In fact, the only useful high-level recipes that you can really learn from trainers are those in your specialization. The game will tell you that LW is good for hunters. Maintain Hunter’s Mark on target. 2) Don’t beat the GCD (BM): This means you don’t want to create a situation where you are clipping autshots because you cant GCD. We choose Efficiencybecause Marksmanship or Survival Hunters pick Improved Hunter's Mark. 3) Shackle done by a Shadowpriest with maxed Spellhit (god help you if your healer has +hit) is more reliable than Ice Trap, and it is only usable on undeads. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show(), Hit (9%) – Agility – Attack Power – Crit – Intellect & MP/5 – Stamina. You could choose the Master Tactician Talent if you don’t think you have enough crit. At a certain crit value Wind Serpents are the best Pets for raids since Ravagers can not dump their Focus fast enough which they gain from “Go for the Throat”. The subject of this article was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a. /use Bloodlust Brooch Zones by level (original) - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft. This can change a lot. WTF is up with that? Then it’s a really good idea, to level your Jewelcrafting before you do choose your faction. Stand slightly past it. hide. The Fast Hunter Leveling Guide. For another, there’s rep, gold, exploration, learning your character, etc. Our detailed guides will help you enhance your gaming experience, improve your gameplay, and help you gain efficiency! This spec is slightly less flexible than the previous, and has a ‘waste point’ floating around in the Marks Tree. At least one Hunter should have 3/3Improved Hunter's Mark. There are other good choices too if you want to make stuff, like JC, Ench (Stats to ring is win), or hell even Blacksmithing (Felsteel Longblade anyone?). Hunters hungry for Utility, not for hot pocket. To find these gems, Jewelcrafters use their main skill, Prospecting, on any gathered ore, destroying it in the process.… Alternate Surv Build: Gets you 2% more agility and some extra intellect at the cost of Thrill of the Hunt. The Burning Crusade is nearly here and we hope to guide you on your way as we are Hyped for Blizzard to Announce the newest journey for us at Blizzcon! - TBC Classic Leveling Guides Are Currently Under Construction - World Record fastest time through Vanilla WoW 1-60 in 4 … In raids, if I see you with growl on, I chop off your head. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide() Jewelcrafting is WoW’s newest profession. Night elves can shadowmeld drink and Dranei have heroic presence which is 1% hit. Not only is it useful for your group with Drums of Battle & Drums of War, but you can also craft armor on almost every stage of your progression. Even then, if you were to pick NOT BM, Surv would be better. The bottom line is that you have to try BOTH and see what works EVERY time your attack speed changes. 2 years ago. Yes. Haste is how you will make your rotation as tight as possible. BM hunters have a lower AP threshold for non-failureness, at around 1400-1500 AP (BM Only), since you are attacking so damn fast. Now that leveling is over, you can learn more about level 60 gameplay by reading our DPS Hunter Guide, which covers every facet of gameplay at 60 in detail. The FightClass is specially for leveling with Marksman 1-80. if you are below Level 20 it wont use Hunter's Mark and Serpent Sting otherwise you have mana issues in this level range. Also, you can maintain a Scorpid Sting on the target (other are buffed by Marksmanship’s Improved Stings) Rotation can be managed by the following macro: #showtooltip Steady Shot I also like wow schools and Hayden's World of Warcraft Secret Gold Guide. Step 1) Place Ice Trap far away from pull (usually around a wall so u can LOS pull off the tank). NOTE: This is more complicated than it looks. Run Karahzan a million times, buy the new badge gear, top DPS charts. Technically, as long as your unbuffed agil would give an Expose Weakness >= Marks TSA Aura, you’re good to raid. /cast Steady shot if they cant dump focus fast enough can we swap 2/2 focus regen and put somewhere else? For one, you’ll still have to do those last ten levels. This TBC Jewelcrafting guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Jewelcrafting skill from 1 to 375. Burning Crusade Leveling Guide. What this means is that INT is suddenly very important to you, as it will not only buff your total mana, but also buff your aspect of the Viper. Welcome to Wowhead's Classic WoW General Horde Leveling Guide! Use a vanilla guide for 1-58. Lately my streams have died down quite a bit due to working on WoW leveling guides every day. 3) If you ARE BM, get enough so that with IMP HAWK (if you use it) + any other frequent haste effects don’t push you past the GCD, but get you RIGHT NEXT TO IT. Do it. Best pets for raiding in terms of DPS are Cats, Ravagers, and Scorpids. Why level the old way instead of just buying a high level character for 60 bucks (from the WoW store) and then working just those last ten levels? Get that first, then buff both gradually. Well done on hitting maximum level in WoW Classic! Vous pouvez avoir envie de vous lancer dans la faction opposée ou encore être tenté d'obtenir les armures ancestrales de certaines races, comme par exemple l' armure des Gobelins ou celle des Worgens . This trinket is now exclusively yours (uhh and its for Ret Pallies… which I lost to QQ). Added by Blizzard in this expansion, it involves cutting gems in order to put them into gear or using them to craft rings, necklaces, and trinkets. Enchanters can also benefit from Stats on both of the Rings. Rinse Repeat and Don’t QQ. 83% Upvoted. Hunter’s Job in Raids: Do as much damage as possible, while dying as little as possible. This could be somewhat challenging to hit without sacrificing AP/Crit. Lots of cool things are to come! If you don’t mind being totally unable to do anything with your professions, pick up Mining and Herbalism. However, if you don’t have a tier 6 bow, that Badge Bow, no matter WHAT, is necessary. If you are really good with your timing, your trap will already be on CD right after he freezes. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show(), 1:1.5: Marks/Surv ONLY |Auto-Steady-Arc/Mult|, #showtooltip Steady Shot Gaming has always been a big part of my life, especially the MMORPG genre. Gamepedia. Jump to: navigation, search. in the macros). I cant describe it well in words, but if you get your attack speed less than 1.7 you will see it. That noted, it should be pretty obvious what you need. We also have tips for when should you go buy spells and which spells to buy, which is a key part to get your mount as fast as possible. I joined twitch in 2013 with the gamer name of FuriousPaul and I streamed speedruns of the classic Castlevania games full time from 2013 - 2017. I suggest also going for Rogue gear to fill slots (Like the Nyn’jah Tabi Boots). What happens in this macro, is that you intentionally clip autoshots in theory, but you get them in practice because they get fired somehow during the GCD. /castsequence reset=# Steady Shot, !Auto Shot Your pet will require the following skills: is race an important factor for hunter dps? Convenient eh? Dugi's and Zygor's world of warcraft leveling guides are my favorite. This is proof that reality does not match math. In this guide, we will talk about when and where to level with a Horde character to ensure that you are leveling efficiently. Combining Engineering and Leatherworking is probably the best choice, assuming you have an alt or gold for the mats. Yes! In TBC, some most of the important recipes you’re able to craft after skill level 350 are either earned through reputation grinding or found in various chests, raids, instances, or zones in Outland. WoW leveling guide: Get from level 1-50 fast 1-10. First, you will have already realized that 2:3 is the same ratio as 1:1.5 in math. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide() Zones by level (original) From Wowpedia . lol), * Raid Marker (Generally Speaking, our primary role is so simple we have the ability to help other people be in the right place by just standing around with icons on our heads). This isn’t Chinese food, this is a raid boss. 2. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() UIErrorsFrame:Show(), Change “reset=#” to whatever your ranged attack speed is, plus .1 or .01 (compensates for lag, however with spell queuing this is not necessary. If 14 AP = 1 DPS, you want a bunch. For Rogues and Enhance Shammies, the Shard and DST are the best Trinkets in-game. Il vous faudra avoir plusieurs sets d’équipement afin de pouvoir jouer tank / DPS. I was going to put this in a separate page, but it is all a part of Hunter Juju. Keep in mind that this guide is intended to be general; more extensive leveling guides can be found near the bottom of this guide. 36 . 4) Not BM specced. Orc have a mini trinket racial, pet damage, and look badass. It occurred to me at work that I never set down the law. Most of mail gear lack on hit while leather have a lot, so **** the rogues and ferals and roll for it. Step 3) Go to the opposite side of the room where no one else is but you can still shoot from and drop a trap there. Note that castsequence is not used. It is still necessary for mental handicaps. This is essential for hunters to know how to do for Moroes, although the particular mob you’ll be trapping in there is a nice guy and gives you PLENTY of CD time. Wow very nice guide, I'll help take my game to the next level! As of January 2018 I am now back on WoW leveling guide construction full time! It is a hole created by the toggle on Autoshot (the same reason we use the ! if ravagers cant dump fast enough would it be worth it to put 2 points somewhere else instead of Bestial Discipline??? Surv Hunters will find an easy time hitting the cap at 95, not just because it is so low, but because they will be using Rogue gear, which has hit on it. /castsequence reset=# Steady Shot, !Auto Shot This WoW Blacksmithing guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to get your Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 375.. Blacksmithing is the best combined with Mining and I highly recommend to level Mining and Blacksmithing at the same time, because you will need a lot of gold, if you want to buy everything from AH. 2 years ago. Help . Depending on how close the boss is to dead, you may want to throw Viper on earlier. Best Leveling Spec for Hunter in Shadowlands We recommend Beast Mastery for most of your Hunter Leveling needs. This thread is archived. The BOP gear is certainly not on par with your tiers, and costs more than tailoring’s T6 Shadowpriest gear. Also you can get a ravager early in Dranei starting zone if we get prepatch for TBC classic. This is because its pet does a lot more damage, allowing it to sustain itself via the Leech it brings, and therefore letting you make larger pulls and fight more dangerous enemies with no … 4) 1.7-1.9: Golden. At GnarlyGuides, I'm one of the editors for the World of Warcraft section. You can login/order the 12-60 guides here! Engineering is another good option which provides Guns, Ammo, Scopes, and Goggles. Druid. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 If you find there is a fight where you hit your chain trap limit, make sure you have trapping gear for it. You are literally just a mouse wheel spinner. Marks is the WEAKEST SUSTAINED DPS BUILD (IT FAILS) for Hunters up until you have retardedly good gear. I want to play blood elf for the silence and mana regen racials, but feel like I should play troll for the bow specialization. Welcome to the Beast Mastery Hunter guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade 2.4.3. Personally, I take this as a bug, but even so, this is the BEST DPS MACRO FOR A BM HUNTER. Nuff said. I am currently working on TBC leveling guides. Gone are the days where paying attention mattered. Gore is better than claw, no matter how you look at it, so Ravagers > Cats. You just need enough mana to be able to go 15 minutes at least before dropping under 15% with Hawk on while using Mana Pots. Also, give the other DPS in your raid/group a buff (TSA, FI, or EW). Share this & earn $10. Welcome to the Survival Hunter guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade 2.4.3. I didn’t include this into the macro because you have to decide if it is worth the mana when the time comes, but you should use either Scorpid or Serpent Sting at this point. save. /cast [exists,target=pettarget] Bite(Rank 9) You should probably /castrandom Beastial Wrath, Rapid Fire, Trinkets, Items But you dont have to. We cover a variety of games and expansions including World of Warcraft, Fallout 4, The Outer Worlds and other AAA and Indie game titles. I have too much active haste, but not enough passive haste. For Horde go Orc. With that out of the way, I’d say a good threshold to start from is 1800 AP and 25% Crit. For this section, I’m not gonna give you any specific stat quantities, just guidelines. The best individual pages to read through are as follows. DKPminus is an enthusiast site for fans of legacy versions of World of Warcraft. Blizzard humps. This is why I use a .01), /cast Beastial Wrath The mechanics of the macro also make using haste procs brainless because there is no built in timer. What? 911 views . /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show(), 2:3: Beast Masters ONLY |Auto-Steady-Steady-Auto-Steady|, (Also works for a 2.4-2.5 Attack Speed Marks/Surv with a DST), #showtooltip Steady Shot Surv Hunters: Shoot for 600 Agility min. Shamans will hate you forever for doing it with a guy pet move. Do what you like, whatever works for you. Below build has a few talents that could be changed due to personal preference while remaining effective. The other stats are pretty unimportant to you, as essentially, in a raiding environment, you get 10 extra Agil from Kings, 15% from yourself, and 25% of all your agil as Attack Power from EW. At that point you should throw on Aspect of the Viper. ), 22.08 Critical Strike Rating = +1% Critical Hit, Haste Rating needed for +1% Haste = 10.51, Parry Rating needed for +1% Parry = 31.54. This choice is relatively easy because the power of leveling as a hunter relies on his Pet. 14 Ranged Attack Power = 1 DPS (Of course, this is a baseline figure. Chain Trapping is actually one of the most reliable forms of CC in the game when used correctly. You can re-allocate these points from Improved Barrage. However there is a catch. You may not be a Rogue, but this stat is still the best “Bang per Budget Point” for you until you get capped. This guide to leveling jewelcrafting to 300 was initially developed and refined during the Burning Crusade beta and has since been confirmed in release. Anything else is optional. Note: Most of the Hunter Sunwell Badge Gear includes Haste, along with having about the same Agi/AP/Crit as Tier 5 epics and it should be pretty obvious that you would want those pieces of gear. mage leveling guide on June 10, 2010: You are completely right, is's much easier now to get through the early levels. The guide includes Talents, Gems, Enchantments, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. as soon you hitting level 20 you getting Aspect of the Viper and rid of the mana problems, at this point the Bot will use it. New characters start at level one for the basic array of races, or level 10 for allied races. Helping players level quickly through WoW since 2006! /cast !Auto Shot Les réparations d’équipement plaques coutent chères ! Looking for a TBC leveling guide addon. 1. The rotation consists out of Steady Shot, auto-attacks and Kill Command with buffs like Rapid Fire and Bestial Wrath. This can change a lot. This used to bethe top DPS macro for hunters in the game. IMPORTANT: Take Special Care when using ANY haste effects (DST PROC, ABACUS, IMP AOTH, RAPID FIRE) NOT TO CLIP YOUR AUTOSHOTS. Just wondering, never played a hunter really until Cataclysm lol, pick up aimed shot for high starting threat with misdirection which came in tbc, since threat managing is still a huge part of the game just like in vanilla. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide() My ravager uses Gore as a focus dump, Biting when the CD is up. Très dépendant de son équipement. Personally, I just use an Auto/Steady macro and throw in the extra shots myself, but that is because I use the DST and frequently have to change rotation. share. The only downside is that it has a much higher mana consumption rate than the 1:1 macro. But your personal dps will be pretty sad compared to Mr. BM. You could also use a drum/trinket/Rapid Fire/Beastial Wrath in the space of the Fourth Rotation. Orc is superior to troll, Blood Fury gives ranged AP in TBC and Orc Pets do 5% more dmg. This is just the Ideal Situation However, and most likely, after 9 minutes, you will find yourself at 15% and begging for more mana because your pots are on CD.
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