press 1, it will say "Welcome home dear", and you're home. You will visualize five scenes. -Visualize yourself in elegant clothes and approach the instrument. When you see your reflection, you are your DR self. -Write in some questions about your DR, and see them being absorbed then answered. The disorder may cause insomnia when workers attempt to sleep and/or excessive sleepiness while they are at work. -When you're in your DR, you phone call to your CR will hang up and a recorded message will play. -Lay your pillow vertically, and imagine it as a person from your DR while you cuddle it. Every ten (10,20,30,ect.) -You walk through the hall and meet someone from you DR. You two walk through a corridor with many doors, and one door catches your eye. -Count to 100 and start affirming yourself. The sun comes up and shines on you, changing your body into the one of your desired self. -Repeat "I am shifting" in your head until you feel signs of shifting. A number of recent studies have found split sleep provides comparable benefits for performance to one big sleep, if the total sleep time per 24 hours was maintained (at around 7 to 8 hours total sleep time per 24 hours). Whether you’re dealing with jet lag, night shift work, or insomnia, an inconsistent sleep schedule can impact your mood, concentration, and weight.. It’s like incorporating a daydream into your subconscious. Look down and you will be in the clothing you want to be in. Keeping a dream journal. 62. Keep visualizing until you feel like you're in your DR bedroom. -When you feel symptoms, start visualizing your DR and say "I am" affirmations until you fall asleep. -Watch that person come up to the fire and throw the powder in. i know the estelle has been frequently requested so here it is!!! Que->How you know you've shifted and is put into your script. You turn to everyone and say, "I'm sorry, I need to go home.". When you open your eyes, see your CR self smiling and saying "It's time for you to go home.". Raman Malhotra MD, Alon Y. Avidan MD, MPH, in Clinical Men's Health, 2008. I don’t just mean ‘get a lot of sleep’. Keep doing this until you feel tingling/vibrations. -You should feel either a coolness flow through your body, or a throbbing in your skull. Omega-3s will improve you immunity, as well as keep you mentally alert all day long. -Close your eyes and lay in a starfish position on your bed. Little wonder then that sleep … Do the same with the trees in the forest you're in. You go outside and your friends tell you they are taking you home. -Once you feel and peace and have symptoms, get up and walk back to the door. You will be taken to your DR! Shift Your Reality Step #1: Notice Where Your Attention Is Going To start shifting your reality, simply start noticing what you’re allowing into your consciousness throughout your daily life. -Spin slow as you count to 100, then sleep. You see them jump into a hold, and you jump after them. -Have everyone sit in a circle and just hang out. -listen to some night vibrations video (theta waves) and get into a calm state (meditate) for around 10 minutes. There are people who can shift without them. no sleep method. -Go through the door to your DR bedroom. -When you're ready, tell your guests that its time to go, and they will agree. -Spend time with them(ex:dancing). -Visualize yourself getting out of your CR bed, keeping the glowing energy around you. Your DR self turns to you and opens up their arms. -Get out of bed and go through your whole day in your DR until your DR self goes back to sleep. until you fall asleep. Walk up to yourself and place a hand on them, transferring the glowing energy from yourself to them. -Keep focusing on the positives of your DR and state "I am" affirmations. And all of these methods can be tailored to your specific person. METHODS ARE NOT NEEDED. -When the song ends, you will come up to each other and hug, switching consciousness. When you wake up, you'll be in your DR. -Close your eyes and imagine yourself climbing up something, like a mountain or a rope. This step is important because you need to focus and be comfortable; weather you're laying down or sitting. -Start counting, in your head or outloud, from 0-100 VERY SLOW. Do this until you can't move your eyes. Straight ahead is a white door in the distance. Join the community. -Afterwards, listen to ambient music on youtube that matches your DR. -Go over what your day looks like, you dont need to be good at visualizing for this, kinda just repeating a story. Shifting Methods 15.3K Reads 149 Votes 1 Part Story. So before you pop that pill for your sleep problems, try these methods instead: 1. -You will be in a location that means a lot to you in your DR(go into detail about this location). -When you feel your surroundings change you can come out of your covers and into your DR bedroom. You are now you DR self. -Once you're in position, stare at an object. -Clear your mind and relax your body in and way you want. Visualize yourself floating higher as you count and morphing into your DR body. -Raise your vibrations with Theta waves for 20 minutes. Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash. You should wake up in your DR. -Visualize yourself waking up in your DR and feel your feet on the floor(wood, carpet, etc. Once your mind and body are deeply relaxed, you would enter the meditative state. Enter your DR self. No-Sleep Method-Meditate for 5-10 minutes.-Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. It's best to use things you hate(politics, people, responsibilities) since it gives you a reason to leave your CR. Consider using an eye mask or blackout shades, wearing earplugs, or utilizing a white noise machine. They lead you to a door in the back; the door leads to a staircase with 100 steps. 2 – As falling asleep, try to visualize that you have a lucid dream. Anytime you get a good night’s sleep, you can almost guarantee that you will not be feeling sleepy during the daylight hours. -Feel yourself get up and chase them. -Raise your vibrations(ex:meditation, music of your DR). You should wake up in your DR. -Afterwards, get in a comfy position and put on subliminals on loop. - once you're relaxed, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. -Start telling the story of your DR self, either in your head or whispering. -Snuggle under your blanket and affirm that you're in your DR bed. -Start counting in your head from 1-100 VERY SLOW. This can cause them to shift and become crooked. - start counting (out loud or in your head) from 0 to 100 VERY SLOWLY, TAKE YOUR TIME. Shifting Parallel Reality Timelines Technique (that will change your life forever) I'm going to show you the most powerful technique that I've found for shifting through parallel reality timelines. -Lay in a position that feels comfortable to you and feel a glowing energy growing in your chest.
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