Have you ever regretted buying an expensive phone? Have you ever cried in a public bathroom? Let everyone else playing choose something for you to brush your teeth with? Our online truth or dare game offers you 4 categories: Kids, Soft, Party and Hot. It really doesn’t matter if it’s been a long time since you’ve last played a game of truth and dare. This truth or dare app is really easy to use and you’re ready to play in few seconds only. Post a comment below to let us know! Would you forgive your partner if they apologized after cheating on you? Let one of the other players draw you new eyebrows with a permanent marker. Have you ever run out of toilet paper in a public bathroom? Would you cheat on your boyfriend for a rich guy? For those people who are looking for questions of the Truth or Dare game, we have made a compilation with the best and we made a web application for those who want to play the game online with lots of customizations for setting the questions and dares according to the current scenario and with whom they are playing. Let someone read your dirty text messages out loud. Who loves you more among your parents and why? It goes hand in hand with parties, sleepovers, get-togethers with friends or family, and there’s a pretty good chance that you still play it occasionally. Have you broken something at your friend’s house? What’s that one thing you can’t really imagine your life without? First of all, you’ll need to use a software like Skype to see your friends. But if your friends are far away and you want to play remotely here’s how you can play truth or dare online. Have you ever secretly cried because of your partner? Have you ever shared someone else’s secret with your friends? Get to know your friend’s weirdest habits, darkest fear and much more by asking them these questions. Did you always want to know the favorites of your best friend, his/her likes and dislikes. We have collected more than 2000 truths and dares which you can use to make your game interesting. Our truth or dare generator contains more than 1000 questions and dares. What’s the ugliest fight you’ve ever been involved in? Find a picture of a random person online and say how much they mean to you in a social media post. Have you ever told one of your friend’s secrets? (If you have any). Is it true that you ran away from home once? Let one person spank you as hard as they want to, on your butt. Call your girlfriend/boyfriend’s parents and tell them how much you love their child. What’s that one thing you love about your partner? Have you ever pretended to like something in bed that you didn’t? How many selfies do you usually take before finally getting a good one? Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else? Here is the best truth or dare app available right now for Android and iOS. Have you ever overstepped someone of the same sex; what was their reaction? She is an experienced web content writer, with articles appearing on sites such as About.com, and e-zines like Underdog Online and Classic Movies Guide. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. What do you think of the game? Erase Herpes (HSV Eraser) Review – Read This Before You Buy, Commission Hero Review – Why You Should Get It, How to Achieve Your Goals Using the Law of Attraction, Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review & Bonus – KBB Method, Resurge Supplement Review 2020 – Read This Before You Buy It, Leptoconnect Reviews – A Must Read Review. Hop on one foot till and wait for your turn. Truth or dare is a verbal party game in which players take turns choosing between truth or dare. Have you ever genuinely liked someone you dated on tinder? If you are having problems, try reading the FAQ.If you would like to add your own truth or dare questions to our site, please click here.Tordol is free to use, but offers added features for paying subscribers. These kinds of questions are a brilliant way to get in the mood, and get to know each other better by asking questions you never would normally. Swap shirts with the person on your left. Game for the company. Act all creepy and smell someone’s hair until they notice what you’re doing. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/best-truth-or-dare-questions If given the chance, would you take your life to extend the life of your loved ones? If you have never played the amazing truth and dare questions game, then there is a lot you are missing. Go and beg on the streets till you collect $30. Some mysterious answers and confessions will have your mind puzzled. Have you ever felt bad after breaking someone’s heart? Have you ever brought your girlfriend home whilst your parents were away? Let one of the players give you a wedgie. Now’s the time to really find that out, throw in some puzzling questions like these and get the answer! If you were in an emergency, who would be the last person you’d call? Given the chance, would you leave your significant other for $10 million dollars? Just to make things clear, it’s best to play ‘Truth or Dare’ with a large group of people so that it’s more enjoyable and unpredictable. Were you ever the outside/side man or woman? A unique list of short and sweet truth or dare questions over text with your someone special. When was the last time you peed yourself? View all posts by Kayla Idayi. Would you risk your life for your partner? These Truth and Dare questions can be used for different age groups. This enormous list consists of more than 300 questions. What’s the most shameful incident of your life? Make up a rap on the spot and sing it to everyone in the room. Whether you're just hanging with one friend or trying to take a party to the next level, truth or dare is a classic game that always produces hilarious (and sometimes revealing) results. If a genie appeared out of a lamp, what are going to be your three wishes? Have you ever done something weird just to look ‘cooler’? Whether you’re going to a sleepover, a party, or just a little get-together with friends, there’s a good chance you might end up playing Truth or Dare! Then use this website or download the Truth or Dare app on your mobile. Have you ever lied to your mom about not having a girlfriend? Have you ever been with someone because of their money? For the rest of the game, pretend to speak like the current president of the United States. Baby Sleep Miracle Review – Can This Get Your Baby to Sleep? Did you get caught stealing something ever? If you were invisible for day, who would you spy on? Would you want to be in business with your friends? What’s the weirdest thing that has happened to you on a date? Then each player will have to choose between truth or dare. But in this case it’ll be less interactive because you won’t be able to see what your friends are doing in video. Would you rather date an ugly person who is good in bed or a really attractive person who was horrible? What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told your girlfriend/ boyfriend? Would you let your partner go through your browser history? What are you waiting for to try it? If they choose an action, then it is necessary to carry out the task, which will fall out, and if true, it is as honest as possible to answer the question. Dance with no music for 1 minute. After writing would you rather questions, 90 get to know more questions, and questions to ask your crush, we are now writing truth or dare questions.These questions are one of the most entertaining games, which can be played indoors. Put the mark of Simba on another player’s head using ketchup. Truth or dare is a game that was created to test how brave people really are. This game is completely free and does not require much, other than imagination to come up with good truth or dare questions. What’s the most inappropriate person you’ve ever desired about? What’s the next thing on your bucket list? If you could erase one thing from your childhood, what would it be? How often do you use incognito mode to look at a blocked website’s content? Would you spread a nasty rumor about your boyfriend/girlfriend for $1 million? Get your friends together on Skype (or eventually on Messenger, WhatsApp or Instagram), Use the truth or dare generator to get questions and dares ideas, Send questions and dares to your friends using the chat. Online Truth or Dare Game; Truth or Dare Questions; Dares for Truth or Dares; Truth or Dare App; Truth or dare is a very well-known game and I'm pretty sure you know this game! Do you sleep with the lights on? You prepare to play the truth or dare game with your friends, but you don't have any idea what to ask. Planning a sleepover with friends, a beach party or just a fun party with your close friends. Are you afraid of the dark? Have you ever fallen out of the bed, at midnight? Do your best fake “O” while looking someone in their eyes. What’s the most valuable thing you’ve stolen? Truth or dare questions turn ordinary get-togethers into lasting memories. Call one of your friends’ relatives on the phone and sing Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’ at the top of your lungs. Yell like an animal of your choice for the next 5 minutes. How stinky is your breath when you wake up on a morning? What’s the longest you’ve gone without brushing your teeth? Or press the “Dare” button if you want to get a dare. What’s your most annoying experience at a shopping mall? It is especially easy using our truth or dare generator. A fun party isn’t a party without some Truth or Do four cartwheels in row. What’s the worst prank you’ve played on someone? What’s that one thing you wouldn’t eat, even if you are starving to death? Kayla Idayi is an exceptional freelance writer with a deep love for the written words. Get to know your friend’s weirdest habits, darkest fear and much more by asking them these questions. Say your cheesiest pickup line to everyone without getting out of the character. Do you prefer money and career over family and friends? Here's how it works: Each round, one random player will be selected. Have you ever mistakenly used someone else’s toothbrush? Have you spit in someone’s coffee/tea? What’s that one part of the body that attracts you the most? What illegal thing have you done recently? Truth or dare is a pretty simple game. Have you ever slipped on the floor in front of your crush? Secondly, press the “Truth” button if you want to get a question idea. What is your weirdest photo on Instagram? … What’s the weirdest urge you’ve ever had? The essence of the game is that players must choose one of the options "truth" or "action". Call a hooker or strip club and ask for their rates. This or that questions / 21 Questions game – Looking for a conversation game that is a little more tame? What’s the worst thing you lied to your best friend about? How many times have you peed in a swimming pool? Do you talk to yourself in front of the mirror? It’s one of the most-played games in the world, but sometimes, the questions can become a bit boring. What’s that one thing that would make you feel embarrassed if someone checked your browser history right now? Had a question but always felt too shy to ask? Dress up your partner in your clothes, take a picture and put it on social media. Pretend to remove bugs from someone’s hair and eat it- kind of like a monkey would. Tell everyone an embarrassing story about yourself. If someone choose “truth” then the other players will have to ask him/her a question. If you want to have some fun with your friends that’s definitively the app you should download. Pretend to be a chicken who’s having trouble laying an egg. Who in the world would you not rescue from a burning building? Do poll dance for as long as the music plays, with an imaginary poll. What do you normally do, when someone is making fun of you? You have to know that it’s way more fun to play truth or dare with friends next to you. Would you marry the girl of your mom’s choice? Have you ever bullied someone and got beaten later on? Allow someone in the room to give you a quick, mini makeover. Have you ever been attracted to somebody, while being in a relationship? Not only as child but we all have been playing Truth or Dare all our lives. Do you feel jealous when a guy/girl talks to your boyfriend/girlfriend? How will you be sure that someone is “husband/ wife material”? Have you ever, in your entire life, whether accidental or not, eaten/tasted a booger? Make a social media post saying you’re considering leaving your job/school to become a professional clown. Just remember few of these questions during the game. Almost everyone would love to know the full side of some of the strangest things that has happened to their friends, a mysterious fight which you’ve only heard rumor of, and want to know the full story. You can test your friends’ ability to complete different dares, and if they would prefer completing a dare to reveal a secret. Who was the last person you prank called? If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you like to be? Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s girlfriend/boyfriend? Call the restaurant of your choice, and tell the hostess a naughty joke. Share your worst failed romantic experience. In order to play truth or dare you have to be at least 2 players. But if you want to play right now you can play with predefined questions and dares. How much longer do you see yourselves together? Truth Or Dare Questions To Ask. Would you go to jail for a crime your partner committed? You’re looking for free truth or dare apps for android or iphone? Let the person on your right draw something on your face. With whom would you like to have sex? Get a Hot Cheeto and out it in your nostril for 2 minutes. For the next 15 minutes, talk with a deep country accent. Before you and your partner started dating, did you ever think they’d be the one? This game is pretty simple isn’t it? What’s that one thing about yourself, you’re really proud of? Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of going somewhere? Name 5 expensive things that you’ve never used and regret buying? What’s the most awkward place you’ve farted? Do you still sleep in your parents’ room? But if you need some help to find dares ideas you can use our truth or dare generator to get hundreds of questions and dares. The game’s about to get started. Do you even want to get married to your current lover? Have you ever stalked a person you’re not friends with anymore? Are you serious about your current boyfriend/girlfriend? What do you think is your grossest habit? Comparatively, playing truth or dare with a total stranger can be like walking through a minefield; you’re not sure about what questions you should be asking, and whether there are certain topics that they’re sensitive about. Would you spy and betray your own country for a luxurious life? All the players must be seated in a circle. Wear blindfolds and get tickled for 5 minutes. Initially, it was a question game reserved for bachelorette … Curse like sailor for 20 seconds straight. How many different people have you kissed? Go skinny dipping in a pool or streak around the house. Well, then your wait is over. Have you ever been suspended from school? What changes would you make in your country, if you become the head of the state for a single day? Have you ever picked your nose without a tissue? Make a sandwich with every single condiment in your fridge, then eat it. In few clicks you’re able to play truth or dare for free online directly from your browser. What do you consider your biggest turn-on? What’s the biggest secret you’ve kept from your spouse? Truth or Dare Questions online game with the best experience. Truth or Dare Questions. Just make sure that everyone is comfortable to play Truth or Dare. What’s that one song, you would like to be played on your funeral? How old were you, when you found out Santa isn’t real? Have you ever doubted the credibility of your spouse just because of a rumor? Lick peanut butter or some other kind of spread off someone’s cheek. It’s more fun to see your friends doing the challenges you’ll give them. Would you trade your sibling for $5 million dollars? Jump into a trash can outside your house. Ask the person you’ve been crushing on out on a date for this weekend. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a crush? Truth Dare Questions website is developed especially for providing interesting questions for playing truth or dare game. Have you ever stolen money from your dad’s wallet for a date? What are you waiting for to try it? What’s the thing you hate about family gatherings? Truth or dare is a game that has played a special part in all of our lives, in all sorts of social situations. First, you have to choose a category. Truth or dare questions are the one game that we have grown up playing. This player has to choose between answering a truth or taking on the challenge of a dare. Call your parents and tell them you’re expecting a baby. None of the party is completed without embarrassing Truth or Never have I ever is also a great conversation game that leads to some serious embarrassment or at least some interesting truths. Well, this is your chance now. This content is a simple game, the rules of which will be immediately understood even by those who did not play it. Another extremely popular feature of this app is the possibility to add your own questions and dares. The crazier dares guarantee better fun. I'm still going to give you a little reminder if you don't know this game. A favorite position? Who would you love to swap lives with for a week? Hold hands with one of the other players for the rest of the game. A comprehensive list of good dares for truth or dare questions for you. If he/she choose “dare” then the other players will have to dare him/her with a challenge. Text one of your friends and tell them you didn’t appreciate them farting in your presence the last time you two hung out. If you want to use this free truth or dare generator to get questions and dares ideas then don’t worry, it’s really easy to use it! Put your phone on speaker, call your mom, and tell her you’re getting married tomorrow. With this website or the app you’ll be able to get hundreds of questions and dares. Keep barking like a dog, until your turn comes. Have people made fun of your disability? Have you ever thought about getting separated? The one thing you have to do is to come up with funny dares or questions for truth or dare. One thing about your best friend you are jealous of? Get more questions and dares by downloading the truth or dare app: Truth or dare is a pretty simple game suited to everyone (child, teens, adults and even couples). Call a restaurant and ask really stupid questions about one of their menu options. Have you ever been drunk and driven home? Who among your friends has the worst dressing sense? If you were allowed to make a law that had to be followed by everyone else, what would you do? What’s the one thing you’re afraid to lose? Share your worst public bathroom experience. What’s the weirdest thing you have on your phone? The more you are the more it will be fun. When you're crushing hard on someone, there's nothing quite like a little game of "truth or dare" to help you to get to know them a little better. Let another player pour ice down your back, chest or butt. Let another player have your phone and text anyone on your contact list anything. Who was the last person you got intimate with? What would you do if you had to go number two in a public restroom and there was no toilet paper? Welcome to Tordol.com! Would you go out with someone more than 30 years your senior? Then the truth or dare questions game is the choice for you. Have you ever secretly dated your best friend’s girlfriend/ boyfriend? What’s that one thing you’ve seen that you really wish you could un-see? Let the person next to you do ten push-ups with you lying under them. I guess i'm addicted to it... no lie, it's better than all the other truth or dare genarators, i love all truth or dares the same but this is the best one online ;). Unlock your phone and hand it over to your partner. Have you ever been spotted by someone you don’t like, while at a public place? Quiz: Whether you’re planning a sleepover with friends, a nice beach party, or just a fun party with your close friends. Have you thrown up in class with all your friends looking? What’s the worst lie you’ve ever told a boyfriend or girlfriend? In this truth or dare app you’ll be able to add as many players as you want. Truth or Dare is a board game in which players will each have to choose between a question or a dare. If you are ready to play, click on preferences below to configure your game and get started! Truth or dare is one of the most popular games especially among the younger age groups. Chew a stick of gum without removing the wrapper. What’s the dumbest thing you did to impress someone? What’s one thing you’ve done that your parents would be disappointed to learn? Have you ever had a fight with a friend for posting your ugly photos? Have you ever watched an adult movie secretly? What’s the dumbest thing you’ve said to your partner on a special occasion? It doesn’t matter how old you are when you play this game. What’s one true rumor that was started about you? Shoot em’ questions and get to know what really happened that day. Our truth or dare generator contains more than 1000 questions and dares. It is a lifesaver when we can’t think of anything else to play with our friends. Have you ever apologized publically for your any wrong doings? Have you ever had a weird dream about your partner? Who in your life do you pretend to like but actually don’t? Every time one of the players chooses ‘dare,’ walk across the floor like a crab. Have you ever gotten scratched while in some random car? One thing you would love to do, if it were legal? Try hitting on someone like you’re at a bar. Have you ever smoked your dad’s cigarettes? Who do you like the least among your parents and why? If your best friend had body odor, would you tell them? When was the last time your parent really appreciated you? Did you ever have a crush on one of your teachers? A little bit of lively and entertaining game does no harm to anybody, instead it makes sure the party is rocking. Would you stay with your partner after getting to know he/ she’s a gold digger? Here is the Truth or Dare questions and dares PDF.. More pages of questions. In the worst case you can always use chat like Messenger, WhatsApp or Instagram. Go outside your home and dance like a drunk cowboy, without music. Would they prefer to admit some big secret about their lives, or would they be daring enough to do anything another player asked them to do? By using our website you agree to our use of cookies. This person has to choose to do one or the other to get their point. How many times have you been flat-out rejected? Rules are also very simple anyone will spin the bottle and the one … Play online for free with this truth or dare generator and get 1000+ questions and dares! What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while you were hooking up? Which of your friends are you secretly envious of? Truth or Dare We love the game of Truth or Dare. Have you ever left the gym before re-racking the weights? Have you ever lied about your age to participate in a contest? Have you ever sabotaged someone’s relationship? How to play Truth or Dare online? What’s the worst grade you’ve ever gotten? What is the weirdest nickname you have ever had? At first i was scared then when i played it it was actually fun, I really like this game. Find something stinky in your trash and leave it on your head for a full minute. Ever wondered who’s your crush’s crush? Is there anything your partner did for you that you didn’t expect? Click here to learn how to play Truth or Dare Online. But, after a point, we run out of funny, innovative, strange Truth and dare questions. Have you ever cheated on one or more of your significant others? Who is that one ex you would go to in a heartbeat? Make a ring with some foil paper and propose to whoever’s sitting on your right.
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