These men deeply crave love and affection, but they are reluctant to relax and commit before getting to know the person well. In a man’s chart, Venus represents the type of (young) woman to whom he is attracted. Shrewdness in business matters is a strong asset. If not, his Venus will be in Taurus, Gemini, Leo, or Virgo, and you may consider reading the articles for those signs as well. The mythological Venus is Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. The Venus in Cancer man can be incredibly romantic, and makes an emotional connection a priority. The emotional force and expression of love are very powerful, but the inclination to worry over the partner and family is immense, and the Cancerian capacity for caring may also get out of hand with friends. He prefers the soft, natural, full, motherly look. Venus in Cancer may actually be turned on by pregnant women. Also, Venus is never more than 2 signs away from the Sun, so there is a good chance that a man with a Cancer Sun Sign also has Venus in Cancer. Cancer love is dedicated, warm, and devoted. A full-figured, even slightly over-weight, woman attracts him more than a thin, athletic woman. They may experience many emotional ups and downs in love due to sensitivity and impressionability. He revels in the role of the kindly family patriarch. As with Taurus, Cancer is turned on by fertility. Without a secure domestic environment, these types feel lost and unrooted – all the things they love best in the world center upon a comfortable and safe living environment and the company of their loved ones. We’ll want … Sun in Cancer / Venus in Cancer. When Venus is in Cancer. They’re not the typical male, putting flashy looks and superficiality above all else, and instead tend to go for someone real. When these two get together it creates the potential for greater intimacy, and the chance to build up our romantic relationships. Venus in Cancer simply indicates the type of partners he is socially & sexually attracted to. They show their love through devotion, care, and concern. Venus in Cancer Man. They prefer a woman with Cancer traits. Venus is the planet of sensitivity and affection, while Cancer is the most nurturing zodiac sign. Here the qualities are very much as for Venus in Cancer. VENUS IN CANCER ‘LIKES’ AND VALUES: Home and family form the cornerstones of Venus in Cancer people’s life values. The planetary Venus does not travel beyond two zodiac signs from one’s Sun, meaning that a man with Venus in Cancer can only be a Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo or Virgo. Venus in Cancer people are nurturing, protective and self-protective, cautious, and fertile. They are tender, romantic, and attached. The Venus in Cancer person is attracted to people who can care for them not only emotionally but physically. A Cancer man under the influence of Venus is something right out of a 1950s family sitcom. The Venus in Cancer man enjoys both giving care and receive it. A mate who can provide a house for them to make a true home out of and use in growing a family, is seen as extremely attractive.They will always reciprocate by showering their partner with affection and motherly care. Men born with Venus in Cancer are very emotional and can easily be hurt, although they hide that. The Venus in Cancer Man. Look to the Moon placement as well for in a man's chart, this indicates strongly the type of woman the man is seeking (even at a subconscious level) as the mother of his children in future. He is your classic man who likes to do traditional man things like fishing and bowling with his buddies. The Venus in Cancer male is attracted to naturally large breasts, never fake ones.
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