Um diesem Kundenwunsch und Markt gerecht zu werden, ließ Volvo … I plan to widen, heighten, and lengthen the box so a new box might be easiest since this body is built from aluminum. That watching the movie “Yes Man” not was a waste of time! Vi har mødt mange autocampere og adventure campere; fra kæmpe busser med indbyggede biler over 4×4 lastbiler med ATVere til en lille Fiat Panda – og vi vil ikke bytte med nogle af dem! We often dreamt of driving to Southafrica, but could find the money. Its not quite a feasible option at this point. I starten var vi en smule mistroiske og troede at der stak noget under den store gæstfrihed og grænseløse venlighed, men det gjorde der altså ikke. eBay Kleinanzeigen: Volvo Tgb, Kleinanzeigen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! If so please use the bidding box above. We camped on a beach in Morocco, Morten was asleep, but luckily Lisa saw the arm sneaking in to the cab and scared the guy away! Dec 9, 2016 - Explore Ken Nord's board "Volvo c303 c304" on Pinterest. Follow the transformation of a Volvo TGB 13 from cold-war-vehicle to all-terrain expedition style camper. vi ville reducere med 1 stk, så vi holdt os til de hjulspor der var der i The lack of standing height wasn’t a problem at all – you get used to sit down and cook. Flere gange har vi overvejet at sige nej når vi blev budt på te eller mad, men når man nu siger ja, så får man mange flere små, sære oplevelser – og det er for os meget mere mindeværdigt end at have set Eiffeltårnet eller andre typiske turistfælder.At marokkanerne muligvis er verdens flinkeste folkefærd! I am also concerned with having the electric motors directly driving the axles and not having a second speed gearing for more efficient cruising speeds. It could have happened everywhere, but it was an unpleasant thing none the less. Volvoen har været fantastisk og er stor nok til at man kan bo i den, men samtidig ikke større end at man kan parkere i byen. Det kræver lidt tilvænning, især fordi vi som danskere har en ret udbredt intimsfære og ikke er vant til at folk rører ved os, medmindre vi kender dem godt. Finde 5 Angebote für Volvo c303 gebraucht zu Bestpreisen, die günstigsten Fahrzeuge ab € 26.888. This Volvo was originally imported by Extreme Vehicles … Minus et eller andet frygteligt og snevejr! In civilian guise the 6×6 Volvo C304 and its cousin, the 4×4 Volvo C303, are formidable off-roaders, with high-ground-clearance portal axles, vacuum-locking differentials, and a 28″ fording depth. I planned on spending around 15k on the electric conversion. forvejen, så det var sikkert nok , Bosnia A dieselheater might be a better option for winter camping. Den manglende ståhøjde har ikke betydet noget, man vænner sig til at sidde ned og lave mad. På http:\\ there is a lot of high res pictures. We saw a lot of RVs and adventure campers; from huge busses with build in cars, 4×4 trucks with ATVs and a little Fiat Panda – and we wouldn’t swap with either of them! Men alle de mennesker vi har mødt og hørt deres historie er ikke mindre fantastiske minder. Det er utroligt at folk der har så lidt, vil gøre så meget for en, hvor vi herhjemme har oplevet kornfede danskere true med politiet fordi vi har camperet på en ubenyttet græsmark! Det var sådan set rart kun at skulle tænke på at skaffe mad, vand og diesel. Volvo C304 (TGB1314) Swedish Military Ambulance; Built in 1975; 3.0l Straight Six Petrol Engine; 12mpg; At the moment this website is basically just a collection of photographs from my camper … Lokal. Volvo Cross Country C303, (Tgb 11, A.K.A "Terrängbil 11", translated as "Terrain Vehicle 11"), is the base model of a range of military vehicles produced by Volvo.. Since you have the troop carrier - not the ambulance or radio unit with the taller body - there isn't much headroom. Volvo C304/TGB 13 Expedition Camper About the blog: Follow the transformation of a Volvo TGB 13 from cold-war-vehicle to all-terrain expedition style camper. eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. At filmen “Yes Man” ikke har levet forgæves! Used by both civilians and the … Uanset vejret er Danmark ubetinget det skønneste land Og når man så kommer hjem til et velplejet hus og have der er pyntet op med dannebrog alle vegne, så kan man ikke andet end at være glad Tak familie og naboer English: Finally home! At fodre vilde aber i Atlas bjergene og at se vilde kameler langt ude i ørkenen! Omniaovnen virkede perfekt og gav mulighed for langt mere varieret mad. No mather how the weather is, Denmark is the nicest country And when you arrive to a house and garden that has been kept and there is flags everywhere, its hard to stop smiling Thanks family and neighbours . Vi har tit drømt om at køre til Sydafrika, men det kunne budgettet ikke bære. eBay Kleinanzeigen: Volvo C304, Kleinanzeigen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! When they were commissioned by the Swedish military, they were known as the Volvo … The seller acquired the truck eight years ago as a promotional vehicle for … I would use multiple motors either directly attached to the differentials or somehow directly attached to each wheel. See good deals, great deals and more on Used Volvo C30. didn’t want to reduce it with 1, so we kept to the tracks to be safe For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The output uncermoniously dumps into an interior … Det gør nu egentlig ikke så meget, for os var 3 mdr. Handfeeding wild monkeys in the Atlas mountains and see wild camels far out in the desert! The Volvo TGB 6x6 is converted to a motorhome in 2014. Til gengæld var gasvarmen ikke optimal, den brugte for hurtigt en gasdåse og de var svære at skaffe, så vi svedte ikke ligefrem i sneen! Volvo C306 Firetruck Restoration and Camper Conversion ... Volvo has run a network of 1/8″ish hose connecting them. Volvo Cross Country C303, (Tgb 11, A.K.A The Omniaoven was perfect too, and made it possible to make a lot more varied food. offroading…, We did however find a nice spot in between the Minus something awful and snowing!If it was to avoid fugitives we don’t know, but it was certainly not a nice place right now…, But Lisa made chocolate cake and hot cocoa, it helped a bit , Så kom vi til Kroatien, efter i noget tid at have undret os over hvor biler med kendingsbogstaverne HR kom fra, så fandt vi ud af ved grænset at det står for Hrvatska Det var desværre ret svært at finde et sted at bade, men så er det jo skønt at vi har vores næsten varme solar shower…(og nej i får ingen billeder af Lisa! I am looking at 30-40k in just batteries. so if I were to do 3 motors on 3 axles and wanted to go 55mph (maybe a bit faster) Which motors would you use? That the Moroccans might be the world’s nicest people! Nå, men Lisa bagte chokoladekage og lavede varm kakao, det hjalp lidt English: Then came Austria! and where is the best place to get 100kwh worth of batteries? May 22, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Martin Neumann. Discover (and save!) Jon Davy Volvo C304 (TGB1314) Swedish military ambulance Built in 1975 3.0l straight six petrol engine 12mpg Interessiert an mehr gebrauchten Autos? The only issue with that idea is then I have the expense of an electrice drivetrain and a mechanical one. (virker muligvis ikke på mobile enheder). Volvo VOLVO TGB 1111 ROBOT Panzerjäger (kein Pinzgauer Inserat online seit 01.02.2021, 14:32. unexlploded landmines and munitions its not the place to do serious Like new military M/T tires. Bosnien Herzegovina er et smukt land, men med omkring 2 mio. The three-Leaf approach makes sense to me. Militär-Oldtimer Volvo C202 / C303 - Allrad-Wohnmobil zum Dumpingpreis Immer mit dabei ist übrigens auch ein kleines Motorrad, um bei Ausfahrten für kleinere Touren mobil zu sein. This 1975 Volvo C304 is a six wheeled, 6×6 variant of the more popular 303 4×4. your own Pins on Pinterest We had someone breaking in to our car, while we slept in there! He tried to cut the rubber seal, but then found out how to open the window in the passenger side. I am looking at 30-40k in just batteries. Van (or larger) Camper Conversion + DIY EV? I think a diesel/electric hybrid would possibly work for me though and get me through the next decade until power storage devices can reach a better point. Tyskland er lidt samme historie, sne og regn!Vi havde nogle planer, men eftersom vi begge blev forkølede af de 30 graders temperaturskift på ét døgn, så skyndte vi os hjemad i stedet…English: Germany was about the same, snow and rain!We had some plans, but as we both cathed a cold of the 30 degree temperature change in 1 day, we hurried home instead…, Og så kom Østrig! The blog will be … & Herzegovina is a beautiful country, but with some 2 mio der Volvo hat definitiv mehr Platz, Stauraum und die bessere Sitzanordnung hinten (geschlossen C303 im Vergleich 710K). Auf Auftrag des schwedischen Militärs folgte dem L3314/5 in den 1970er Jahren sein Nachfolger, die so genannte C30x Baureihe mit den (zivilen) Bezeichnungen C303, C304 und C306. € 18.500 . (Vacciner m.m. 2 ventiler  pr. I think after looking at what I would actually need (or think I need) for battery capacity (somewhere in the 300-400kwh range) and at $100/kwh price which I think is actually on the low end. This 1975 Volvo C304 was imported to the US in 2005 and subsequently refurbished under previous ownership. Rebuilding and modifying my Volvo TGB 1313 (C304) to a camper. Thank you Brian for helping me through this. Det kunne være sket hvor som helst, men alligevel en træls oplevelse! Endelig hjemme! Like that truck, these were designed primarily for military use but were also sold to civilian markets. Volvo C304 / Tgb-13. Einfach. Vi camperede på en strand i Marokko, Morten snorksov, men heldigvis opdagede Lisa at der var en arm inde i førekabinen og fik manden jaget på flugt! Ein 3-Achser geschlossen C304 ist denke ich einfacher … Sie brauchten ein kleines, leichtes, wendiges und kostengünstiges Allzweck-Transportfahrzeug. I do plan on either building a new box completely or modifying the box I have to accommodate the headroom needed for a comfortable place to stay. Surprinsingly how fast you gets used to live in such a small home with such few things – a bit scary as arch capitalist to discover how much useless things you have at home! It actually okay, for us 3 months was fine, in the beggining you are so excited because everything is different, but you get uses to wake up to a new fantastic scenery every day and starts to miss a more normal, stable everyday. 1975 Volvo Other 1975 Volvo C306 TGB21 Swedish military 6x6. eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. More than once have we considered saying no to people offering us tea or dinner, but when you say yes you get these funny little moments – and to us it is much more worth remembering than seeing the Eiffeltower or another typical monument. mountains, as much as we want them to get rid of the mines, we really rigtig smuk natur at holde pause i, mellem bjerge og vandløb, selvom Der kunne et oliefyr nok have været på sin plads hvis man skulle campere meget mere om vinteren. The car behaved nicely, we have only had minor problems that was easy to fix, most of them electrical. In civilian guise the 6×6 Volvo C304 and its cousin, the 4×4 Volvo C303, are formidable off-roaders, with high-ground-clearance portal axles, vacuum-locking differentials, and a 28″ fording depth. det ville være rart for dem med mindre landminer, synes vi ikke lige at The blog will be updated with our travel experiences from around the globe.We will be happy if you take a look at Raredog Design - it is our webshop where we design cool T-Shirts for gasonline-freaks, rockabillys and just plain people who likes cool t-shirts with cars, bikes & Rock N' Roll :-)Ships everywhere in the world, cheap :-). 87 Overnatninger i Volvoen15.502 km på land426 km på vand2199L Diesel450L Vand7½L motorolie (olieskift) + 450 ml forbrug undervejs (ret godt klaret 17 Lande5 Punkteringer3x Stoppet af Politiet (+ en helvedes masse checkpoints)440,- DKK pr dag alt inklusiv. I would love to make this work as a hybrid but if not my next option is a small mercedes diesel or maybe the new cummins 2.8 repower crate motor. See more ideas about volvo, expedition vehicle, offroad vehicles. ueksploderede bomber og landminer spredt ud over hele landet, så var det One set of. Entdecke auch Volvo gebraucht zum Verkauf! (Also Vaccines), Highest population density : Monaco 18.713/km2Lowest population density: Western Sahara 2,2/km2. Om det er for at dæmme om for flygtninge ved vi ikke, men noget rart sted var det ikke lige for tiden…. It takes some time to get used to them, especially because we Danes has a pretty big intimate sphere and are generally not used to people touching us, unless we know each other pretty well. Lokal. The Volco was fantastic, big enough to live in and small enough to park in the cities. Bilen opførte sig tilnærmelsesvis eksemplarisk, vi har kun haft småproblemer der var nemme at klare, hovedsageligt elektrisk. , 2 Danes, 6 Wheels and a plan:Planning to see most of the world through the front window of a old military truck!All pics can be seen full-size at the gallery. Here’s another off-road legend from Bring a Trailer. What would the downside of running one bigger electric motor through either a transmission and transfer case or possibly even just a 2 speed transfer case to drive all 3 axles? This one’s an ex-Swedish military … The blog will be updated with … På http:\\ er der nu en masse billeder i fuld opløsning. It was nice to only worry about getting food, water and diesel. Volvo TGB C303 H-Kennzeichen originaler Top Zustand. Overraskende hurtigt blev man vant til at bo på så lidt plads og klare sig med så få ting – lidt skræmmende når man som ærkekapitalist opdager hvor meget skrammel man har derhjemme der ikke er brug for! Brand new winch that's never been used with custom front and rear bumpers. The car was developed in the … Volvo Cross Country C303, (TGB11, A.K.A "Terrängbil 11", translated as "Terrain Vehicle 11"), is the base model of a range of military vehicles produced by Volvo. design questions- 8000 lb RV, with regnen, the high energy consumption of a large vehicle, plans for solar charging, usually with unreasonable expectations, need for a much larger motor compared to typical conversions, or multiple motors, the RV never actually gets built or converted, driving the leading rear axle with the engine and mechanical transmission (not using the stock transfer gear to drive the trailing rear axle), driving the front and trailing rear axles only electrically (with one motor per axle or one motor per wheel), adding a motor-generator at the engine (or between engine and transmission, or connected to the PTO), using the motors on the front and trailing rear axles only when required for traction, or when using battery power, or when braking, capture of energy in regenerative braking (by all axles), power boost for acceleration (by driving front and trailing axles), lots of energy for use while camped (can charge using motor-generator connected to engine), plug-in charging to displace some fuel consumption, you can't drive the front axle on the highway, and, the tandem rear axles scrub due to turns or any tire size mismatch, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. I think a diesel/electric hybrid would possibly work for me though and get me through the next decade until power storage devices can reach a better point. Have a look at this Volvo 6x6 for Elevated … When they were commissioned by the Swedish military, they were known as the Volvo … Gas powered … Here’s another off-road legend from Bring a Trailer. Find volvo c30 used cars for sale on auto trader, today. On the contrary the gas-heater wasn’t the best option, it used a gascanister too fast and they where hard to get, so we didn’t exactly sweat in the snow! Search from 82 Used Volvo C30 cars for sale, including a 2008 Volvo C30 T5 R-Design, a 2009 Volvo C30 T5 R-Design, and a 2011 Volvo … 1975 Volvo TGB13 C304 I have had this Volvo for about 10 years now and it's time for me move on and concentrate on other projects. Its not quite a feasible option at this point. Vores nye gasblus var virkelig gode og vi har brugt under 1L gas i måneden på trods af at vi har lavet mad hver dag. Http Www Havast Eu Argeweb Downloads … It is amazing that people that have so little, will do so much for others, at home we have experienced fat Danes threathening to call the police because we camped at an unused grassfield! The Truck was developed in the … Come join the discussion about electric vehicle conversions, builds, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Although the limitation of the stock vehicle may just be engine power, making the electric version more powerful may not be practical, and cruising at that speed in a vehicle with the aerodynamics of a barn will consume a lot of energy. I planned on spending around 15k on the electric conversion. Einfach. A forum community dedicated to DIY electric car owners and enthusiasts. To get lost in a minefield in Sahara and the “racism” in the touristy cities, where the price trippled because of our skin color also belongs to the list…. Original … This 1975 Volvo C304 is finished in red and powered by a gasoline 3.0L straight-six mated to a 4-speed manual gearbox and 2-speed transfer case with shift on-the-fly capability. ikke lige stedet at køre ret meget offroad. )Det gik nu nok med det kolde bad, med 32 grader og solskin , After we had wondered where the cars with the registration letters HR comes from, we came to Hrvatska or Croatia , It was not easy to find a shower, but luckily we have our nearly varm solar-shower… (No, theres no pictures of Lisa) But as the sun was shining and there was 32 degrees C it was okay . This particular RV wouldnt be used to cruise long highways at 70mph it would be back roads with frequent stops at 35-55mph most likely on the dirt. At the beginning we were somewhat superstitious, but we soon found out that they just are SO friendly to strangers. Thank you so much Brian for your help with researching. ), Tætteste befolkede land: Monaco 18.713/km2Tyndest befolkede land: Vest Sahara 2,2/km2, 87 Nights in the Volvo15.502 km On land426 km On Water2199L Diesel450L Water7½L Engine oil (oil change)+ 450 ml used (pretty good for the old girl 17 Countries5 Punctures3x Stopped by the Police (+ way too many checkpoints)59,- EUR per day all included. to move 10k lbs? 19+ Volvo C304 For Sale.Great savings & free delivery / collection on many items. Han havde forsøgt at skære gummilisten af, inden han fik åbnet forreste siderude…, At ikke kunne finde vej i et minefelt i Sahara og “racismen” i de turistprægede byer hvor priserne steg som følge af vores hudfarve, tæller også med på listen…. JavaScript is disabled. 1975 Volvo C304 TGB 1314 17ft long 6ft wide roughly 7ft tall 6x6 with portal axles and locking differentials factory weight is about 6400lbs all up weight with camping rig … Volvo C304/TGB 13 Expedition Camper About the blog: Follow the transformation of a Volvo TGB 13 from cold-war-vehicle to all-terrain expedition style camper. A stock C304 probably can't reach that speed. (however the body unbolts and leaves a lot of easy points to add in pieces)? I would love to get a 200 mile range (more would be great) I think 200 miles would at least get me to a different scenery until I could charge the batteries by solar/wind/diesel generator. I think after looking at what I would actually need (or think I need) for battery capacity (somewhere in the 300-400kwh range) and at $100/kwh price which I think is actually on the low end. Nice selection of vehicles out this evening :) #wheelsonwednesday #volvocamper #volvotgb6x6 #volvoc304 #volvotgb #volvotgb13 #volvo6x6 #c303 #c304 @ Wheels on Wednesday Built on a robust chassis with portal axles, it is a popular choice for anyone that wants to carry people or light cargo across rough terrain. I don't know if comfortably cruising at 65 mph is a realistic expectation. Eriskirch-Kressbronn am Bodensee-Langenargen, Bodenseekreis. 47375604_782834645395657_2049457908596342784_n.jpg, 47319682_295730547735645_189465223768309760_n.jpg, 47232867_355694738341440_8058296779822596096_n.jpg. Mon Ami Le Chat Un site utilisant Accueil; Avantages; Bulletin; FAQ; Les Pros; Images; Récits; volvo c303 camper kaufen meget passende, til at starte med er det spændende at alt er anderledes, men man vænner sig til at vågne til en ny fantastisk udsigt og vi begyndte på et tidspunkt at savne en mere almindelig hverdag. Vi fandt dog en plet Vi havde indbrud i bilen, mens vi sov i den! Are you Amateur or Professional Photographer / Cinematographer? This version was produced both as a 4x4 and a 6x6. Our new gasstove was really good and we used less than 1 Kg gas per month, even though we cooked everyday. Manual Petrol 1979 43,033 KM. But all the nice people we have met and hearing their stories is at least as memorable.
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