Wie viele Bundesstaaten der Vereinigten Staaten können Sie nennen? Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield 18,562; Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield 11,126; Click a 'C' TV Show 10,421; Largest to Smallest: Most Populous Countries 9,057; Rush to the Finish: Shared Mountains 7,287; More Quizzes I can feel the radiating spelling frustrations! This 50 states quiz is a fun way to test your knowledge or to review for your geography class. Indeed. if u like ww2 aircraft look up my quiz yo! But I don't know why i'm doing this as European :D. Is it just me, or has alphabetical order gone out the window for this quiz? I think I like it. first time, I bet i could get it with 2 minutes to spare, Wish everyone would forget about California, With a few attempts you can get it easily and im from australia. Why is Virginia after West Virginia and Washington alphabetically? What more could you want? The only thing German about this is "Kalifornien", 12 x 12 Multiplikationstabelle in 2 Minuten. Als Hinweise dienen dir die offiziellen Spitznamen der Bundesstaaten und die Anzahl Einwohner. Scottish, memorised them all for Geography so dis was easy, 50/50 took like 2 weeks to finally memorise all of them 20 seconds left :D I'm from UK love you Americans :D. Thanks man. everything is either the same as english or english version accepted except for california. It's easily been the most effort I've put into a quiz. Just to clarify: I was wrong with "California" - the main german dictionary (Duden) states clearly that "California" is the english version of "Kalifornien", so in a german quiz "California" is wrong. It's easily been the most effort I've put into a quiz. Quiz: Die 50 Bundesstaaten der USA. How much do you know about the US-of-A? Dann ist das Quiz für dich sicher ein Kinderspiel, denn alle Antworten sind dort versteckt. From Turkey, done 50/50 on the third attempt. Let's find out with this 50 US states quiz. I lost about 30 seconds trying to figure out how to spell it. Don't worry I'm not brain dead, I'm just European. In this quiz, you’ll be given a state, and you’ll need to select its capital city—all 50 of them. I shouldve done better ;/, Got 50/50 with 1:12 left and from New Mexico. USA: Bundesstaaten (mit Bildern) Source: am American, speak German. Click on an area on the map to answer the questions. (68). 1:40 to spare and I live in Philippines, it's weird that i am from asia and yet i know all the states. Sie läuft in den aktuellen Versionen der meisten Web-Browser, z. got more than i thought i would, at least, named all the states with 1:02 spare and im from Poland :). Why are there so many of them? Teste dein Wissen über die Hauptstädte der USA von Arizona … 😉😏, Hello, fellow JetPunk users! USA geography fast facts: Population: 327 million. I guess I have to start training again. "50 US States, and the District of Columbia", wow im way better at this then last time i did it. 2 times. OMG GUYS im a fetus from the Central African Republic and I finished with 2:23 left!1!!1!111!! US citizens would more likely remember Colorado or Georgia, which score lower among Germans. If anyone beats my score let me know because I'm trying to have the best score. USA Quiz. Dammit! Instead, we thought we’d dig a little deeper to see how much you really know about the USA’s different states. Second time, I got 50/50 with 1:31 left. Now that just made me mad. Beat that! 2:12 übrig, Kalifornien stoppt mich jedes mal wegen seiner deutschen Schreibweise. Source: am American, speak German. 100%, 0.20 left. Game Points. I also like that for some reason, the Germans who take this test tend to score much more highly on The Dakotas and Carolinas than most Americans. A few days ago, I also knew only very few. !1, I found them all in 33 seconds!!!1!11!2!~!@~! sara2aliabbas_14186. Bundesstaaten der Vereinigten Staaten Karte der US Bundesstaaten. Try: Africa, Brazil, China, Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, South Carolina UK, USA 17th time's a charm. Zufällige Länder auf der Weltkarte. Got all 50, I suppose it isn't too impressive as I am from the US after all. Now, where I´ve learned them, I got all of them right. Which state has the fewest counties? 0. I'm also from Alaska though, so I grew up in the USA. The only reason I lost is because I couldnt spell Massachutes or penneslvania Just spelled it wrong again lol :(. These days there's a real battle between yellow states and green states. Top Quizzes Today in Geography. omg yes!! To this day only Kalifornien could resist the English influence. Davon sind mit Hawaii und Alaska zwei Staaten nicht direkt an die Landmasse der USA angrenzend. Bizarre. I almost always forget Minnesota... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? you put virginia in the 'W' section which is killing my OCD. Sup from Ohio. I got 9999999/1 with as long to spare as there has been since the Big Bang - and I'm not even from the solar system. Seterra is an entertaining and educational geography game that lets you explore the world and learn about its countries, capitals, flags, oceans, lakes and more! Erase the USA (No Outlines) 8,325; Erase the USA by Capital 470; Erase the USA (No Skips) 434; Erase the USA by Capital (No Skips) 338; US States Minesweeper II 123; US States Minesweeper 110; US States Minesweeper VI 109; Click Your Way Across the USA 56; Erase the USA by Sorted Isogram 41; Erase the USA (A-Z) 21 Online quiz to learn States of the USA Quiz; Your Skills & Rank. Start studying USA Staaten und Hauptstädte. Mettiti alla prova e impara cose nuove! Get it? I tried to watch Youtube on that browser. I got 49 out of 50 because I couldn't spell Massachusets and am only 9. Länder Europas Quiz. Alaska is the biggest state in the United States by land area. Yeah, i agree with d3ash, if your putting the states in Alphabetical Order, then put West Virginia before Virginia, Here before the District of Columbia becomes a state! I guessed 38 states.. A feel proud of my self as a european. Now that I do, How much do you know of your own country? But some states do take like 1min to spell, like Massachusetts ( At least thats how long I take to spell it), "then they have an iq smaller than a ant" "a ant", Whenever you correct someone's spelling or grammar, there will be a spelling or grammar mistake in your correction. Statetris-USA. (I only replied in English cause comment was English). 32 minutes ago. It took me around 30 minutes to learn all the states... My time was 2:13 with all states, but I think it could be improved still :/, Great states quiz git all in time allowed, 51/50 in half a second and I'm a North Korean foetus, I have a crappy kindle and I still had 13 seconds left, oh yeah. 36/50, is it good enough for a 15 year old from Poland? QUIZ: Do you know the capitals of the 50 states? The lowest-guessed one is Massachusetts, in spite of it being a very famous place. They all exist on Wikipedia. YES!!!! 50/50 with 0:29 left my typing is really slow. Same way Americans say Schleswig-Holstein, and not Shlesvig-Holstine. How many colonies declared independence in 1776? Maybe it's because Massachusetts is pretty difficult to spell? Well a lot of people don't want to use choppy german by slapping their comment into google translate. What name is given to the natural region of tropical wetlands in the southern portion of Florida? 0. Level 76. Well, test your United States knowledge to the max with this fun, at-times tough quiz... We could ask you to name all 50 states, but many of us will have played that game before. I'm a non-american 12 year old and got 47/50 :3. I tried to spell it Massechussets and Massachussets before I finally figured out how it's really spelled. Also the other states' names ARE in German, you just don't hear them out loud, and many states used to end in -ien and other stuff, but it's changed. Got it with 7 seconds left and I'm Canadian, lol massachusetts has the lowest percentage because its so hard 2 spell xD. I've been a Geo Nerd since second grade though. Being European, specifically Greek, I got all 50 states with 1:46 remaining. Of all the ones to forget, I forget Washington. Länder der Erde mit einer leeren Karte. 2:49. only got 31, dont know the provinces of the USA that well. I don't know if you meant to say "Wirginia"... 10s. Actions. I'm german and I didn't even know, there is a German word for Pennsylvania :-/, In history someGerman names for the US States ended in -ien (Virginien, Pennsylvanien). 11 years old with 2:08 left. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. maybe i should migrate. (i am 13 years old and live in the netherlands), Massachusetts is the hardest and is even harder with terrible things to write it with.😾, This beats or equals 60.1% of test takers, This beats or equals 71.8% of test takers. Nice job with grammar, spelling, and giving away personal information. Always surprised how low Missouri comes in. why is massachusetts the least guessed one? by sara2aliabbas_14186. I've been working on a quiz for quite some time. UPDATE: Finally got better result with 1.26 minutes left! STATE. As a Missourian, I'm disappointed that only 62% of people know the state. i loved the quizz sooo much you should 100% do so many more just like this, I know them all but I can’t type fast enough 🤣. But the same source lists "Pennsylvania" as alternate word for "Pennsylvanien" (the latter with higher relevance), so both should work. Dammit, I can't do better than 1.19 I've tried several times now. Take the Quiz and Prove to … interesting your all commenting in english. Enjoy! I GOT 2:38!!! It doesn't work because it's a quiz in German, and the German word for California is Kalifornien, not California. First 26, then 42 and finally 50. Nota: la maggior parte dei Paesi non riconosce Taiwan come stato indipendente, bensì lo considera parte della Repubblica popolare cinese. Alaska looks horrible on this version of the map. Georgia should work (it did for me) - it's the same in English, German and Dutch. My best result so far is 1.15 100% I am 18 years old from Finland. In addition, Neumexiko should be accepted as well. Would it be alright for me to copy this quiz to create a quiz about different states of different countries? Tags: Border Quiz, Clickable Quiz, Minefield Quiz, State Quiz, United States Quiz, map, outline, Picture Click, State Borders, USA Top Quizzes Today Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield 15,309 Not bad for an old lady! Use our free US Map Quiz to learn the locations of all the US states. You probably shouldn't state your age. If you enjoyed this quiz, maybe consider checking out my new quiz: Topological Map of the USA Quiz. secondo Wikipedia è Gerusalemme e per questo motivo lo è anche nel nostro quiz. Thanks to the elections, you should know -Pensylvania-, -Georgia-, -Arizona-, -North Carolina- and -Nevada- .... Für die deutsche Variante sollte man etwas mehr Zeit geben. Any chance of some leniency with the spelling for those of us not from the USA? Why does NYC work as a type-in for New York? How many can you name? Test the strength of your wits! I got 50/50 with 1:15 left and I'm from Italy… I'm a geography geek hahaha. Very good with Virginia facts? However in German the country Georgia is Georgien; the outdated term in Dutch is Georgië (now Georgia is more commonly used). haha. Massachusetts, Mississippi and Tennessee. I've been working on a quiz for quite some time. Same age and live in the US and I can't even name 3 regions of Greece. Declared independence July 4, 1776. This is a general quiz on everything about the USA. I'm pretty unknown, so I'm commenting here to try and get noticed. I literally typed in Africa and was wondering why it wasn't working.😂, I am disappointed that I got 28/50 and was proud of it😢. And i am pretty sure that most of the people taking this quiz know all of the states, it is just a matter of remembering and typing them in time. Eine Liste der Bundesstaaten der Vereinigten Staaten in alphabetische Reihenfolge mit der entsprechenden Flagge, Spitznamen, Hauptstadt, Fläche, Einwohner und dem Beitritt in den USA, sowie der derzeit amtierende Gouverneur und seine Zugehörigkeit. Keep scrolling down for answers and more stats ... almost forgot delaware. Wer war der erste Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten? After all I thought Missouri loves company. we are two elevn year olds from lost vegas and we did it in 2 minutes!! There are 50 states in the USA. ;). @SquiggleDabs how did you comment if you're only on level 3 and how did @Hurricaneboy do so if (s)he's only on level 10? You certainly need to smarten up your social skills. In diesem Quiz ist es deine Aufgabe die Hauptstädte der Bundesstaaten ihrem passenden Staat zuzuordnen. I finally had al of them! Each time you take this quiz the questions and answers are randomly shuffled. Add to … Ewige Tabelle der Fußball-Bundesliga. that experimental browser is meant to be rubbish anyway. kidding. Größte Städte Europas - … look at the top comments those sad human beings years ago arguing about getting a score above 50 its not possible because there is only 50 us states so dont try and include states from other countries you sad excuses for human beings, i keep getting stuck on the spelling of massachusetts. Questo veloce quiz sugli Stati Uniti vuole misurare il tuo grado di conoscenza di questo Paese. Think you know where the States of USA are? (not that i ever do ;) ), So what would the title of that quiz be? Danke schön. May I have your attention, please? You'll need to draw on your knowledge of the American states to smash through this quiz and score top marks. Zähle die 50 Bundesstaaten der USA auf. i got them all without cheating!! In which city was there a fire in 1871 which razed several square miles and left more than 100,000 homeless? Liste der Bundesstaaten. Furthermore, Norddakota and Süddakota are commonly used by German media (and Google Maps). I've lived in Pennsylvania my whole life. Hey, U.S. Citizen! Unter allen richtigen Einsendungen verlosen wir 3× das Buch Amerikanische Mythen – American Myths (englische Stories von Siedlern, Indianern, Goldgräbern, Cowboys, Millionären, Tellerwäschern mit deutscher … https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania. English. Hey! It was fun though because it helps me study for my exam soon in social studies, thanks jet punk. Donderkop; wat geeft met "California" en "Georgia"? virginia is in the wrong place on the answer box :), I guess 36 is respectable for someone from Gibraltar, Gibraltar, do you consider yourself Spanish or British, I am 11 and I got all of them. It doesn't work because it's a quiz in German, and the German word for California is Kalifornien, not California. Welcher Fluss ist der längste und in welchem Bundesstaat liegt der Grand Canyon? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Wow...that's really good. This is one of the easiest quizzes. I am 8 years old and i live in Quebec and i got 46 on 50... why anyone beleaves me? 85% average accuracy. I'm surprised by the fact that Massachusetts is the least guessed states, it's much more important than others such as the Dakotas or Wyoming. Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield 16,529; South American Capitals First Letter Blitz 6,122; Countries of the World 6,003; Find the US States 5,657; Click the Midwestern States Minefield 5,585; US States 4,374; Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield 3,899; Erase the USA (No Skips) 3,397 Countries of Europe 3,163; Erase the USA … Total area: 3,796,742 sq mi, 9,833,520 sq km. Interesting. Popular Quizzes Today. So you can spell Massachusetts but not believe? Edit. Must have typed much faster. I'm 13 Live in the Netherlands and have never been to america before and don't have ancestors from there from my knowledge and i got them all wit 1:33 to spare. If anyone struggles in this then they have an IQ smaller than a ant. You need to get 100% to score the 50 points available. Total Points. And I am very old and very French. Good thing I knew how to spell Massachasassuetts. USA Quiz Questions III. Try seeing if you can list them in reverse alphabetical order with my new quiz, Countries of the World Z-A: https://www.jetpunk.com/user-quizzes/284204/countries-of-the-world-z-a, WOW!!! Hello, fellow JetPunk users! Get started! 6th - University. QUIZ: How many stripes are on the American flag? USA: Hauptstädte - Erdkunde-Quiz: Die USA bestehen aus 50 verschiedenen Bundesstaaten. I tried massachussetts, masachusets and masachussetts and then gave up. Can't type that fast and got 50/50 with 1:53 left. geez this is hard. Is there any chance you could expand the spelling mistakes on Massachusetts? USA Geography quiz geography quiz - just click on the map to answer the questions about the states in USA Become a supporter to remove 3rd party ads ... USA: states quiz. Sometimes I think, the world might be a nicer place when I had to learn all of those for the "countries of the world" quiz... ;). Asia: Nazioni - Quiz Geografico: Nota: la capitale di Israele è attualmente oggetto di discussione. Still trying out the new SVG on these quizzes. I think these possibilities are quite important, as otherwise, this would be just a copy of the English original. 49/50, I ran out of time. We've got St. Louis and Kansas City, some hills and a hell of a lot of farms. I think the other "New XY" states are generally not translated (I remember to have heard/read Neuyork a few times, but seems quite old-fashioned, though). Die 8 Planeten. 32 minutes ago. 19/50, from Ontario. Mit einem aufrichtigen covfefe wollen wir Ihnen zu Ihrem Expertenwissen gratulieren. Sure about all things related to states? I found them all in 43 seconds AND I am 8 years old AND I am from Papua New Guinea AND I am also a coconut tree!!! I'm Aussie and in primary and my fastest is 2:46 so I think that's okay. Norddakota and Süddakota are the German words for the Midwestern states, and should be accepted, but oddly, North Carolina and South Carolina are not translated. So don't be shocked that only 62% of people got Missouri. Think you know the countries like the back of your hand? I'm 11, and I got all of the countries of the world quiz, and 100% on this. The whole list is in alphabetical order apart from Virginia. Welches ist das größte Gebäude der USA? Massachusetts must be crying because people think they are called "mass chutes". USA game or USA quiz is a great way to learn usa map with states and cities Learning 50 states of USA is really easy with this states and capitals game. pls operat the quiz so "california" works, for every else state the english version works as well, so why not here? Yo I am finnish and I get 100% when there is 1.19 time left. Spread da love. No offense 😁. Die größten Länder nach Fläche. Could Nord-Dakota be accepted for North Dakota, Süd-Dakota for South Dakota, Nord-Carolina, Nordkarolina and Nordkarolinien for North Carolina, and Süd-Carolina, Südkarolina and Südkarolinien for South Carolina? I'm pretty unknown, so I'm commenting here to try and get noticed. In termini di territorio, l'Asia è la regione più vasta del … I think these possibilities are quite important, as otherwise, this would be just a copy of the English original... plus Kalifornien.
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