So, here we open VLC and instruct it to receive a UDP stream with the destination and “dump” it into the save_file.ts. The steps needed to stream using VLC are below. I see UDP packets being sent to the multicast address. vlc udp://@ :demux=dump :demuxdump-file=save_file.ts. VLC Stream [Protocols in frame: eth: ethertype: ip: udp: mp2t: mpeg-pes] My guess is OBS is sending the video as data packets and not video, this does not seem to be a problem for VLC playback but the Exterity box does not know what to make of it, in … To use VLC and a seperate device (PC, Media player, Raspbery PI etc) put the IP address of the player device in the MiniTiouner .ini file and then put udp://@:1234 in the VLC network address on the remote device. Hello, I am trying to get my photon to stream audio data over UDP or similar. (We have some windows apps that we would like to stream to our displays) I have managed to get this to work from one PC as the streaming server to another PC as the client. Available methods are: RTP/UDP Unicast: Stream to a single computer. If you chose Stream to network option, you can now specify the streaming method. Now launch VLC, go to Media > open network stream and enter udp://@ in the network URL box and press play. If you change to vlc streaming from one and listening to the stream on the others, the result will be that all the others are at different delays from the stream server. Secondly, VLC. There is also a very simple command. Once you have added details about your destination on this streaming platform then simple hit the add button. RTP/UDP Multicast: Stream to multiple computers using multicast. “Dumping” here means the same as -c copy in FFmpeg. In trying to be frugal I looked at the packets with Wireshark via a bridged computer between the decoder and encoder. In VLC i use the same network source i used when VLC was streaming in the main PC: udp://ip-of-main-pc:1234 But it doesn't play or show any errors, the orange bar only goes back and forth endlessly. When I try opening that network stream in VLC such as udp//:@ it just seems to load forever. 1. Enter the client's IP address (in the - range). I have discovered VLC is able to create a video stream of a PC desktop and send it via UDP. Note that we cannot provide support for VLC other than the information provided. This makes me feel as though I am on the right track. I have followed this example :https://github.… I think a good solution is to stream over UDP to VLC media player but cannot get this to work. Seeing as VLC leaves a non-corrupt file when shut down in the middle of the recording, it seemed like the easiest way to do it. If you listen to the same stream on computers in multiple rooms, they are all at different places in the stream, which results in an incredible, unpleasant cacophony. If you want to send your stream to specific IP address or to the range of IP addresses then simply choose UDP option from drop down menu. Download and install the latest version of VLC Media Player Streaming with protocols such as Transport Stream or UDP ... To stream using different protocols a 3rd party program is needed such as VLC. Just to clarify: I'm essentially telling VLC to open a playlist containing a udp stream address, record it for a given length of time and then stop the recording.
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